How to Use Color to Decode Your Challenges and Obstacles with Tarot

Welcome to our guide on how to use color in tarot readings to gain insight into your challenges and obstacles. Tarot cards are a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth, and the colors depicted on each card can enhance their meanings and provide deeper understanding.

Whether you’re new to tarot or a seasoned reader, understanding the symbolism of the colors used in tarot cards can be an invaluable tool for interpretation. In this section, we’ll explore the role of color in tarot readings and how it can be used to unlock hidden meanings and guidance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Colors can enhance the meanings of tarot cards and provide deeper understanding.
  • Understanding color symbolism in tarot can be invaluable in interpretation.
  • Color can be used as a tool to unlock hidden meanings and guidance in tarot readings.

Understanding the Symbolism of Tarot Colors

In tarot reading, the symbolism of colors can provide deep insights into our subconscious and the challenges we face. Each color has its own unique energy and evokes specific emotions that can influence our interpretations of the cards. By understanding the symbolism of tarot colors, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages the cards are trying to convey.

For example, the color red is often associated with passion, energy, and action. When red appears in a tarot reading, it may represent a need for action or a call to take charge of a situation. On the other hand, the color blue is associated with calmness, stability, and introspection. If blue appears in a reading, it may indicate a need to take a step back and introspect before taking action.

Color psychology plays an important role in tarot readings. Each color has its own unique psychological effect on our minds and emotions. For example, yellow is associated with joy, optimism, and mental clarity. When yellow appears in a tarot reading, it may indicate a need for mental clarity or a reminder to focus on the positive aspects of a situation.

By understanding the psychology and symbolism of tarot colors, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the messages the cards are trying to convey. The images and colors on each card work together to tell a story and provide guidance towards solutions to our challenges.

Tarot Cards

Using Color in Tarot Reading

When interpreting a tarot reading, it’s important to pay attention to the colors on each card and how they interact with each other. The combination of colors can provide deeper insights into the message of the cards. For example, if a red card appears alongside a blue card, it may indicate a need to balance action with introspection.

Color combinations can also represent different emotions and energies. For example, black and white together can represent balance and harmony, while red and green together can represent passion and growth. By paying attention to color combinations in tarot readings, we can uncover hidden meanings and gain a deeper understanding of the messages the cards are trying to convey.

In conclusion, understanding the symbolism and psychology of tarot colors can provide valuable insights into our challenges and obstacles. By using color in conjunction with tarot card meanings, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the messages the cards are trying to convey and find guidance towards solutions to our challenges.

Decoding Tarot Card Challenges

When performing a tarot reading, the appearance of certain cards can indicate that you are facing challenges or obstacles. These challenges can manifest in different areas of your life, such as career, relationships, or personal growth. By decoding the meanings of these cards, you can gain insight into the nature of your challenges and find guidance towards overcoming them.

One common tarot card that represents challenges is the “Five of Pentacles”. This card typically portrays two figures who appear to be struggling and in need of help. The card can indicate financial hardship, feelings of isolation, or a lack of support. In contrast, the “Tower” card can represent unexpected change or upheaval, which can be a challenging experience but can also lead to growth and transformation.

It’s important to understand that the interpretation of tarot cards is not set in stone, and different readers may have different interpretations of the same card. However, by paying attention to your intuition and examining the symbols and colors on the cards, you can develop your own understanding of the challenges depicted in the tarot.

tarot cards with challenges

When interpreting tarot card challenges, it’s also important to consider the context in which the card appears. For example, if the “Five of Pentacles” appears in a spread that focuses on career, it may indicate job loss or financial instability. If it appears in a spread that focuses on relationships, it may indicate a lack of emotional support or connection with others.

By examining the symbolism of the card and its context within the reading, you can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges you are facing and find guidance towards solutions. Remember that tarot readings are not a guarantee of future events, but rather a tool to help you gain insight into your current situation.

