How to Use Color as a Way to Create Your Own Tarot Spreads Based on Your Goals and Intentions?

Welcome to our guide on creating personalized tarot spreads using the power of color. Tarot readings can provide valuable insights into our lives, but incorporating color into our spreads can take our practice to the next level. Colors carry their own energy and symbolism, and by understanding their meanings, we can create spreads that align with our specific goals and intentions. In this section, we will explore the significance of different colors and provide guidance on how to create color tarot spreads that are tailored to your needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color can enhance tarot readings by providing deeper insights and tapping into specific energies.
  • Each color has its own symbolism and can be used to create spreads for creativity, self-expression, inspiration, manifestation, personal growth, and intuitive development.
  • Understanding color combinations can add depth and complexity to tarot spreads.
  • Visualization techniques using color can be incorporated into tarot readings for a more transformative experience.

Understanding the Meaning Behind Colors in Tarot Spreads

When creating color tarot spreads, it is essential to understand the symbolism and significance of different colors. Each color holds its own unique energy and meaning, allowing for a deeper level of self-insight and decision-making.

Red: Red is associated with passion, energy, and action. It can represent love, anger, or danger, depending on the context of the reading.

Orange: Orange is the color of creativity and self-expression. It promotes enthusiasm, optimism, and confidence.

Yellow: Yellow is the color of the sun, representing vitality, intelligence, and happiness. It is associated with intellect, communication, and clarity.

Green: Green is the color of growth, healing, and abundance. It is associated with nature, balance, and harmony.

Blue: Blue is the color of emotions and intuition. It represents trust, wisdom, and depth.

Purple: Purple is the color of spirituality and transformation. It represents creativity, imagination, and higher consciousness.

Understanding the Meaning Behind Colors in Tarot Spreads: Highlighting the Importance of Color Combinations

In addition to understanding the meaning behind individual colors, it is crucial to consider color combinations when creating tarot spreads.

Color Combinations Meaning
Red and yellow Energy, passion, and creativity
Green and blue Harmony, balance, and emotional healing
Purple and blue Spiritual growth, intuition, and insight

By strategically selecting color combinations, you can enhance the energy and impact of your tarot spreads.

create color tarot spreads

Colors in tarot spreads are not limited to these meanings, and personal experiences and connections may change how you interpret them. Consider including colors that resonate with you in your tarot readings and spreads for a more meaningful experience.

Creating Tarot Spreads for Specific Goals and Intentions

Now that we have explored the significance of color in tarot readings, we can begin to create spreads based on your specific goals and intentions. Customizing your tarot spreads to align with your desires and aspirations can help you gain deeper insights and make informed decisions.

Let’s explore some tarot spreads for creativity, self-expression, inspiration, manifestation, personal growth, and intuitive development:

Tarot Spread for Creativity

This spread is designed to tap into your creative energy and help you unleash your full potential:

Position Meaning
1 What is blocking my creativity?
2 What inspires me creatively?
3 What can I do to enhance my creativity?
4 What is my creative potential?

Tarot Spread for Self-Expression

This spread is designed to help you express yourself authentically and confidently:

Position Meaning
1 What is holding me back from expressing myself?
2 What do I need to know about myself to express myself genuinely?
3 How can I better communicate my thoughts and emotions?
4 What can I do to build my self-confidence?

Tarot Spread for Inspiration

This spread is designed to help you find inspiration and clarity:

Position Meaning
1 What area of my life needs inspiration?
2 What do I need to focus on to find inspiration?
3 What advice can the tarot offer me to inspire me?
4 What is the potential outcome if I follow this inspiration?

Tarot Spread for Manifestation

This spread is designed to help you manifest your desires:

Position Meaning
1 What is my current energy around my manifestation?
2 What do I need to focus on to manifest my desire?
3 What needs clearing or releasing to manifest this desire?
4 What is the potential outcome if I manifest this desire?

Tarot Spread for Personal Growth

This spread is designed to help you explore areas of personal growth:

Position Meaning
1 What personal qualities do I need to focus on for growth?
2 What challenges will I face in my personal growth?
3 What support do I need for my personal growth?
4 What rewards can I expect from my personal growth?

Tarot Spread for Intuitive Development

This spread is designed to help you tap into your intuition:

Position Meaning
1 What is my current relationship with my intuition?
2 What is blocking me from accessing my intuition?
3 What can I do to enhance my intuition?
4 What insights can my intuition offer me at this time?

