How to Use Color to Ask About Your Goals and Dreams with Tarot?

Welcome to our guide on using color in tarot to explore personal goals and aspirations. Tarot is a powerful tool for gaining insights into our inner selves and uncovering the desires that drive us. By incorporating color symbolism into our tarot practice, we can enhance our understanding of our goals and dreams and take actionable steps towards achieving them.

Color is a universal language that speaks to our emotions and psyche. It has the ability to convey complex ideas and concepts without the need for words. When used in tarot readings, color can provide additional layers of meaning and depth to the messages we receive.

In this section, we will explore how color can be used to ask about personal goals in tarot readings and how understanding color symbolism can enhance our interpretation of the cards.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color symbolism can be applied in tarot readings to gain insights into personal goals and aspirations.
  • Understanding the relationship between color and emotions can help us set and achieve our goals with tarot.
  • By using color correspondences in tarot readings, we can gain deeper insights and ask targeted questions about our goals.

Understanding tarot card meanings and symbolism

When it comes to using tarot to explore personal goals and dreams, understanding the meanings and symbolism behind each tarot card is essential. Each card carries a unique message, and the colors depicted on the card can add layers of nuance and deeper understanding to the reading.

Tarot card meanings vary depending on the deck you’re using, but the symbolism and imagery remain relatively consistent. For example, the Fool card is often associated with new beginnings and taking a leap of faith. The colors used in this card, such as yellow and white, can reinforce the idea of brightness and optimism in new ventures.

symbolism in tarot

Tarot color correspondences also play a significant role in understanding the symbolism behind each card. Different colors can evoke different emotions and carry distinct meanings. For example, red is often associated with passion and desire, while blue is associated with communication and truthfulness. By paying attention to the colors used in each card, you can gain a better understanding of the underlying message.

Overall, understanding tarot card meanings and symbolism is crucial to interpreting tarot readings accurately. By diving deeper into the meanings behind each card and the colors used in the deck, you can gain a richer understanding of how to use tarot to explore personal goals and aspirations.

Exploring color symbolism in tarot

Color symbolism is an essential component of tarot readings and can unlock deeper insights into personal goals and aspirations. Each color is associated with specific meanings and can convey different emotions and states of being. By understanding the symbolism behind each hue, we can use color to ask more targeted questions about our goals and receive more accurate guidance from the tarot.

In tarot, red represents passion, energy, and action. It is often associated with the Root Chakra, which governs our sense of grounding and stability. When red appears in a tarot reading, it may suggest that we need to take bold, decisive action to achieve our goals.

Yellow, on the other hand, represents wisdom, clarity, and enlightenment. It is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, which governs our sense of personal power. When yellow appears in a tarot reading, it may suggest that we need to tap into our inner wisdom and use our personal power to achieve our goals.

Green is associated with growth, abundance, and prosperity. It is often linked with the Heart Chakra, which governs our ability to love and connect with others. When green appears in a tarot reading, it may suggest that we need to focus on cultivating abundance and prosperity in our relationships and creative pursuits.

Blue represents communication, intuition, and spiritual connection. It is associated with the Throat Chakra, which governs our ability to express ourselves and communicate with others. When blue appears in a tarot reading, it may suggest that we need to focus on clear communication and nurturing our spiritual connection.

Purple is linked with transformation, spirituality, and psychic ability. It is often associated with the Third Eye Chakra, which governs our intuition and psychic senses. When purple appears in a tarot reading, it may suggest that we need to focus on spiritual growth and transformation.

By exploring the color symbolism in tarot, we can gain a deeper understanding of our personal goals and aspirations. Each color holds a specific meaning and can provide valuable insights into our emotional state and how we can best achieve our dreams.

tarot cards and colored crystals

Using tarot to set and achieve personal goals

At the heart of using tarot for personal growth and self-improvement lies the ability to set and achieve personal goals. Tarot can be a powerful tool for manifesting our aspirations in life, and with the right mindset and techniques, we can use it to turn our dreams into reality.

