How to Use Color to Ask about Your Past Influences and Lessons with Tarot?

As a tarot reader, I’ve noticed that color is one of the most powerful tools in my tarot interpretation arsenal. Each color in tarot cards has a specific meaning and can indicate different aspects of our lives. In this article, we’ll explore how color can help us understand our past influences and lessons in tarot readings.

When we ask about our past influences in a tarot reading, the colors that appear can offer invaluable insight into our personal history. By interpreting the color symbolism in tarot cards, we can gain a deeper understanding of our past experiences and how they have shaped us into who we are today.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color plays a significant role in tarot interpretation
  • Each color in tarot cards has a specific meaning
  • Color symbolism can offer insight into our past influences and lessons

The Influence of Color in Tarot Card Interpretation

Colors play an essential role in tarot card interpretation, as they evoke feelings and emotions that are integral to the message of the cards. Each color has a specific meaning and symbolism that can help us understand the deeper messages that the cards convey.

Red, for example, is associated with passion, energy, and action. When this color appears in a tarot reading, it may indicate a need for us to take decisive action in our lives. Blue, on the other hand, represents tranquility, calmness, and clarity. If this color appears in a reading, it may suggest that we need to focus on finding peace and serenity in our lives.

Understanding the meaning behind each color can help us gain a deeper insight into the message of the cards. For example, the Strength card in the tarot deck often features a woman dressed in white, representing purity and innocence. This color choice serves to reinforce the message of the card, which is to approach challenges with a calm and pure heart.

Colors in Tarot Cards

Another card that makes use of color symbolism is The Sun. This card often features a bright yellow sun surrounded by orange and red rays. The color choice here is significant, as yellow represents optimism, while orange and red represent energy and passion. The card’s message is that of positivity, energy, and vibrancy, suggesting that good things are on the horizon.

It’s important to note that the use of color in tarot card interpretation can be subjective and may vary depending on the individual performing the reading. However, by understanding the general symbolism associated with each color, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages that the cards are trying to convey.

Next, we’ll explore how color can be used to interpret the past in tarot readings.

Interpreting the Past through Color in Tarot Readings

When we look to the past in tarot readings, the colors present in the cards can be incredibly revealing. Each color holds its own symbolism and meaning, providing insight into the lessons and influences that have shaped us.

For example, the color red often signifies passion, energy, and action. If we see red in a past influence card, it may indicate that we were driven by our passions in a particular situation. Alternatively, if we see a lot of blue, we may have been more focused on communication and expression.

Of course, it’s important to consider the context of the card and the reading as a whole. A red card in a love reading may indicate a fiery romance, while a red card in a career reading may point to assertiveness and ambition.

Colors can also provide clues as to how we can learn and grow from our past experiences. If we see a lot of black or gray, we may have gone through a period of darkness or difficulty. However, it’s important to remember that these experiences can ultimately lead to growth and transformation.

As always, our interpretation of color in tarot readings is highly personal. What one person sees as a positive influence may be viewed as negative by another. However, by paying attention to the colors in our readings, we can gain a deeper understanding of our past influences and the lessons we can take with us as we move forward.

colors in tarot readings

Unveiling Lessons and Growth through Past Influences in Tarot

In tarot readings, the past influences the present and future. By understanding our past experiences and lessons, we can gain insight into our current situations and future paths. Tarot cards can provide invaluable guidance in this process, and color plays a significant role in interpreting the messages they convey.

Each color in tarot has its own significance and symbolism. For example, red is associated with passion, courage, and energy, while blue represents peace, calmness, and communication. By paying attention to the colors in your tarot reading, you can gain a deeper understanding of the past influences and lessons that have led you to your present situation.

When interpreting tarot cards, it’s essential to consider the meanings of individual cards in combination with the colors present. For example, the Two of Cups typically signifies partnership and unity, while the presence of red may indicate a passionate romantic relationship. The Seven of Swords, traditionally associated with deceit and betrayal, may take on a different meaning when presented in a more positive light through the presence of the color green, indicating growth and opportunity.

Overall, it’s important to approach tarot readings with an open mind and a willingness to explore the past influences that have shaped your life. By embracing the insights provided by color in tarot, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own experiences and use that knowledge to find growth and guidance for the future.

influence of the past in tarot


In conclusion, using color in tarot readings can be a valuable tool for exploring past influences and lessons. By paying attention to the colors present in tarot cards, we can gain a deeper understanding of their meanings and symbolism. This can help us to interpret the past and uncover any lessons or growth that may be needed in the present.

Overall, tarot readings can be a powerful way to gain insight and guidance in our lives. Whether we are seeking clarity on past experiences or guidance for the future, the rich symbolism and imagery of the tarot can provide valuable insights and perspectives. By incorporating color into our tarot practice, we can deepen our understanding and gain even more from this powerful tool. So next time you sit down for a tarot reading, be sure to pay attention to the colors present in your cards and see what insights they may reveal!


Q: How can I use color to ask about my past influences and lessons with tarot?

A: Color can play a significant role in tarot card interpretation, particularly when exploring past influences and lessons. By paying attention to the colors present in the cards, you can gain insights into the emotions, energies, and symbolic meanings associated with your past experiences.

Q: What is the influence of color in tarot card interpretation?

A: Colors in tarot cards hold deep meanings and can greatly enhance the interpretive process. Each color carries its own symbolism and emotional resonance, which can add layers of depth to your understanding of the cards and the messages they convey.

Q: How can I interpret the past through color in tarot readings?

A: When interpreting the past in tarot readings, color can provide valuable clues about the emotions, energies, and themes associated with past experiences. By paying attention to the dominant colors in the cards, you can gain insights into the lessons, influences, and growth opportunities that have shaped your journey.

Q: How can tarot unveil lessons and growth through past influences?

A: Tarot has the power to unveil the lessons and growth opportunities that arise from past influences. By exploring the meanings of cards related to the past and considering the colors present, you can gain a deeper understanding of the experiences that have shaped you and identify the lessons you can carry forward on your path of personal development.

Q: What is the importance of color and past influences in tarot readings?

A: Color and past influences hold valuable insights in tarot readings. Color adds vibrancy and depth to card interpretations, while past influences provide a context for understanding current circumstances. By incorporating color and exploring past influences, tarot readings can offer guidance and clarity on your life journey.