Is There a Link Between Color and the Major Arcana in Tarot?

Welcome to our latest article exploring the fascinating world of tarot! Today, we’ll be delving into the possible connections between color and the major arcana in tarot readings. Both color and the major arcana are significant elements in tarot interpretations, and understanding how they may be intertwined can enhance the accuracy and depth of readings.

As we explore this topic, we’ll break down what the major arcana is, the power of color in tarot, color associations within the major arcana cards, how to interpret color in tarot readings and spreads, and even choosing a tarot deck based on color associations. Whether you’re a seasoned tarot reader or simply curious about the art of divination, we hope this article will provide you with valuable insights into the fascinating world of tarot and color.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color and the major arcana are both significant elements in tarot readings.
  • Understanding the possible connections between color and the major arcana can enhance the accuracy and depth of tarot interpretations.
  • In this article, we will explore the role of color and the major arcana in tarot, color associations within the major arcana cards, interpreting color in tarot readings and spreads, and selecting a tarot deck based on color associations.

Understanding the Major Arcana in Tarot

At the heart of tarot lies the Major Arcana – a set of 22 cards that represent the most significant energies and archetypes in a tarot reading. Each card in the Major Arcana has a unique meaning and symbolism, and it is crucial to understand these nuances to interpret a tarot reading accurately.

The Major Arcana cards are often associated with major life events and cosmic forces. They are said to guide the querent through their spiritual journey and illuminate the potential outcomes of their current situation.

To begin interpreting the Major Arcana cards, we must first understand their tarot card meanings and symbolism. Each card has several layers of meaning and provides a unique perspective on the situation at hand.

Tarot card

For example, the Fool card is often associated with new beginnings, spontaneity, and taking risks. The Magician card represents manifestation and power, while the High Priestess embodies intuition and inner wisdom.

The symbolism within each card is also essential to consider. For instance, the Tower card depicts a catastrophic event or sudden upheaval, while the Sun card represents positivity and enlightenment.

When interpreting the Major Arcana cards, we must consider the card’s position within the tarot spread and the surrounding cards. By analyzing the interplay between the Major Arcana and other tarot cards, we can gain a deeper understanding of the querent’s situation and potential outcomes.

Overall, the Major Arcana offers profound insights into the querent’s spiritual journey and potential future. By understanding the tarot card meanings and symbolism associated with each card, we can interpret a tarot reading with greater accuracy and depth.

The Power of Color in Tarot

Color is a powerful tool in tarot readings. It can convey emotion, provide insight, and enhance the overall reading experience. In a tarot deck, each card is carefully crafted with specific colors that have their own symbolic meaning. Understanding the role of color in tarot can help us interpret the meaning of each card and gain a deeper understanding of a querent’s situation.

The use of color in tarot decks can vary widely, with some decks incorporating bold and bright colors while others use more muted and subdued tones. The colors used in a deck can impact the overall energy and feel of a reading. For example, a deck with bright, vibrant colors may evoke feelings of joy and excitement, while a deck with darker, more subdued colors may evoke more somber emotions.

When conducting a tarot reading, paying attention to the colors present in the cards can provide valuable insights into the querent’s situation. For example, the presence of cool blues and greens in a reading may indicate feelings of calmness and tranquility, while warmer shades of red and orange may indicate passion or energy.

color and major arcana in tarot

Color can also be used in tarot spreads to provide a deeper understanding of the querent’s situation. For example, a spread that utilizes a lot of purple may indicate a spiritual or intuitive journey, while a spread that uses a lot of yellow may indicate a need for clarity and understanding.

Overall, the use of color in tarot is a powerful tool that can enhance the accuracy and depth of a reading. When selecting a tarot deck, it’s important to choose one with colors that resonate with you and your querent. This will help create a more meaningful and accurate reading experience.

Color Associations in the Major Arcana

In tarot readings, color often plays a significant role in the interpretation of cards, particularly in the major arcana. Each card in the major arcana is associated with a unique set of meanings and symbolism, which can be further enhanced or altered by the colors present in the card.

There are dominant colors present in each card of the major arcana that can provide insights into the card’s interpretation. For example, the Fool card is typically associated with the color white, which represents innocence, new beginnings, and a fresh start. The Magician card is often associated with the color red, which represents passion, action, and personal power.

It’s important to note that different tarot decks may have variations in color associations within the major arcana. For example, the Rider-Waite-Smith deck may have different color associations than the Thoth deck. Therefore, it’s essential to consult the guidebook that comes with the tarot deck to understand the color associations specific to that deck.

Major Arcana Card Dominant Color Potential Meanings
The Fool White Innocence, new beginnings, a fresh start
The Magician Red Passion, action, personal power
The High Priestess Blue Intuition, mystery, secrets
The Empress Green Fertility, growth, abundance
The Emperor Gold/Yellow Authority, power, stability

Color associations in the major arcana

Color associations can also be enhanced or altered by their placement in a tarot spread. For example, the presence of the color green in a spread may indicate growth or fertility in the querent’s personal or professional life. However, if the green is present in a position that represents obstacles or challenges, it may indicate a need for the querent to overcome barriers to achieve growth.

When conducting a tarot reading, it’s important to pay close attention to the colors present in the major arcana cards and their potential meanings. By analyzing color associations, we can gain deeper insights into the querent’s situation and provide more accurate and meaningful interpretations of the cards.

