How to Use Color Symbolism in Tarot to Enrich Your Readings

Welcome to our guide on color symbolism in tarot! As tarot readers, we know that every aspect of a tarot card, from its imagery to its placement in a spread, can provide valuable insight into a reading. But have you considered the significance of color in tarot symbolism?

Color symbolism in tarot can add an extra layer of depth and meaning to your readings. Each color carries its own energy and can influence the interpretation of a card. By understanding the role of color in tarot, you can take your readings to the next level and provide a richer experience for yourself and your clients.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color symbolism in tarot can enhance tarot readings.
  • Each color carries its own energy and can influence the interpretation of a card.
  • Understanding the role of color in tarot can add depth and meaning to readings.

Understanding Color Symbolism in Tarot Cards

When it comes to divination, color symbolism plays a vital role in interpreting and understanding the meanings of tarot cards. Each color carries its unique significance and message, which can provide a deeper context for the cards’ interpretations.

The symbolism of colors in tarot readings is vast and diverse, and it is crucial to have a basic understanding of the significance of each color to fully comprehend the cards’ messages. For example, the color red represents passion, energy, and strength, while blue represents harmony, intuition, and calmness.

By incorporating color symbolism in tarot, you can add depth and complexity to your readings. The colors can amplify the message of the tarot cards and help you provide more precise interpretations to your clients.

Symbolism of Colors in Tarot Cards

Let’s take a closer look at the symbolism of colors in tarot cards:

Color Symbolism
Red Passion, energy, strength, courage
Orange Creativity, vitality, success, ambition
Yellow Intellect, optimism, happiness, clarity
Green Growth, abundance, healing, nature
Blue Harmony, intuition, calmness, spirituality
Purple Mystery, magic, inspiration, power
White Purity, clarity, new beginnings, spirituality
Black Mystery, transition, transformation, change

It is important to note that colors’ meanings can vary depending on the context and personal interpretation of the tarot reader or client. For example, while red typically represents passion and energy, it can also symbolize anger or danger in certain contexts.

The interpretation of color symbolism in tarot is not fixed and requires an open mind, creativity, and intuition. By understanding the basic symbolism of colors, you can incorporate them into your tarot readings and provide more profound insights and guidance to your clients.

Understanding Color Symbolism in Tarot Cards

Incorporating Color Interpretation in Tarot Readings

Now that we have a basic understanding of color symbolism in tarot, let’s explore practical ways to incorporate this knowledge into our tarot readings.

One technique is to focus on the predominant colors in a tarot spread and consider their meanings. For example, if the spread contains many blue cards, which are associated with communication and expression, it could indicate a need for clearer communication in a particular area of life.

Another approach is to use color as a starting point for intuitive interpretation. When you first look at a card, notice the colors and the emotions they evoke. This can provide valuable insight into the message of the card.

It’s important to also consider the context and surrounding cards when interpreting color symbolism. For example, a red card could indicate passion and energy, but in the context of a spread focused on love and emotions, it may suggest intense feelings of love or anger.

As you become more comfortable with interpreting color symbolism in tarot, consider incorporating exercises that help you deepen your connection with color. One such exercise is to meditate on a specific color before a reading and notice the thoughts and emotions that come up.

Remember, interpreting color symbolism in tarot is not an exact science and should always be considered in conjunction with other aspects of the card and spread. However, with practice, it can provide a powerful tool for gaining insight and enhancing your tarot readings.

color symbolism in tarot

As with any aspect of tarot, incorporating color symbolism requires practice and experimentation. Don’t be afraid to try new techniques and trust your intuition. By using color interpretation as a guide, you can provide a more in-depth and personalized tarot experience for yourself and your clients.

Exploring the Hidden Meanings of Colors in Tarot

Colors play a crucial role in the symbolism of tarot cards. Each color represents different emotions, energies, and elements, all of which can influence the interpretation of a tarot reading. By exploring the hidden meanings of colors in tarot, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed through the cards.

Black: Often associated with mystery and death, black can also represent potential and the unknown. The color black is commonly found in cards such as the Tower or Death.

Blue: Blue represents communication, wisdom, and intuition. It can also signify emotional clarity and balance. The color blue is often found in cards such as the High Priestess or the Star.

