How to Use Color as a Way to Enhance Your Mood and Energy Before, During, and After a Tarot Reading

Welcome to our guide on using color to enhance your tarot readings! As tarot readers, we know the atmosphere and energy of a session can greatly impact the experience for both the reader and the seeker. That’s why we believe color can play a vital role in creating a positive and uplifting environment for your tarot practice.

Color is known to have a powerful effect on our mood and emotions, and by incorporating specific colors into your tarot practice, you can enhance the overall experience. In this section, we’ll dive into the emotional impact of colors and how they can be applied to create a positive atmosphere during tarot sessions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color can greatly impact our mood and emotions
  • Using specific colors in your tarot practice can enhance the overall experience
  • Creating a positive atmosphere with color can benefit both the reader and the seeker

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Colors in Tarot

As we explored in the previous section, color plays a significant role in setting the mood and energy for tarot readings. But colors also have a psychological impact on us, influencing our emotions and thoughts.

Research has shown that certain colors can have a calming effect, while others can energize or stimulate the mind. For example, blue is often associated with tranquility and relaxation, while red is known for its energizing and passionate qualities.

When it comes to tarot readings, the colors on the cards can evoke particular emotions and influence our interpretation of their symbolism. A bright yellow sun on a tarot card can represent positivity and optimism, while a dark and stormy sky may indicate potential challenges or obstacles.

It’s important to note that our personal experiences and cultural backgrounds can also influence how we perceive colors. For example, in Western cultures, white is associated with purity and innocence, while in some Eastern cultures, it is associated with mourning and funerals.

Overall, understanding the psychological impact of colors in tarot can enhance our interpretation of the cards and add depth to our readings. By paying attention to the specific colors on the cards and their associated emotions, we can better understand the messages they are conveying.

psychological impact of colors in tarot

Exploring Tarot Symbolism of Color and Mood

Colors have long been associated with particular emotions and meanings. In tarot readings, the symbolism of colors can deepen our understanding of the cards and their messages. Let’s examine some common color associations and their meanings in tarot interpretation.

Color Meaning Related Emotions
Red Passion, energy, action Desire, strength, courage
Yellow Intellect, clarity, confidence Happiness, optimism, hope
Green Growth, abundance, healing Relaxation, harmony, balance
Blue Spirituality, intuition, calmness Peace, trust, serenity
Purple Mystery, magic, creativity Spirituality, enchantment, imagination
Black Transformation, endings, mystery Fear, grief, absence
White Purity, clarity, new beginnings Hope, innocence, simplicity

It’s important to note that the interpretation of color can also depend on its context within a reading and the surrounding cards. For example, a red card in a love reading could represent passion and desire, while in a career reading, it could indicate action and determination.

Additionally, color symbolism can vary among different tarot decks and interpretations. When working with a new deck, take some time to explore the artist’s use of color and any accompanying guidebook to understand their unique perspective.

Symbolism of colors in tarot cards

Incorporating an understanding of color symbolism into your tarot practice can add depth and nuance to your readings. By paying attention to the colors in your cards and their related emotions, you can gain insight into your querent’s state of mind and provide more meaningful guidance.

Utilizing Color Therapy in Tarot Readings

Color therapy can be a powerful tool in tarot readings. The intentional use of colors can promote healing and positive energy within the session. Each color has a unique energy and corresponds to different emotions and elements.

For example, the color red is associated with passion and fire, while blue represents calmness and water. By incorporating these color correspondences into the reading, we can tap into their energies and enhance the overall experience.

One way to utilize color therapy in tarot readings is by incorporating colored candles or fabrics into the session. For example, placing a red candle on the table during a reading can activate the energy of passion and fire, while a blue fabric can create a calming atmosphere.

Additionally, color can be incorporated into the interpretation of tarot cards. For instance, the red and orange hues in the Strength card can represent courage and strength, while the blue and green tones in the Temperance card can signify balance and harmony.

color therapy in tarot readings

By incorporating color therapy into tarot readings, we can create a more immersive and transformative experience. It allows us to tap into the powerful energies of color and use them to enhance the overall mood and emotional impact of the reading.

The Role of Color in Tarot Interpretation

Color plays an essential role in tarot interpretation, adding depth and nuance to the meaning of each card. Tarot card readers can incorporate color analysis into their practice to offer a more comprehensive interpretation of the cards.

Each color has a unique meaning, which can influence the interpretation of a tarot card. For instance, the color red is often associated with passion, desire, and strength. Therefore, a tarot card with a predominantly red background may indicate a situation that requires bold action or passionate intent.

On the other hand, the color blue is often associated with calmness, tranquility, and introspection. A tarot card with a predominantly blue background may signify a need to slow down, reflect, and connect with oneself.

The colors used in the imagery of tarot cards can also influence interpretation. For example, a card with a green landscape may suggest growth, abundance, and fertility, while a card with a grey landscape may suggest restriction, stagnation, or uncertainty.

When interpreting a tarot card, it’s essential to consider how color influences the meaning and how it relates to the question at hand. By analyzing the colors used in a tarot reading, readers can offer a more nuanced and detailed interpretation, taking into account the emotional and psychological impact of colors on the human mind.

tarot card with vibrant colors

Color is an essential aspect of tarot interpretation, and tarot readers who incorporate color analysis into their practice can offer more nuanced readings. By considering the role of color in tarot, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the symbolism and meaning behind each card, offering clients a more comprehensive interpretation of their readings.


In conclusion, we have explored the many ways in which color and mood can enhance the tarot reading experience. We have learned that colors have a powerful psychological impact on our emotions, and that they can be intentionally used to promote healing and positive energy. By incorporating color analysis into our practice, we can deepen our understanding of the tarot symbolism and add nuance to our interpretations.

Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or just starting out, it is important to consider the role of color in your readings. Colors can help set the tone for the session and create an atmosphere that is conducive to positive energy and emotional healing. By paying attention to the colors in your tarot cards and using them intentionally, you can enhance your mood and energy before, during, and after each reading.

So the next time you sit down for a tarot session, take a moment to consider the colors in your cards. What emotions do they evoke? How can you use them to create a positive atmosphere? By tapping into the power of color and mood, you can elevate your tarot practice to new heights.


Q: How can color be used to enhance mood and energy in tarot readings?

A: Color can be used strategically in tarot readings to create a positive atmosphere and enhance mood and energy. By choosing colors that evoke specific emotions, tarot readers can help set the tone for the reading and create a more immersive experience.

Q: What is the psychological impact of colors in tarot?

A: Colors have a psychological impact on our emotions and can influence how we interpret tarot card symbolism. Different colors evoke different feelings and can affect the overall energy and message conveyed by a tarot reading.

Q: How do colors relate to mood and emotions in tarot cards?

A: Colors in tarot cards hold symbolism and meaning that can relate to mood and emotions. Understanding the associations between specific colors and emotions can provide deeper insights into the messages conveyed by the cards during a reading.

Q: How can color therapy be incorporated into tarot readings?

A: Color therapy can be integrated into tarot readings by intentionally using specific colors to promote healing and positive energy. By selecting colors that correspond to desired emotional states, tarot readers can enhance the transformative potential of the reading.

Q: What is the role of color in tarot interpretation?

A: Color plays a significant role in tarot interpretation as it adds depth and nuance to the meanings of the cards. Analyzing the colors present in a tarot card can provide additional insights and enrich the overall reading experience.