How to Do a Color-Themed Tarot Reading for Yourself or Others?

Are you looking to enhance your tarot experience by incorporating color symbolism? Discover how to do a color-themed tarot reading for yourself or others with our step-by-step guide.

When it comes to tarot readings, incorporating color symbolism can deepen your understanding of the cards and offer powerful insights. By focusing on the energy of each color and how it relates to the card’s message, you can gain a new perspective on any situation. Follow these steps to start doing your own color-themed tarot readings today.

Key Takeaways

  • A color-themed tarot reading involves incorporating color symbolism in the interpretation of the cards.
  • Steps to do a color-themed tarot reading include determining the reading’s focus, shuffling the cards intuitively, asking open-ended questions, drawing the cards, interpreting the message of the cards, utilizing color meanings in your interpretations, immersing yourself in the cards as you color them in, and keeping a journal of your reflections.
  • Tarot readings are not about predicting the future, but rather offering guidance and insight for personal growth and self-reflection.

Determine the focus of the reading

Before diving into a color-themed tarot reading, take a moment to determine the focus of your reading. Ask yourself which area of life needs insight or if there’s a specific question you want to be answered. By setting a clear intention, you can create a more meaningful and focused reading.

When selecting a color theme for your reading, consider the energy and symbolism associated with each color. For example, red may represent passion and action, while green may symbolize growth and abundance. By incorporating these colors into your reading, you can deepen your understanding of the cards and the insights they offer.

Remember that tarot readings are subjective and interpretive, and the meaning of each card can vary depending on the context of the reading. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to be open to the messages that come through during your reading. By doing so, you can gain deeper self-awareness and insight into your life’s path.

tarot cards

Shuffle your cards intuitively

Once you have a clear focus in mind, it’s time to shuffle your tarot cards in a way that feels intuitive to you. There’s no right or wrong way to shuffle, so trust your instincts and do what feels natural. Many readers split the deck, shuffle, and repeat until they feel called to stop.

As you shuffle, focus your mind on the intent of the reading and allow any intuitive sensations or insights to come through. Don’t worry about getting the “right” answer – the cards are simply a tool to help you access your own intuition and inner wisdom.

If you’re doing a reading for someone else, you can also ask them to shuffle the cards while focusing on their question or intention. This can help to deepen their connection with the reading and give them a sense of ownership over the process.

Remember, the cards are a reflection of the energy surrounding the situation, and your intuitive interpretation is just as valid as any traditional meaning. Trust yourself and allow the messages of the cards to guide you.

using colors in tarot readings

Ask relevant and open-ended questions

To gain deeper insights during your color-themed tarot reading, it’s crucial to ask relevant and open-ended questions. Instead of questions that lead to only a yes or no answer, ask ones that encourage introspection and exploration of the situation at hand. Questions like “What is the underlying energy of this situation?” or “What can I learn from this experience?” allow for more in-depth analysis.

It’s important to focus on the energy surrounding the situation, rather than specific details or outcomes. This allows for a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of the underlying energies at play.

Remember, tarot readings are not fortune-telling, but rather a tool for self-reflection and personal growth. By asking relevant and open-ended questions, you can gain valuable insights and guidance to help navigate life’s challenges.

tarot cards

Draw the cards for the reading

With your questions in mind, it’s time to draw the cards for your color-themed tarot reading. Begin by shuffling the cards in a way that feels intuitive to you, such as splitting the deck or shuffling until you feel called to stop. As you shuffle, focus on the energy and intention behind your questions.

Once you feel ready, draw the cards for the reading. You can either select a certain number of cards or let the person being read select them. For a simple spread, try using a three-card spread with each card representing the past, present, and future. This spread can provide insight and guidance on the energy surrounding a situation and how it may unfold over time.

As each card is drawn, take note of the colors used in the imagery and the energy they convey. Each color carries a specific meaning in the tarot, and these can provide further insight into the messages of the cards. For example, the color red often represents passion and action, while yellow symbolizes light and energy.

Color-themed tarot reading

Once all the cards have been drawn, take a moment to sit with them and pay attention to any intuitive sensations or insights that come up. This can help deepen your understanding of the cards and their message.

Now that you have drawn the cards, it’s time to interpret their message. In the next section, we’ll explore strategies for interpreting the energy and meaning of your color-themed tarot reading.

Interpret the message of the cards

As you lay out the cards for your color-themed tarot reading, it’s important to interpret their messages based on their energy and how they relate to one another. Take a moment to look at the cards and pay attention to any intuitive sensations or insights you receive.

Start by considering the individual meanings of each card and how they relate to the question or focus of the reading. Then, look at how the cards interact with one another. Do the colors in the cards complement or contrast with each other? Are there patterns or themes emerging?

Remember, tarot readings are not about predicting the future, but rather offering guidance and insight for personal growth and self-reflection. Trust your intuition and allow your interpretations to be fluid and open to change as new information arises.

Using color symbolism in your interpretations

One way to deepen your interpretations is to utilize the color meanings in the tarot. Each color carries a specific spiritual association and can add depth and nuance to your readings. For example, red represents passion and action, while yellow symbolizes light and energy.

Pay attention to the specific colors used in the cards and how they relate to the overall message of the reading. Does a predominance of blue indicate a need for calm and serenity? Does the presence of green suggest growth and abundance?

Be open to exploring the symbolism of color in your readings, but also remember to trust your own interpretations and insights as they come to you.

tarot cards

Utilize color meanings in your interpretations

Enhance the depth of your color-themed tarot reading by paying attention to the specific colors used in the cards and their spiritual associations. Each color carries a unique meaning in the tarot, adding an additional layer of insight to your reading.

