How to Use Color to Avoid Asking the Wrong Questions to the Tarot

As a tarot reader, we want to ask the right questions to get accurate insights. However, sometimes we may unintentionally ask the wrong questions, leading to muddled interpretations. That’s where color comes in: by incorporating the symbolic language of color in our tarot practice, we can gain clarity and avoid common pitfalls.

Key Takeaways:

  • Using color in tarot readings can help avoid asking the wrong questions.
  • Every color carries its own unique meaning and energy.
  • Vague or negatively framed questions can hinder the accuracy of a reading.

The Symbolic Language of Color in Tarot Readings

We all know that colors carry meaning and energy that can affect our mood, emotions, and perceptions. In the context of tarot readings, color plays an important role in conveying symbolism and enhancing our understanding of the cards. Each color has its own unique energy and meaning, which can influence the interpretation of tarot cards.

When we look at a tarot card, we can observe how specific colors are used to convey certain messages. For example, the color red often represents passion, love, and vitality, while blue is associated with calmness, introspection, and spirituality. These color associations are not random; they are rooted in the symbolic language of color that has been developed over centuries.

By understanding the symbolism of colors in tarot readings, we can gain deeper insights into the meaning of each card. For example, the Fool card in the Rider Waite deck features a figure dressed in a white and red tunic, holding a white flower. The white represents innocence and purity, while the red signifies passion and impulsiveness. The flower can represent new beginnings and growth. Taken together, these color and symbol associations suggest that the Fool is embarking on a journey full of enthusiasm, but lacking in experience.

tarot cards

When interpreting tarot cards, it’s important to pay attention to the colors used, as they can provide additional layers of insight. By incorporating color in our interpretations, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of the messages the cards are conveying.

Common Pitfalls of Asking Wrong Tarot Questions

Asking the wrong questions during a tarot reading can lead to confusing and misleading results. It’s important to avoid common pitfalls that can hinder the accuracy of the reading.

One common mistake is asking vague questions that lack specificity. Questions like “What’s going to happen in the future?” can lead to broad and unclear answers. It’s better to frame questions in a more specific way, such as “What can I expect in my career in the next six months?” This allows for more focused and actionable insights.

Another pitfall is asking negatively framed questions. These questions can create a negative energy around the reading and limit the potential for positive outcomes. Instead of asking “Why am I always unlucky in love?” try framing the question in a more positive light, for example, “What positive actions can I take to attract love into my life?”

Tip: When it comes to asking the right questions, it’s important to focus on the present and the future, rather than dwelling on the past. This allows for a more forward-thinking and growth-oriented reading.

Lastly, it’s important to be familiar with the meanings of tarot cards. Misinterpreting the meaning of a card can create confusion and lead to inaccurate results. Brushing up on the meanings of the cards and understanding how they relate to each other can provide a more cohesive and accurate reading.

By avoiding these common pitfalls and asking clear, positive, and specific questions, we can ensure that our tarot readings provide us with valuable insights and guidance.

tarot cards

Using Color as a Guide in Tarot Readings

When it comes to tarot guidance, color can be an incredibly valuable tool. By incorporating color into our questions and interpretations, we can deepen our understanding of the cards and gain clearer insights. Here are some practical ways to use color as a guide in tarot readings:

Assigning Colors to Specific Meanings

One way to use color as a guide in tarot readings is to assign specific colors to certain meanings or energies. For example, you might associate red with passion or action, blue with communication or intuition, and green with growth or abundance. When a specific color appears in a reading, you can use it as a clue to the card’s meaning or message.

tarot cards

As an example, in the image above, the blue color on the Temperance card might suggest a message of balance or harmony. By paying attention to the colors in a spread, we can gain valuable context and guidance.

Interpreting Color Combinations

In addition to individual colors, it’s important to pay attention to how they interact with each other. Different color combinations can convey unique meanings or energies. For example, a mix of red and green might suggest a balance of passion and abundance, while a combination of blue and purple might symbolize intuition and spirituality.

When interpreting the colors in a spread, it’s important to consider not only their individual meanings but also how they relate to each other. By analyzing these combinations, we can gain deeper insights into the message of the cards.

Using Color in Question Framing

Finally, we can use color as a guide when framing our questions for a tarot reading. By incorporating specific colors into our questions, we can focus our energy and intention on a particular area of our lives.

For example, if you’re seeking guidance on a romantic relationship, you might frame your question using the color pink. Alternatively, if you’re seeking clarity on a career decision, you might use the color yellow to symbolize intellect or logic.

When we use color in our questions, we can increase the accuracy and depth of our readings. By focusing our energy on the specific area of our lives we wish to explore, we can gain valuable insights and guidance from the cards.

Interpreting Color in Tarot Cards

Color plays an important role in tarot readings, as each color carries its own unique energy and meaning. When interpreting tarot cards, it’s essential to pay attention to their colors to gain a deeper understanding of the messages they convey. Here are some common colors found in tarot cards and their associated meanings:

Color Meaning
Red Represents passion, energy, and action. It can also signify danger or warning.
Blue Symbolizes truth, clarity, and communication. It can also represent sadness or depression.
Green Represents growth, abundance, and harmony. It can also signify jealousy or envy.
Yellow Symbolizes joy, optimism, and intellectual energy. It can also represent cowardice or caution.
Purple Represents spirituality, intuition, and mystery. It can also signify royalty or luxury.
Black Symbolizes endings, transformation, and unknown. It can also represent fear or death.
White Represents purity, clarity, and new beginnings. It can also signify isolation or emptiness.