One of the most effective ways to use tarot for personal goal-setting is through the use of spreads. By creating a spread that is specifically designed to explore our goals and aspirations, we can gain valuable insights and guidance from the tarot.

One such spread is the Goal-Setting Spread, which involves laying out a series of cards that represent different aspects of our goal. The spread can include cards that represent our ultimate vision, the steps we need to take to get there, any obstacles or challenges we may encounter, and the ultimate outcome of achieving our goal.

Another technique is to use tarot as a tool for visualization. By focusing our attention on a specific goal or intention and then selecting cards that resonate with that energy, we can create a visual representation of our desired outcome. This visual representation can help to reinforce our intention and keep us focused on our goal.

When using tarot for personal goal-setting, it’s important to remember that the cards are not a substitute for action. While tarot can provide guidance and insights, it’s ultimately up to us to take the necessary steps to achieve our goals. Tarot can be a powerful motivator, but it’s up to us to turn that motivation into action.

By using tarot as a tool for self-improvement and personal growth, we can gain valuable insights and guidance on our journey towards achieving our goals. Whether we’re looking to manifest a specific outcome or simply gain clarity on our overall vision for the future, tarot can be an invaluable resource.

achieving goals with tarot

Connecting color and emotions in tarot

As we have already discussed, colors play a significant role in tarot readings. Beyond their visual appeal, each color carries its own unique meaning and symbolism. In tarot, colors are often associated with specific emotions and energies that can offer deeper insights into one’s goals and dreams.

For instance, the color red is often associated with passion, energy, and action. When this color appears in a tarot reading, it may suggest that the seeker needs to take bold steps towards achieving their goals. Meanwhile, the color blue is often associated with calmness, intuition, and communication. When blue appears in a reading, it may indicate that the seeker needs to listen to their inner voice and communicate their aspirations more effectively.

Understanding the emotional connections associated with different colors can provide valuable guidance for goal-setting and manifestation. By asking targeted questions that incorporate specific colors, we can gain a deeper understanding of our aspirations and how to achieve them.

Let’s take a look at some common color correspondences in tarot:

Color Meaning Associated Tarot Cards
Red Passion, energy, action The Magician, The Knight of Wands
Orange Creativity, vitality, enthusiasm The Fool, The Ace of Wands
Yellow Confidence, clarity, joy The Sun, The Chariot
Green Growth, abundance, harmony The Empress, The Seven of Pentacles
Blue Calmness, intuition, communication The High Priestess, The Hanged Man
Purple Spirituality, wisdom, transformation The Hierophant, The Death

Keep in mind that these associations are not set in stone and may vary depending on the reader’s interpretation and intuition. However, having a basic understanding of color symbolism in tarot can be a valuable tool when exploring personal goals and dreams.

tarot cards with color symbolism

Using color correspondences in tarot readings

Understanding the connections between different colors and specific tarot cards can greatly enhance the interpretation of tarot readings related to personal goals. When we incorporate color correspondences into our tarot practice, we gain a deeper understanding of the symbols and messages within the cards.

For example, the color red is often associated with passion and action. When this color appears in a reading related to one’s goals, it may suggest that taking bold and decisive steps is necessary to achieve those goals.

On the other hand, the color blue is often associated with communication and expression. If this color appears in a reading related to one’s goals, it may suggest that clear communication and expressing oneself is key to achieving those goals.

It’s important to note that color correspondences may vary depending on the tarot deck being used. However, most tarot decks follow similar correspondences for major arcana cards and elemental suits.

By incorporating color correspondences into tarot readings, we can gain a deeper understanding of the symbols and messages within the cards. This can help us ask more targeted questions about our goals and receive more accurate guidance from the tarot.

tarot cards with specific colors

Tarot rituals for goal manifestation

Now that we’ve discussed how color and tarot can be used to set and achieve personal goals, let’s explore some tarot rituals to help manifest those goals.