By creating tarot spreads for specific goals and intentions, you can use color to enhance your readings and gain deeper insights into your life. Let’s continue to explore the power of color in tarot spreads in the next section.

tarot spreads

Exploring Color Combinations in Tarot Spreads

When it comes to creating tarot spreads with colors, it’s not just about using one color or another. The combination of colors can have a profound impact on your tarot readings. Certain colors work well together and can enhance the energy and message of the cards, while other color combinations can create tension or confusion. By understanding the significance of different color combinations, you can create tarot spreads that are more nuanced and complex, allowing for greater depth in your readings.

One popular color combination in tarot is black and white. This classic pairing represents the duality of life, and can be used to create spreads that explore opposing forces or choices. For example, a black and white spread could be used to explore the pros and cons of a decision, or to explore the balance between light and dark in one’s life.

Another powerful color combination is red and green. This combination represents the balance between the material and spiritual worlds, and can be used to create spreads that explore the intersection of these two realms. For example, a red and green spread could be used to explore one’s relationship with money and how it relates to their spiritual path.

Blue and yellow is another popular color combination in tarot. Blue represents intuition, while yellow represents logic and reason. This combination can be used to create spreads that explore the relationship between the head and the heart, or to explore the balance between emotion and logic.

When creating color tarot spreads, it’s important to think about the message and energy you want to convey. Choose colors that align with your intention and that work well together to create a cohesive spread. The possibilities are endless, so don’t be afraid to get creative!

create color tarot spreads

Incorporating Color Visualization Techniques in Tarot Readings

Color visualization is a powerful tool that can enhance your tarot readings by tapping into the energy associated with different colors. By visualizing specific colors during a reading, you can connect with the symbolism and meaning they represent. This can offer deeper insights into your readings, allowing you to gain a new level of understanding of the cards and their messages.

create color tarot spreads

To incorporate color visualization into your tarot spreads, start by selecting the colors that resonate with the theme or intention of your reading. For example, if you are doing a reading related to personal growth, you may want to visualize green, which represents growth and renewal.

As you lay out your cards, take a moment to focus on the color you have chosen. Close your eyes and visualize the color surrounding you, enveloping you in its energy. Then, as you open your eyes, look at the cards and visualize the color you have selected, seeing it in the background or surrounding the cards.

By actively engaging with color through visualization, you can unlock new insights into your tarot reading. You can also experiment with using different colors for different cards or positions in your spread. For example, you may choose to visualize yellow for cards representing creativity, or blue for cards representing communication.

Integrating color visualization into your tarot practice can add a new dimension to your readings, bringing more depth and insight into your journey of self-discovery. Experiment with different colors and techniques to see what works best for you.


Creating color tarot spreads can be a unique and transformative experience that enhances your readings and brings you closer to your goals and intentions. By incorporating the power of color into your tarot practice, you can tap into a deeper level of self-insight and decision-making.

Unlocking Your Full Potential

By understanding the meanings behind different colors and customizing your tarot spreads for specific goals and intentions, you can create a personalized and impactful tarot experience. Exploring color combinations and incorporating visualization techniques can add depth and complexity to your readings.

Let Color Guide Your Journey

As you continue on your tarot journey, let color be your guide. Trust in its power to unlock your full potential and deepen your connection with the cards. With each new spread, you have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of color tarot spreads. We hope that it has provided you with new insights and tools for your tarot practice. As always, may your readings be filled with clarity, wisdom, and inspiration.


Q: How can I create tarot spreads using color?

A: To create tarot spreads using color, you can assign specific colors to different positions or aspects of the spread. Consider the meanings associated with different colors and choose ones that align with your intentions or the themes you want to explore in your reading.

Q: What are some tarot spreads that incorporate color for creativity?

A: Some tarot spreads that incorporate color for creativity include spreads that assign different colors to different stages of the creative process, or spreads that use colors to represent different sources of inspiration or creative blocks.

Q: How can I interpret the meanings behind colors in tarot spreads?

A: Interpreting the meanings behind colors in tarot spreads involves considering the traditional symbolism associated with each color, as well as your own personal associations and experiences with those colors. Trust your intuition and the messages that the colors evoke for you.

Q: Can I use color combinations in my tarot spreads?

A: Yes, you can use color combinations in your tarot spreads. Experiment with different color combinations to create visual impact and enhance the overall energy of the spread. Consider how the colors interact with each other and the additional meanings they create when combined.

Q: How can I incorporate color visualization techniques in my tarot readings?

A: To incorporate color visualization techniques in your tarot readings, you can imagine specific colors surrounding or permeating the cards as you shuffle or lay them out. Focus on the energy and symbolism associated with those colors, allowing them to guide your interpretation and deepen your connection with the cards.