Of course, these meanings are not set in stone and can vary depending on the context of the card and the reading as a whole. It’s essential to keep an open mind and be willing to interpret colors in a way that resonates with the individual reading.

colorful tarot cards

When interpreting the colors in tarot cards, it’s crucial to pay attention to their presence and absence. The absence of a dominant color can be just as significant as the presence of one. For example, a card without any red could indicate a lack of passion or action in the situation being examined.

Overall, incorporating color into tarot card interpretation can provide valuable insights and enhance the accuracy of readings. By understanding the meanings associated with different colors, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards.

Incorporating Color in Tarot Spreads

Creating tarot spreads can be a creative and intuitive process. When we incorporate color into our spreads, we can add a new layer of depth and meaning to our readings.

The first step in using color in tarot spreads is to assign each position in the spread a specific color. For example, the position for the past may be associated with the color blue, while the position for the future may be associated with the color green. These associations can be based on personal intuition or established correspondences between colors and tarot card meanings.

Once we have assigned colors to the positions in our spread, we can then select cards that correspond to those colors. For example, if we are using a spread where the position for the present is associated with the color red, we may choose a card such as the Six of Swords, which features prominent red elements in its imagery.

When interpreting the cards in our spread, we can also take into account the colors present in each card. For example, the Temperance card is often associated with the color yellow, which can indicate a need for balance and harmony. By being mindful of color correspondences in our interpretations, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards.

Using color in tarot spreads can also help us to create a visually appealing and stimulating reading experience. By organizing the cards in a way that incorporates color, we can enhance our connection with the cards and facilitate a more accurate and insightful reading.

incorporating color in tarot spreads

Overall, incorporating color in tarot spreads can be a powerful tool for enhancing the accuracy and depth of our readings. By assigning colors to specific positions in our spread and selecting cards based on those colors, we can create a more immersive and intuitive reading experience that is tailored to our individual needs.

Incorporating Color in Tarot Spreads

When it comes to tarot readings online, incorporating color in your tarot spreads can provide valuable insight and guidance. Assigning specific colors to different positions in your spread can add depth to your interpretation and help you gain a better understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards.

There are different ways to incorporate color in your tarot spreads. One method is to assign a color to each position in your spread based on its meaning. For example, you might assign the color red to represent your present circumstances, blue to represent your emotions, and green to represent your future prospects. By using consistent color associations in your spreads, you can develop a more intuitive understanding of the cards and their messages.

Another approach is to use color to provide context and additional information about the cards in your spread. For example, if you draw a card with a predominately red color scheme, you might interpret it as representing passion or urgency. If you draw a card with a predominately green color scheme, you might interpret it as representing growth or abundance.

Incorporating Color in Tarot Spreads

It’s important to note that color is just one tool in your tarot arsenal. While it can provide valuable insights, it should always be used in conjunction with other considerations, such as tarot card meanings and symbolism.

As we’ve discussed throughout this article, color plays a crucial role in tarot card interpretation and can help you avoid asking the wrong questions during your readings. By incorporating color in your tarot spreads, you can take your tarot practice to the next level and gain deeper insights into the messages conveyed by the cards.


In conclusion, color is an essential tool in our tarot practice. By understanding the symbolic language of color, we can enhance our connections with the cards and unlock deeper insights. Through incorporating color in our questions and interpretations, we can avoid asking the wrong questions and ensure more accurate readings.

Remember, vague or negatively framed questions can hinder the accuracy of a reading. By being specific and using color as a guide, we can ask more effective questions and gain clearer insights.

Using color in tarot spreads provides valuable context and guidance, giving us a more immersive and insightful reading experience. By following our step-by-step guide, you can gain practical knowledge on effectively utilizing color in your tarot practice.

In summary, color is a powerful tool to enhance our tarot readings. By harnessing the symbolic language of color, we can unlock deeper insights and ensure the accuracy of our interpretations. Let’s embrace the magic of color and continue to evolve our tarot practice.


Q: What is the significance of color in tarot readings?

A: Color plays a crucial role in tarot readings as it carries its own unique meaning and energy. By understanding the symbolism of colors, we can gain deeper insights into the messages conveyed by the tarot cards.

Q: How can using color as a guide enhance our tarot readings?

A: Incorporating color in our questions and interpretations allows for a clearer connection with the cards and provides valuable insights. By using color as a guide, we can navigate the tarot more effectively and achieve more accurate readings.

Q: What are the common pitfalls of asking wrong tarot questions?

A: Asking vague or negatively framed questions can hinder the accuracy of a tarot reading. It is important to avoid these pitfalls in order to make the most of our tarot readings and ensure accurate interpretations.

Q: How can color be used in tarot spreads?

A: Color can be incorporated into tarot spreads by assigning specific colors to different positions. This provides valuable context and guidance, enhancing the accuracy and depth of our tarot readings.

Q: How can I interpret the colors found in tarot cards?

A: Interpreting the colors in tarot cards involves understanding the meanings associated with each color. By recognizing the significance of color in tarot card interpretation, we can gain additional layers of insight in our readings.

Q: Can you provide a step-by-step guide on using color in tarot readings?

A: Yes, we have a step-by-step guide that outlines how to effectively use color in tarot readings. It covers incorporating color in question framing, card selection, and interpretation, giving readers practical techniques to utilize in their tarot practice.