How to Use Color as a Way to Connect With Different Chakras in Your Body Through Tarot?

Have you ever noticed the vibrant colors on tarot cards and wondered about their significance? In the practice of tarot, each color holds a specific meaning and can be associated with different aspects of our chakras. By understanding the connection between color and chakras in tarot, we can unlock the mysteries of our aura and harness healing energies.

Colors in tarot cards can represent the energies of the different chakras in our bodies. For example, red can be associated with the root chakra, while blue can be linked to the throat chakra. By interpreting the colors in a tarot spread, we can gain insights into the state of our energy centers and where we may need more balance and healing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Each color in tarot holds a specific meaning and can be associated with different aspects of our chakras.
  • Interpreting the colors in a tarot spread can provide insights into the state of our energy centers.
  • Understanding the connection between color and chakras in tarot can help us harness healing energies and unlock the mysteries of our aura.

Unlocking the power of color symbolism in tarot readings

Colors play a vital role in tarot readings. Each color has a specific meaning, and when used in tarot cards, they can reveal insights into different aspects of our lives. Color associations in tarot readings are linked to the symbolism of chakras, which can help us understand the state of our energy centers and guide us in achieving balance and harmony.

The significance of colors in tarot cards cannot be overstated. For example, the color red in tarot is often associated with the root chakra, which governs our sense of safety and security. If this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we may experience fear or anxiety. By interpreting the color red in a tarot reading, we can gain valuable insights into the areas of our lives that may need attention and healing.

Other colors in tarot have different associations. Yellow, for instance, is often associated with the solar plexus chakra, which governs our sense of power and confidence. If this chakra is imbalanced, we may struggle with self-doubt or a lack of motivation. By interpreting the color yellow in a tarot reading, we can gain insights into how we can assert ourselves and achieve our goals.

The symbolism of colors in tarot readings is a complex and fascinating subject, and there are many resources available that can help us deepen our understanding of this powerful tool. By familiarizing ourselves with the significance of colors in tarot cards, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of tarot and unlock its transformative powers.

color associations in tarot readings

Aligning Tarot and Chakras for Healing and Balance

In tarot, each card is linked to a specific chakra, and by understanding the connection between the two, we can use tarot as a tool for balancing and healing our energy centers. When a chakra is blocked or unbalanced, it can manifest as physical, emotional, or spiritual issues. By using tarot to identify the chakra that needs attention, we can use specific techniques for chakra healing through tarot.

For example, the High Priestess card is associated with the third eye chakra, which governs intuition and spiritual insight. If you pull this card in a reading, it may indicate that you need to focus on opening and balancing your third eye chakra. Techniques for doing so could include meditation, using crystals or essential oils that align with the third eye, or simply spending time in nature.

Similarly, the Empress card is linked to the sacral chakra, which is associated with creativity, pleasure, and emotional expression. If you pull this card in a reading, it may indicate that you need to focus on nurturing your creativity or finding ways to express your emotions in a healthy way.

By aligning tarot and chakras in your practice, you can gain deeper insight into the areas of your life that need attention and use tarot as a tool for healing and balance. Try incorporating specific tarot cards or spreads into your chakra healing practice and see how it can enhance your overall well-being.

Tarot cards and chakras aligning for healing and balance

Exploring the energy centers through tarot spreads

As we’ve already discussed, each chakra is associated with a specific color, and by incorporating these colors into tarot spreads, we can gain deeper insights into the energy centers in our bodies.

For example, designing a tarot spread with the seven chakra colors assigned to each position can help us identify any imbalances or blockages in our energy centers. In this spread, the first card would be associated with the root chakra and the color red, the second card with the sacral chakra and the color orange, and so on.

By interpreting the cards drawn for each position in the context of the corresponding chakra and color, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the specific areas of our lives that may need attention or healing.

Chakra tarot spread

In addition to using specific colors in tarot spreads, we can also focus on the chakra colors present in individual cards. For example, the Empress card in the Rider-Waite tarot deck is associated with the heart chakra and the color green.

By paying attention to the colors present in each card and their corresponding chakras, we can deepen our understanding of the messages and insights offered by the tarot.

Overall, incorporating the colors associated with each chakra into tarot spreads can provide a powerful tool for exploring and balancing the energy centers in our bodies.

Techniques for Using Color Visualization in Tarot

One of the most effective ways to connect with the chakras in your body through tarot is by using color visualization techniques.

