How to Use Color as a Trigger for Your Intuition and Psychic Abilities?

When it comes to tarot readings, color can be a powerful tool to enhance your intuition and psychic abilities. Different colors can evoke specific emotions and meanings, and understanding the symbolism of colors in tarot cards can deepen your connection to the cards and your own intuition.

In this section, we will explore the connection between color and intuition in tarot readings. We will delve into the meaning of colors in tarot and how they can influence the interpretation of readings. By incorporating color into your tarot practice, you can unlock new levels of intuition and gain deeper insights into the messages of the cards.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color can be used as a tool to enhance your intuition and psychic abilities in tarot readings.
  • Understanding the symbolism of colors in tarot cards can deepen your connection to the cards and your own intuition.
  • By incorporating color into your tarot practice, you can unlock new levels of intuition and gain deeper insights into the messages of the cards.

Understanding the Meaning of Colors in Tarot

Colors have a significant role in tarot readings, as they can evoke specific emotions and meanings. Understanding the meaning of colors in tarot is essential to develop a more intuitive connection with the cards and enhance your psychic abilities. Each color has a unique symbolic association with the tarot, which can influence the interpretation of the cards.

Tarot card symbolism is closely related to color symbolism, as colors can shape the meaning of tarot cards. For instance, the Magician card often features red and white colors, depicting the balance between the masculine and feminine energies. The color red represents passion, power, and ambition, while white is associated with purity, clarity, and spirituality. Together, these colors indicate the Magician’s ability to manifest his desires through the use of his willpower and intuition.

Tarot color symbolism extends beyond individual cards to encompass the entire tarot deck. For example, Wands, which represent creativity and action, are often depicted in fiery red and orange colors. Meanwhile, Cups, which signify emotions and relationships, are typically shown in watery blue and green hues. By understanding the corresponding colors for each suit and card, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the symbolism and meanings of tarot.

To help you remember the meaning of colors in tarot, you can create a color correspondences chart. This chart lists each color and its associated tarot card, suit, and meaning. You can use this reference guide as a tool to enhance your intuition and develop more accurate readings.

meaning of colors in tarot

Tarot Card Interpretations: Exploring Color Symbolism

Colors play an important role in tarot readings, often revealing crucial information about the message of a card. By understanding the color symbolism in tarot, you can unlock deeper levels of interpretation. In this section, we will examine specific tarot cards and their corresponding colors.

The Fool

The Fool symbolizes new beginnings and taking a leap of faith. The color white, often associated with purity and innocence, represents the fresh start the Fool is embarking on. The yellow flowers in the card suggest optimism and a sunny outlook on life.

Tarot Card Color Meaning
The Magician Red Energized action, manifestation
The High Priestess Blue Spiritual awareness, intuition
The Empress Green Nurturing, abundance, growth

The Lovers

The Lovers card signifies choices and partnerships. The color blue represents clarity and honesty in decision-making. The red roses symbolize passion and desire, suggesting that the decision made will involve strong emotions.

By understanding the color correspondences of specific tarot cards, you can gain a deeper understanding of the message they convey. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or a beginner, incorporating color symbolism into your interpretation can enhance the accuracy and depth of your readings.

tarot card interpretations

Enhancing Your Intuitive Tarot Reading with Color

Incorporating color into your tarot readings can be a powerful way to unlock your intuition and gain deeper insights into the cards. Whether you’re new to tarot or a seasoned reader, there are many techniques you can use to enhance your intuitive abilities with color.

First and foremost, it’s important to trust your intuition when using color in your readings. Don’t overthink it or try to force specific colors into your interpretations. Instead, let the colors guide you and evoke emotions and sensations that can help you connect with the cards on a deeper level.

One technique for incorporating color into your readings is to focus on specific color combinations. For example, if you’re working with a spread that involves the past, present, and future, you might use different colors to represent each time period. Blue for the past, green for the present, and yellow for the future, for instance.

Color Meaning
Blue Represents the past, emotions, and subconscious thoughts
Green Symbolizes growth, balance, and healing in the present moment
Yellow Indicates hope, optimism, and potential in the future

Another technique is to use colored tarot cards, either by purchasing decks that incorporate color symbolism or by coloring your own cards. This can help you connect more deeply with the meanings of the cards and tap into your intuition in new ways.

