How to Use Color in Tarot to Access Your Past, Present, and Future?

Welcome to our guide on using color to gain insights into your past, present, and future through tarot readings. Tarot is an ancient divination tool that provides guidance and clarity on different aspects of life. While tarot cards themselves have specific meanings, the colors used in the cards also play a significant role in interpretation. By understanding the symbolic association of each color and its relevance to the different aspects of life, you can enhance your tarot readings and gain a fresh perspective on your life journey.

Whether you’re new to tarot or an experienced reader, incorporating color symbolism into your practice can provide valuable insights into the messages conveyed by the cards. In this guide, we will explore the significance of color in tarot readings, color symbolism in tarot, how to use color to interpret tarot cards, and colorful tarot spreads for your past, present, and future.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color plays a significant role in tarot readings and can be used to gain insights into your past, present, and future.
  • Each color has a symbolic association with different aspects of life and emotions that can be interpreted in tarot readings.
  • Understanding the color symbolism in tarot can help you enhance your interpretations and gain a better understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards.
  • By using colorful tarot spreads specifically designed to explore your past, present, and future, you can gain valuable insights into different aspects of your life journey.

Understanding Color Symbolism in Tarot

Color symbolism is an essential element of tarot readings as it helps us gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards. Each color in tarot has its unique significance and associated meaning, which can provide valuable insights into different aspects of our lives.

Some of the most commonly used colors in tarot include:

Color Meaning
Red Passion, energy, action, and desire
Blue Spirituality, intuition, and communication
Green Growth, balance, and harmony
Yellow Intellect, creativity, and optimism
Purple Spirituality, wisdom, and transformation

When interpreting a tarot card, paying attention to the colors present in the card can help us gain insights into its meaning. For example, a card with predominantly red colors may indicate a situation that requires action and energy, while a card with blue colors may suggest a need for spiritual growth and communication.

It’s also worth noting that the meaning of a color can vary depending on the context. For instance, the color red can represent both passion and anger, so we need to consider the surrounding cards and the question asked to determine its significance.

By understanding the color symbolism in tarot, we can enhance our tarot readings and gain a better understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards. In the next section, we will explore how to use color to interpret tarot cards further.

color symbolism in tarot

Using Color to Interpret Tarot Cards

When interpreting tarot cards, we can use color analysis to gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards. By paying attention to the colors present in each card, we can uncover valuable insights about our past, present, and future.

Each color has its own symbolism, and it’s essential to understand these meanings to interpret the cards accurately. For example, red symbolizes passion and energy, while blue represents calmness and stability. Yellow signifies positivity and happiness, and green represents growth and abundance.

When analyzing the colors in a tarot card, start by looking at the dominant color. This color sets the tone for the card and represents the primary emotion or energy conveyed in the message. Next, consider any secondary colors present in the card. These colors can provide additional insights and nuances to the card’s meaning.

It’s also essential to consider the position of the card in the tarot spread when interpreting the colors. For example, a card representing the past may have darker or muted colors, indicating that the energy has passed. In contrast, a card representing the future may have brighter or more vibrant colors, symbolizing the potential for growth and new beginnings.

Incorporating color analysis into your tarot practice can enhance your readings and provide a fresh perspective on your life’s journey. By analyzing the colors present in each card, you can gain deeper insights into your past, present, and future and make more informed decisions about the path ahead.

tarot card reading

“Analyzing the colors present in each card can give you deeper insights into your past, present, and future.”

Colorful Tarot Spreads for Past, Present, and Future

If you’re new to tarot reading, spreads are a great way to start interpreting the cards. These colorful tarot spreads are specifically designed to explore your past, present, and future and provide a structured approach to tarot readings.

Spread 1: Past, Present, Future

Past Present Future
Choose a card to represent an event or situation from your past that still affects you today. Select a card to represent your current situation or challenge. Pick a card to represent your future potential or possible outcome.

Interpret the colors in each card to gain insights into how your past experiences are affecting your present situation and how they may influence your future.

Spread 2: Healing Journey

Tarot Spread for Healing Journey

In this spread, the colors of the cards represent different stages of your healing journey. Shuffle your deck and lay the cards out in the following order:

  1. The Wound: This card represents a past trauma or pain that still affects you.
  2. The Scar: This card represents how you have coped with the wound and its effects.
  3. The Medicine: This card represents what you need to heal and move forward.
  4. The Remedy: This card represents the action or steps you can take to facilitate your healing.

Interpret the colors in each card to gain a deeper understanding of your healing journey and the steps you can take to move forward.

Spread 3: Three-Card Reading

This simple spread is perfect for beginners. Shuffle your deck and draw three cards:

  1. Past: This card represents a significant event or influence from your past.
  2. Present: This card represents your current situation or challenge.
  3. Future: This card represents a potential outcome or advice for the future.

Interpret the colors in each card to gain insights into different aspects of your life and the messages conveyed by the cards.

Remember, these tarot spreads are just a starting point. Feel free to modify or create your own spreads to suit your needs and interests. As you become more familiar with tarot symbolism and color, you’ll discover new ways to incorporate them into your readings.


As we have explored in this article, color plays a significant role in tarot readings. By understanding the symbolism of different colors and incorporating them into your interpretations, you can gain valuable insights into your past, present, and future.

We encourage you to experiment with different tarot spreads that incorporate color, such as the Rainbow Spread or the Colors of Life Spread. These spreads provide a structured approach to tarot readings and allow you to explore different aspects of your life and emotions.

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to interpret tarot cards. Trust your intuition and let the colors guide you. With practice, you will develop a deeper understanding of the messages and guidance offered by the cards.

Ready to get started?

Grab your tarot deck, a notebook, and start exploring the colors of your past, present, and future. We hope this article has inspired you to incorporate color symbolism into your tarot practice and deepen your understanding of the cards.

Happy reading!


Q: How can color be used in tarot readings?

A: Color can be used in tarot readings to gain insights into your past, present, and future. Each color corresponds to different aspects of life and emotions, and by interpreting these colors in your tarot deck, you can uncover deeper meanings in the cards.

Q: How do I interpret the colors in tarot cards?

A: To interpret the colors in tarot cards, you can analyze the colors present in each card and consider how they relate to the specific card’s meaning. For example, red may symbolize passion and energy, while blue may represent intuition and calmness. By incorporating color analysis into your tarot readings, you can gain a more nuanced understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards.

Q: Are there specific tarot spreads that focus on color for past, present, and future readings?

A: Yes, there are tarot spreads specifically designed to explore your past, present, and future using color. These spreads provide a structured approach to tarot readings and allow you to gain valuable insights into different aspects of your life. By laying out the cards in specific positions and interpreting the colors in each position, you can uncover deeper meanings and guidance.

Q: How can understanding color symbolism enhance my tarot readings?

A: Understanding color symbolism in tarot can enhance your tarot readings by providing a richer and more nuanced interpretation of the cards. By delving into the meanings associated with different colors, you can gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards and the guidance they offer for your past, present, and future.