During a tarot reading, close your eyes and visualize a specific color associated with the chakra you are focusing on. This will help you tap into the energy of that particular energy center and gain deeper insights into your reading.

For example, if you are focusing on the root chakra, visualize the color red. Imagine a red glow emanating from the tarot card you are focusing on. Feel the warmth of the color spreading throughout your body, grounding and stabilizing you.

Similarly, if you are focusing on the heart chakra, visualize the color green. Imagine a green aura surrounding the tarot card, radiating love and compassion. Feel the energy of the color filling your heart, connecting you to your emotions and relationships.

Using color visualization techniques can help you deepen your connection to the energy centers in your body and enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of your tarot readings.

tarot cards with chakra colors

Incorporating color therapy into your tarot practice

Incorporating color therapy into your tarot practice can have a transformative effect on your overall well-being. By using specific colors in your tarot readings and incorporating color healing techniques, you can amplify the chakra healing effects of tarot.

One way to incorporate color therapy into your tarot practice is by focusing on the colors associated with each chakra. During a tarot reading, visualize the color associated with the chakra you are focusing on. For example, if you are conducting a reading to focus on your root chakra, visualize the color red.

Another technique for incorporating color therapy into your tarot practice is by using color visualization during your readings. Visualize the colors of the tarot cards you are reading, and imagine those colors flowing through your chakras as you conduct the reading. This technique can help to enhance your connection to the energy centers in your body and deepen the accuracy of your readings.

Finally, using color therapy in conjunction with tarot can have a powerful healing effect on your chakras. Explore the possibility of using color breathing techniques or color meditation as a way to heal and balance your energy centers.

chakra healing through tarot

By incorporating color therapy into your tarot practice, you can unlock the transformative power of both practices and enhance your overall well-being.


In summary, the use of color in tarot is a powerful way to connect with our chakras and unlock the healing energies within us. By understanding the significance of colors in tarot cards and their alignment with our energy centers, we can gain valuable insights into ourselves and our lives.

Through the symbolism of colors in tarot readings, we can interpret the state of our chakras and use tarot as a tool for healing and balance. By incorporating the colors associated with each chakra into tarot spreads and using color visualization techniques, we can deepen our connection to our energy centers and enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of our readings.

The Benefits of Color Therapy in Tarot

Incorporating color therapy into our tarot practice offers numerous benefits for our overall well-being. By using specific colors in our readings and incorporating color healing techniques, we can enhance the transformative effects of tarot and unlock the healing energies within our own aura.

We hope this article has provided you with a deeper understanding of the fascinating connection between color and chakras in tarot. By exploring this relationship further, we can deepen our spiritual practice and unlock the mysteries of our inner selves.


Q: How can I use color to connect with different chakras in my body through tarot?

A: By understanding the significance of colors in tarot cards and their alignment with the energy centers in our bodies, you can use color as a way to connect with different chakras. Visualize specific colors associated with each chakra while conducting a tarot reading to deepen your connection and enhance the accuracy of your readings.

Q: What is the significance of colors in tarot cards?

A: Each color in tarot cards holds a specific meaning and can be associated with different aspects of our chakras. By learning to interpret the colors in tarot cards, you can gain valuable insights into the state of your energy centers and the areas of your life that may need attention or nurturing.

Q: How can tarot and chakras be aligned for healing and balance?

A: Tarot can be used as a tool to align and balance our chakras. By understanding the relationship between specific tarot cards and corresponding chakras, you can use tarot for chakra healing. Incorporate the colors associated with each chakra into tarot spreads to gain insights into the energy centers in your body and promote healing.

Q: How can tarot spreads explore the energy centers?

A: Tarot spreads can be used to gain insights into the energy centers in our bodies. By incorporating the colors associated with each chakra into tarot spreads, you can gain a deeper understanding of the specific areas in your life that may need attention or nurturing. Explore the energy centers through tarot spreads to enhance self-awareness and promote balance.

Q: What techniques can I use for color visualization in tarot?

A: Color visualization is a powerful technique for deepening your connection to the energy centers in your body during tarot readings. Visualize specific colors associated with each chakra while conducting a tarot reading to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of your readings. This technique can help you tap into the healing energies within your aura.

Q: How can I incorporate color therapy into my tarot practice?

A: By incorporating color therapy into your tarot practice, you can enhance the healing and transformative effects of tarot. Use specific colors in your tarot readings and incorporate color healing techniques to amplify the benefits of tarot and promote your overall well-being. Harness the power of color and chakras in tarot for a more holistic approach to your practice.