When interpreting the cards, look for the presence of certain colors and consider their significance. For example, red is often associated with passion and action, while blue represents calmness and clarity. Yellow symbolizes energy and light, and green is often associated with growth and abundance.

Keep in mind that the meanings of colors can also be influenced by cultural and personal associations, so pay attention to your own intuitive insights and associations as well.

By incorporating color symbolism in your tarot readings, you can deepen your understanding of the cards and gain further insight into the energy surrounding a situation. As you delve deeper into your understanding of color meanings in tarot, take the time to explore how these colors show up in your life and resonate with you personally.

color-themed tarot reading

Immerse yourself in the cards as you color them in

Take your color-themed tarot reading to the next level by immersing yourself in the cards as you color them in. Coloring the cards can help you connect more deeply with their energy and gain a better understanding of the messages they hold.

As you color each card, pay attention to the specific colors used and their spiritual associations. For example, the color red represents passion and action, while yellow symbolizes light and energy. Consider how these colors relate to the card’s meaning and to your own life.

Coloring can also be a meditative practice, helping you to slow down and reflect on the messages the cards hold. Focus on each stroke of the pen or pencil, allowing your mind to quiet and your intuition to guide you. You may find that certain insights or sensations arise as you color, deepening your understanding of the cards.

colorful tarot cards

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to color the cards. Allow yourself to be creative and intuitive, following your instincts as you go. You may also find it helpful to use different color schemes or patterns for different cards, depending on their energy and symbolism.

By immersing yourself in the cards as you color them in, you can gain a deeper understanding of their energy and meaning. This process can help you to connect more fully with the tarot and to access its guidance and wisdom more easily.

Keep a journal of your reflections

To track your growth and gain valuable insights, it’s recommended to keep a journal of your reflections and observations from each color-themed tarot reading. Not only does journaling help you remember the cards you drew and the interpretations you made, but it also allows you to track patterns and growth over time.

When journaling, start by recording the date of the reading and any context that may be relevant, such as the question being asked or the focus of the reading. Next, write down the cards drawn and their interpretations, paying attention to any insights or intuitive sensations you experienced during the reading.

Reflect on how the reading made you feel and any actions or changes in perspective it inspired. Consider writing about any patterns or recurring themes you notice in your readings as well as any personal growth you’ve experienced as a result of incorporating color symbolism in your tarot practice.

Remember, your journal is a personal tool for self-reflection and growth, so there is no right or wrong way to approach it. Whether you prefer to write paragraphs or use bullet points, the important thing is to record your thoughts and observations in a way that feels meaningful and authentic to you.


Incorporating color symbolism in your tarot readings can deepen your connection to the cards and provide valuable insights for personal growth and self-reflection. By following these steps, you can create a color-themed tarot reading for yourself or others that is both intuitive and illuminating. Remember to focus on the energy surrounding a situation rather than simply seeking yes or no answers, and to pay attention to the specific colors used in the cards and their spiritual associations.

As you immerse yourself in the cards and interpret their messages, allow yourself to be open to any intuitive sensations or insights you receive. Coloring the cards can also be a meditative practice that further enhances your understanding and connection to the cards. And finally, keeping a journal to record your reflections and observations can help you track patterns and growth over time.

Always approach tarot readings with an open mind and the intention to seek guidance and insight for personal growth. Remember, tarot readings are not about predicting the future, but rather about gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves and the energies surrounding us.


Q: What is a color-themed tarot reading?

A: A color-themed tarot reading is a type of tarot reading that focuses on the symbolism and meanings of colors in the tarot cards. The colors used in the cards can offer additional insights and guidance during the reading.

Q: How do I determine the focus of the reading?

A: To determine the focus of the reading, you can ask yourself or the person you are reading for which area of life needs insight or if there is a specific question to be answered. This will help set the intention and guide the reading.

Q: How should I shuffle the cards?

A: Shuffle the cards in a way that feels intuitive to you. You can split the deck, shuffle, and repeat until you feel called to stop. Trust your instincts and allow the cards to be energized with your intention.

Q: What kind of questions should I ask during a color-themed tarot reading?

A: It is best to ask relevant and open-ended questions that focus on the energy surrounding a situation rather than simple yes or no questions. This allows for a more comprehensive and insightful reading.

Q: How do I draw the cards for a color-themed tarot reading?

A: You can either select a certain number of cards or let the person being read select them. For a simple spread, you can use a 3 card spread with each card representing the past, present, and future.

Q: How do I interpret the message of the cards?

A: Interpret the message of the cards based on their energy and how they relate to one another. Pay attention to any intuitive sensations or insights you receive while looking at the cards. The colors used in the cards can also provide additional meanings and symbolism.

Q: How can I utilize color meanings in my interpretations?

A: Pay attention to the specific colors used in the cards and their spiritual associations. Each color carries a specific meaning in the tarot, such as red representing passion and action, while yellow symbolizes light and energy. Incorporate these color meanings into your interpretations for a richer reading.

Q: Why should I immerse myself in the cards as I color them in?

A: Immersing yourself in the cards as you color them in can be a meditative practice that deepens your understanding of the cards. Pay attention to the card’s setting, symbols, and how they resonate with your own life. This process can help you connect more deeply with the messages of the cards.

Q: Why should I keep a journal of my reflections from each reading?

A: Keeping a journal allows you to record your reflections and observations from each color-themed tarot reading. This can help you track patterns and growth over time, as well as serve as a valuable resource for future reference.