Color Meaning Associated Cards
Green Symbolizes growth, abundance, and healing. It can also represent envy or jealousy. Often found in cards such as the Empress or the Four of Cups.
Red Represents passion, power, and energy. It can also signify danger, anger, or aggression. Commonly found in cards such as the Devil or the Knight of Swords.
Yellow Symbolizes intellect, optimism, and clarity. It can also represent cowardice or fear. Often found in cards such as the Sun or the Page of Swords.

color symbolism in tarot cards

Other colors, such as purple, orange, and white, also hold significant symbolism in tarot. By exploring the relationships between colors and their associated elements, we can unlock hidden meanings within the cards and gain a deeper understanding of their messages.

It is important to note that the interpretation of color symbolism in tarot is not always straightforward and can vary based on the individual reader and context of the reading. However, by incorporating color interpretation into our practice, we can add nuance and depth to our readings and gain a greater appreciation for the complexity of tarot symbolism and meaning.

Using Color Symbolism for Personal Growth in Tarot

Understanding color symbolism in tarot can not only enrich your readings, but it can also provide valuable insights for personal growth and self-reflection. Each color is associated with a unique energy and can evoke different emotions, allowing you to explore your inner self in new ways.

By connecting with the colors in the cards, you can gain a deeper understanding of your own psyche and the issues you may be facing. For example, the color red is often associated with passion, action, and energy, while blue is linked to communication, truthfulness, and self-expression. By paying attention to the colors that appear in your tarot readings, you can reflect on how these energies are manifesting in your life and what you can do to align your actions with your desired outcomes.

Additionally, tarot color interpretation can help you identify areas of growth and transformation. For instance, if you keep seeing the color purple in your readings, it could be a sign that you need to focus on enhancing your spiritual practice or connecting with your intuition. By incorporating color symbolism into your tarot practice, you can gain valuable insights to guide your personal growth journey.

It’s important to remember that color symbolism in tarot is not set in stone, and the meanings can vary based on individual interpretations and intuition. Therefore, it’s essential to experiment with different color interpretations to find what resonates with you. Trusting your intuition and being open to new perspectives can lead to profound personal growth and transformation.

color symbolism in tarot for personal growth

Overall, incorporating color symbolism in tarot can provide a powerful tool for personal growth, self-reflection, and transformation. By paying close attention to the colors that appear in your readings and using them as a guide, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. So, let’s dive into the colorful world of tarot symbolism and interpretation and see where it can take us on our personal growth journey.


We hope this article has provided you with a deeper understanding of the significance of color symbolism in tarot readings. By incorporating color interpretation into your tarot practice, you can add a new layer of insight and clarity to your readings. Remember that each color carries its own energy and symbolism, and by exploring and experimenting with color interpretation, you can unlock new levels of self-awareness and personal growth.

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned reader, we encourage you to continue exploring the hidden meanings of colors in tarot and incorporating this valuable tool into your readings. By doing so, you can provide a more nuanced and meaningful experience for yourself and your clients.

Thank you for reading!


Q: What is color symbolism in tarot?

A: Color symbolism in tarot refers to the meanings and interpretations associated with different colors in tarot cards. It is believed that colors can convey specific energies and emotions, adding depth and nuance to a tarot reading.

Q: How can color symbolism enhance tarot readings?

A: By understanding color symbolism in tarot, readers can use colors as additional tools for insight and interpretation. Colors can evoke emotions, convey messages, and provide guidance, enhancing the overall depth and accuracy of a tarot reading.

Q: Can color interpretation be incorporated into tarot readings?

A: Yes, color interpretation can be incorporated into tarot readings. There are various techniques and exercises that can help readers connect with the colors in the cards and use them to gain deeper insights. By incorporating color symbolism, readers can provide a richer and more nuanced experience for themselves and their clients.

Q: Are there hidden meanings behind colors in tarot cards?

A: Yes, each color in tarot carries its own energy and symbolism. By exploring the hidden meanings of colors, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed through specific tarot cards. This can lead to more accurate interpretations and a deeper connection with the cards.

Q: How can color symbolism be used for personal growth in tarot?

A: Color symbolism in tarot can be used for personal growth and self-reflection. Different colors can evoke specific emotions and provide guidance for personal transformation. By harnessing the power of color symbolism, individuals can gain new levels of self-awareness and facilitate their personal development journey through tarot.