One effective ritual is to create a tarot vision board. Start by selecting a few cards that represent your desired outcome and arrange them on a board. You can also add images, quotes, or other symbols that resonate with your goal. Place the board in a prominent location where you will see it daily, and use it as a visual reminder of your aspirations.

Another powerful ritual is to incorporate tarot into your daily affirmations. Choose a card that represents your desired outcome, and use it as a visual aid while reciting positive affirmations related to your goal. Hold the card close to your heart and feel its energy infuse you with inspiration and motivation.

You can also create a sacred space for your tarot practice. Find a quiet corner of your home, set up an altar, and incorporate items that represent your goals. You might include crystals, candles, or other objects that hold personal significance. Use this space to perform tarot readings and meditations focused on manifesting your aspirations.

Finally, consider incorporating rituals from other spiritual practices into your tarot practice. For example, you might use smudging to clear negative energy or incorporate chakra balancing into your readings. Experiment with different rituals and find the ones that resonate with you and help unlock your full potential.

Tarot cards for goal manifestation

“Tarot is a tool for spiritual growth and self-discovery. Use it to illuminate your path and manifest your dreams.”


We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the power of color in tarot and how it can be used to explore your personal goals and aspirations. By understanding the symbolism of different colors and their correspondences in tarot, you can gain a deeper understanding of your own emotions and desires.

Through tarot, you have the potential to unlock your innermost desires and take actionable steps towards achieving them. By incorporating tarot rituals into your practice, you can enhance your goal-setting process and manifest your dreams into reality.

Remember, tarot is a tool for self-improvement and personal development. By using it to explore your goals, you are taking an important step towards creating the life you envision for yourself.

We encourage you to continue exploring the connections between color and tarot in your own practice. With patience, persistence, and a little bit of magic, anything is possible.


Q: How can I use color to ask about my goals and dreams with tarot?

A: Color can be utilized in tarot readings to explore personal goals and dreams. By understanding the symbolism behind different colors, you can gain insights into your aspirations and ambitions. Color can evoke emotions and create a deeper connection between your goals and the tarot cards.

Q: Why is understanding tarot card meanings and symbolism important?

A: Understanding tarot card meanings and symbolism allows you to interpret the messages of the cards more effectively. By delving into the symbolism behind each color in tarot, you can gain a clearer understanding of how color influences goal-setting and manifestation.

Q: How do I explore color symbolism in tarot?

A: To explore color symbolism in tarot, it’s important to understand the significance of various colors and their corresponding meanings in tarot readings. By utilizing this knowledge, you can ask meaningful questions about your goals and dreams in tarot readings.

Q: How can I use tarot to set and achieve personal goals?

A: Tarot can be a powerful tool for setting and achieving personal goals. Different tarot spreads and techniques can provide clarity on your goals and help you create actionable steps towards achieving them. Tarot can enhance your goal-setting process and serve as a tool for self-improvement.

Q: What is the connection between color and emotions in tarot?

A: Color in tarot can evoke specific emotions and create a deeper connection to personal goals and dreams. By understanding the emotional aspect of color, you can gain insights into your aspirations and use this knowledge to ask meaningful questions about your goals in tarot readings.

Q: How can I use color correspondences in tarot readings?

A: Color correspondences can be used in tarot readings to gain deeper insights. By understanding the associations between different colors and specific tarot cards, you can enhance the interpretation of readings related to personal goals. This allows you to ask targeted questions about your goals and receive more accurate guidance from the tarot.

Q: How can I use tarot rituals for goal manifestation?

A: Tarot rituals can be incorporated into readings to enhance goal-setting and manifestation. By utilizing specific rituals and practices, you can align your actions with your aspirations. Tarot can serve as a powerful tool for personal development and enable you to manifest your goals and dreams.