Whatever technique you choose, it’s important to keep the meanings of specific colors in mind as you work with them in your readings. For example, red can represent passion and intense emotions, while purple can indicate spiritual insight and intuition. By paying attention to these color correspondences, you can gain new insights into the messages of the cards and deepen your intuitive connection with the tarot.

Remember, using color in your tarot readings is all about following your intuition and letting the colors guide you. With practice and patience, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of the meaning of colors in tarot and enhance your intuitive abilities in the process.

intuitive tarot reading

Trusting Your Intuition: Letting Colors Guide You

When it comes to intuitive tarot reading, color can be your greatest ally. Colors have the power to evoke emotions and sensations that can guide you in interpreting the messages of the cards. By letting colors guide you, you can deepen your connection with the tarot and unlock hidden meanings in your readings.

When you first start working with color, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to use color in tarot readings. Experimentation is key, so don’t be afraid to explore different techniques until you find what works best for you.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” —Albert Einstein

One technique for using color in tarot readings is to focus on specific color combinations. For example, if you draw the Empress card, which is associated with the color green, you might look for other cards in the reading that contain shades of green. This can help you to identify common themes or patterns in the reading and gain a deeper understanding of the message of the cards.

Another technique is to use colored cards. Many tarot decks feature cards with colored borders or backgrounds, which can add an extra layer of meaning to your readings. For example, a card with a purple background might denote intuition or spirituality, while a card with a red border might represent passion or energy.

Ultimately, the key to using color in tarot readings is to trust your intuition. Allow yourself to be guided by the emotions and sensations that colors evoke in you. Trust that the messages you receive from the cards are meant for you and that the colors are there to help you interpret them.

color and intuition in tarot

Intuitive tarot reading is an ongoing journey of discovery, and color can be a powerful tool for enhancing your psychic abilities. By trusting your intuition and letting colors guide you, you can unlock new levels of insight and deepen your connection with the tarot.


As we come to the end of our exploration into the role of color in enhancing our intuition and psychic abilities in tarot readings, we hope that you have gained valuable insights into this topic.

Understanding the meaning of colors in tarot, interpreting their symbolism, and incorporating them into our readings can help us tap into the powerful world of intuition and psychic abilities. By letting colors guide us, we can cultivate a deeper connection with the tarot and unlock hidden meanings in our readings.

Remember to trust your gut, paint your destiny, and let colors be your guide on your tarot journey. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or just starting out, incorporating color into your readings can help you tap into your intuitive powers and gain deeper insights into the messages of the cards.


Q: How can I use color as a trigger for my intuition and psychic abilities in tarot readings?

A: Color can be a powerful tool in tarot readings. By understanding the meaning of colors in tarot and their symbolism, you can use color as a trigger to enhance your intuition and psychic abilities. Different colors evoke specific emotions and can provide valuable insights into a reading. Experiment with focusing on specific color combinations or using colored cards to deepen your connection with the tarot and unlock new levels of intuition.

Q: What is the significance of colors in tarot cards?

A: Colors in tarot cards have symbolic meanings that can influence the interpretation of a reading. Each color carries its own energy and associations. For example, red may symbolize passion and action, while blue may represent peace and introspection. By understanding the significance of colors in tarot, you can develop a more intuitive connection with the cards and gain deeper insights into their messages.

Q: How can I interpret color symbolism in specific tarot cards?

A: Each tarot card is associated with certain colors that carry additional meanings and symbolism. When interpreting the color symbolism in specific tarot cards, consider the traditional associations attached to those colors and how they relate to the card’s overall message. For example, the Empress card often features green, which can signify growth, abundance, and fertility. By exploring the color correspondences in tarot, you can expand your understanding of the cards and enhance your interpretations.

Q: What are some practical tips for using color in tarot readings?

A: To enhance your tarot readings with color, you can try several techniques. Firstly, you can focus on specific color combinations that resonate with the theme or intention of your reading. Additionally, you can use colored cards or incorporate visual elements with relevant colors into your reading space. Pay attention to how different colors make you feel and the intuitive insights they provide. Experiment with different approaches until you find what works best for you in enhancing your intuitive tarot readings.

Q: How can I let colors guide my intuition in tarot readings?

A: Trusting your intuition is key when working with color in tarot readings. By allowing colors to evoke emotions and sensations within you, you can tap into your inner guidance and let them guide your interpretation of the cards. Pay attention to the feelings and impressions that arise from the colors present in the reading. Trust your gut instincts and let the colors lead you to deeper insights and hidden meanings in the tarot.