The power of color combinations in tarot

When it comes to tarot readings, the combination of colors in each card can hold significant meaning and can greatly influence the interpretation of the reading. By understanding the symbolism of tarot colors and how they interact with each other, we can gain deeper insight into our challenges and obstacles.

For example, the combination of red and black in a tarot card can represent struggle and conflict. Red is often associated with passion and energy, while black represents the unknown and the mysterious. Together, they can indicate a struggle that is fueled by intense emotions and a sense of uncertainty.

On the other hand, the combination of blue and green can represent healing and growth. Blue is often associated with communication and expression, while green represents nature and new beginnings. Together, they can indicate a path towards personal growth and the overcoming of obstacles through communication and expression.

Understanding the psychology of color can also help in interpreting color combinations in tarot readings. For instance, warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow can evoke feelings of excitement and passion, while cool colors such as blue, green, and purple can evoke feelings of calmness and tranquility. By examining the colors in a tarot reading, we can gain a deeper understanding of the emotions and energies at play.

Ultimately, the power of color combinations in tarot lies in their ability to enhance the interpretation of the reading and provide deeper insights into our challenges and obstacles. By paying attention to the colors in each card and how they interact with each other, we can unlock a wealth of knowledge and guidance.

tarot symbolism and color combinations

The importance of intuition

It is important to remember that while color combinations can hold significant meaning in tarot readings, it is ultimately our intuition that guides us in interpreting the cards. Trusting our inner psychic abilities and allowing ourselves to be open to different interpretations is key in unlocking the full potential of color in tarot.


Throughout this article, we have explored the power of using color to analyze challenges and obstacles in tarot readings. By understanding the symbolism of different tarot colors and decoding the challenges depicted in tarot cards, we can gain valuable insights and guidance.

Remember to trust your intuition when interpreting tarot cards and use color as a powerful tool to unlock your inner psychic abilities. The key is to remain open to the messages that the cards and colors are conveying.

As we continue our journey in tarot interpretation, let us keep in mind the importance of colors and their symbolism. By embracing this aspect of tarot reading, we can gain deeper insights into our own challenges and take steps towards finding solutions.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of color and challenges in tarot. We hope that you have gained a deeper appreciation for the power of tarot symbolism and the role of color in tarot reading interpretations.


Q: How can color be used to ask about challenges and obstacles in tarot?

A: Color can be used as a powerful tool in tarot readings to help us gain insights into our challenges and obstacles. By paying attention to the colors present in different tarot cards, we can tap into their symbolic meanings and interpret how they relate to the challenges we are facing.

Q: What are some common tarot card meanings?

A: Tarot card meanings can vary depending on the specific deck and reader, but there are some common interpretations that can provide a starting point. For example, the Fool card often represents new beginnings and taking risks, while the Devil card can symbolize temptation and feeling trapped. It’s important to remember that tarot readings are subjective and open to personal interpretation.

Q: How does color enhance tarot interpretations?

A: Color enhances tarot interpretations by adding depth and nuance to the meanings of the cards. Different colors evoke specific emotions and energies, which can help us understand the messages and lessons contained within each card. By considering the color symbolism, we can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and obstacles we are facing.

Q: How can tarot card challenges be decoded?

A: Tarot card challenges can be decoded by examining the specific cards that represent obstacles and considering their meanings in different contexts. For example, the Tower card may indicate a sudden upheaval or change, while the Five of Pentacles can suggest financial difficulties. By analyzing the challenges depicted in tarot cards, we can gain insight into the obstacles we face and find guidance towards solutions.

Q: How do color combinations impact tarot interpretations?

A: Color combinations in tarot readings add another layer of meaning and symbolism. Different colors interact and influence each other, creating new meanings and interpretations. By examining the colors of tarot cards together, we can uncover hidden insights and gain a deeper understanding of our challenges. Color combinations can provide a more holistic view of the messages and guidance contained within the cards.