How to Use Color as a Way to Ask Specific Questions That Help You Make Decisions with Tarot?

As a tarot practitioner, you may already know the significance of asking focused and specific questions to guide decision-making in tarot readings. But have you ever considered using color as a way to ask those questions?

Color plays a vital role in tarot card meanings and interpretation. Each color is associated with specific emotions, energies, and themes in tarot readings, and it can be harnessed to gain insights and clarity in your practice.

By incorporating color symbolism into your tarot spreads and interpretations, you can create a framework for exploring specific questions and gaining a deeper understanding of the cards’ meanings. Whether you’re a seasoned tarot reader or a newcomer to the practice, using color as a tool can enhance your experience and provide unique insights.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color is significant in tarot card meanings and interpretation.
  • Each color is associated with specific emotions, energies, and themes in tarot readings.
  • Using color as a framework for exploring specific questions can enhance your tarot practice.

Understanding Color Symbolism in Tarot Readings

In tarot readings, color plays a significant role in interpreting the symbolism of each card. Colors are often associated with certain emotions, energies, and meanings, all of which can be used to gain insights and clarity in readings.

For example, the color red is commonly associated with passion, energy, and action. When the Ace of Wands appears in a reading, which is often associated with new beginnings and creative inspiration, the presence of red can indicate a need to take decisive action to bring these ideas to fruition.

Similarly, the color blue is often associated with emotions such as calmness, tranquility, and intuition. When the High Priestess appears in a reading, which is often associated with the subconscious mind and intuition, the presence of blue can indicate the need to trust one’s instincts and listen to inner wisdom.

Understanding the symbolism of color in tarot is a powerful tool for interpreting the meaning of each card. By paying attention to the colors present in a reading, we can gain a deeper understanding of the energies and emotions at play, and make more informed decisions based on this knowledge.

tarot color symbolism

Furthermore, the use of color in tarot readings can also help to create a more immersive and meaningful experience. By incorporating colors that resonate with us personally, we can deepen our connection with each card and tap into the energies they represent.

Overall, the significance of color in tarot readings cannot be overstated. By understanding the symbolism of different colors and incorporating them into our readings, we can gain a deeper understanding of the energies and emotions at play, and make more informed decisions based on this knowledge.

Using Color to Frame Specific Tarot Questions

Color can be an incredibly useful framework for asking specific questions in tarot readings. By utilizing color symbolism, we can gain deeper insights into the energies and meanings of each card.

One way to incorporate color into tarot readings is by using tarot spreads that are specifically designed to highlight the significance of different colors. For example, a spread that focuses on red hues may be used to explore issues related to passion and desire, while a spread that incorporates blue tones may be used to delve into matters of communication and self-expression.

When selecting tarot decks, it is essential to consider how color is utilized in each deck. Some decks use vibrant, bold colors to convey energy and emotion, while others use softer, more muted tones to evoke a sense of calm and introspection. By choosing a deck that resonates with you on a visual level, you can enhance the question-asking process and deepen your connection to each card.

Remember to keep your questions specific and focused, as this will help guide your decision-making process. By utilizing color to frame your questions, you can tap into the energy and essence of each card, gaining greater clarity and insight into your readings.

specific tarot questions, tarot spreads, tarot decks

Exploring Tarot Card Meanings Through Color

Color is a powerful tool in understanding tarot card meanings. Each color is associated with a different energy and emotion, and their combination in tarot cards creates unique interpretations. For example, the color yellow is often associated with intelligence, creativity, and joy, while red symbolizes passion, strength, and courage. By understanding the color symbolism in tarot, we can better connect with the essence and energy of each card.

Tarot Card Color Meaning
The Fool White innocence, potential
The Magician Red action, energy, manifestation
The High Priestess Blue intuition, secrets, mystery
The Empress Green – growth, abundance, fertility
The Emperor Gold – power, authority, leadership

By exploring the color symbolism in tarot, we can gain deeper insights into the meaning of each card. For example, the nine of cups is often known as the “wish card,” and its bright yellow color can symbolize optimism, positivity, and fulfillment. Similarly, the death card is often associated with change and transformation, and its black color can represent mystery, endings, and new beginnings.

Understanding the color symbolism in tarot can also aid in decision-making processes. By connecting with the energy and essence of each card, we can better interpret their meanings and apply them to our specific situations. For example, if we are struggling with a difficult decision, we may draw the two of swords, which features a blue and yellow color scheme. The blue may symbolize the need for clarity and objectivity, while the yellow may signify optimism and a brighter future. By considering these color meanings, we can approach our decision with a clearer mindset and a more positive outlook.

Incorporating color into our tarot practice can also add depth and creativity to our readings. By focusing on the colors of the cards and their meanings, we can create unique interpretations that speak to our individual experiences. We may even choose to use specific tarot decks that feature bold and vibrant colors, or incorporate color-coded spreads into our readings.

Exploring Tarot Card Meanings Through Color

In conclusion, color is a valuable tool in exploring and understanding tarot card meanings. By delving into the color symbolism of each card, we can gain deeper insights into their energy and essence. Incorporating color into our tarot practice can also aid in decision-making processes and add creativity to our readings. By embracing the unique insights that color can provide, we can enrich our tarot practice and deepen our understanding of the cards.


In summary, incorporating color symbolism into your tarot practice can be a powerful tool for gaining insights and clarity in decision-making. By asking specific questions and utilizing color frameworks in tarot spreads, you can unlock deeper meanings and interpretations in each card.

Remember that different colors evoke different emotions and energies, so take the time to understand the color symbolism in your tarot deck. Explore how specific colors relate to different tarot cards and their meanings.

Ultimately, using color in tarot readings can add another layer of depth to your practice. Don’t be afraid to experiment and see what unique insights and connections you can uncover. Happy card reading!


Q: How can I use color as a way to ask specific questions in tarot?

A: Color can be a powerful tool in tarot readings. By associating specific colors with different emotions, energies, and meanings in tarot cards, you can use color to ask more focused and specific questions. For example, you can ask questions related to love and relationships by focusing on cards with pink or red hues. Experiment with different colors to enhance your tarot practice and gain deeper insights.

Q: What is the significance of color in tarot card meanings and interpretation?

A: Color plays a crucial role in tarot card meanings and interpretation. Different colors are associated with specific emotions and energies, and they can greatly influence the overall message of a tarot card. For example, the color blue is often associated with calmness and introspection, while red symbolizes passion and action. Understanding the color symbolism in tarot can help you unlock deeper meanings and insights in your readings.

Q: How can I use color to frame specific tarot questions?

A: You can use color as a framework to ask specific tarot questions by incorporating color symbolism into your tarot spreads and interpretations. For example, you can create a spread where each position corresponds to a specific color, and each card drawn in that position adds another layer of meaning to the question. This technique can help you explore different aspects of a specific question and gain a more comprehensive understanding.

Q: How does color aid in exploring tarot card meanings?

A: Color is instrumental in understanding tarot card meanings. Each color holds its own energy and essence, which can enhance the interpretation of a tarot card. For instance, a card with vibrant and warm colors may signify passion and creativity, while a card with cooler tones may represent introspection and reflection. By paying attention to the color palette of a tarot card, you can connect more deeply with its meaning and make more informed decisions based on the energy it represents.