Interpreting color in tarot readings

When it comes to interpreting tarot readings, color is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insight into a querent’s situation and future outcomes. By analyzing the colors present within a tarot spread, one can gain a deeper understanding of the energy and emotions surrounding the issue at hand.

But how exactly do we interpret color in tarot readings?

First and foremost, it’s important to pay attention to the dominant colors present in the cards. Each color has its own unique associations and meanings, and can convey different messages depending on its context within the spread.

For example, the color red is often associated with passion, energy, and action. If a spread contains multiple red cards, it may signify that the querent is in a period of high energy and motivation towards their goal. On the other hand, if a spread is predominantly blue, it may indicate a time of introspection and emotional healing.

It’s also useful to analyze the contrast between colors within a spread. Colors that contrast sharply with each other, such as black and white or red and green, can highlight opposing energies or conflicting emotions within the querent’s situation.

Interpreting color in tarot readings

But how do we know which colors to focus on?

The answer is to trust your intuition. When conducting a tarot reading, it’s important to let go of rigid interpretations and allow the cards and colors to speak to you. By approaching tarot readings with an open mind and heart, you can unlock the full potential of color as a powerful tool for insight and guidance.

Next, let’s explore the symbolism of color in tarot spreads and how it can provide additional layers of meaning to your readings.

Color symbolism in tarot spreads

Understanding color symbolism in tarot spreads is essential for interpreting the cards accurately. As we mentioned earlier, colors have the power to evoke specific emotions and convey different messages. When analyzing a tarot spread, it’s essential to take note of the colors present and their placements within the spread.

One way to analyze color in tarot spreads is to take note of their position within the spread. For example, if a card with a dominant red color appears at the beginning of the spread, it could signify passion or energy in the querent’s life. Similarly, if a card with a blue hue appears at the end of the spread, it could symbolize the querent’s need for peace or calmness.

Another way to interpret color in tarot spreads is to look at the combinations and contrasts between colors. For instance, if a spread contains several cards with warm colors and one with a cool color, it could indicate a conflict between passion and logic in the querent’s life.

It’s important to note that color symbolism can vary based on the tarot guide or deck being used. Therefore, it’s essential to study the color associations specific to the tarot deck being used to accurately interpret the spread’s meaning.

tarot cards

“Color symbolism in tarot spreads is a crucial aspect of tarot reading that can provide valuable insights into the querent’s life and personality.”

Choosing a Tarot Deck Based on Color Associations

When selecting a tarot deck, color associations can play a significant role in the decision-making process. The right color palette can help enhance the accuracy of readings and provide a deeper understanding of the major arcana cards.

There are many tarot decks available, each with their own unique color choices. Some decks use traditional colors, while others incorporate a more modern approach. It’s important to choose a deck that resonates with the querent and feels comfortable to work with.

When selecting a tarot deck based on color associations, consider the dominant colors used in the major arcana cards. For example, the Fool card often features bright, cheerful colors, while the Death card typically features darker shades. These color associations can provide valuable insights into the symbolism and meanings of the cards.

tarot deck

Another factor to consider is the color symbolism used in the tarot deck. Some decks may use colors to represent different elements or emotions. For example, red is often associated with passion and energy, while blue is associated with peace and tranquility.

Ultimately, the choice of tarot deck should be based on personal preference and intuition. Choose a deck that speaks to you and feels like the right fit. With the right deck and color associations, tarot readings can offer powerful insights, guidance, and clarity.


Throughout this article, we have explored the fascinating connection between color and the major arcana in tarot. We have learned how color can enhance the interpretation of tarot readings and convey powerful messages to the querent.

By understanding the meanings and symbolism associated with each major arcana card, we gain a deeper appreciation for the role of color in tarot readings. We also now know that color choices can have a significant impact on the interpretation of a major arcana card.

When interpreting color in tarot readings, we can analyze specific combinations and contrasts to gain insights into the querent’s life and future outcomes. We have also learned to pay attention to the symbolism of colors in tarot spreads, as they can indicate different aspects of the querent’s personality or situation.

Choosing a tarot deck based on color associations is also an important consideration. Different decks have unique color palettes, and selecting one that resonates with the querent can enhance the accuracy and depth of tarot readings.

The power of color in tarot readings cannot be underestimated. It is a powerful tool that can guide us in our quest for self-discovery and personal transformation. We hope this article has inspired you to explore the role of color in your own tarot practice and embrace its potential to enrich your readings.


Q: Is there a connection between color and the major arcana in tarot?

A: Yes, color plays a significant role in the major arcana of tarot. Each card has its own color scheme that holds symbolic meaning and can enhance the interpretation of the card in a reading.

Q: What is the major arcana in tarot?

A: The major arcana in tarot consists of 22 cards that represent significant life events, archetypes, and spiritual lessons. These cards hold deep symbolism and carry powerful messages in a tarot reading.

Q: How does color impact tarot readings?

A: Color affects the energy and mood of a tarot reading. Different colors evoke specific emotions and can convey different messages. The use of color in tarot readings can enhance the overall experience and provide additional insights into the querent’s situation.

Q: Are there color associations within the major arcana cards?

A: Yes, each major arcana card has dominant colors associated with it. These colors hold symbolic meanings and can influence the interpretation of the card in a reading. The specific color choices within each card can provide deeper insights into the messages being conveyed.

Q: How can color be interpreted in tarot readings?

A: Color in tarot readings can be interpreted by analyzing the emotions and messages associated with different colors. Specific color combinations and contrasts within a tarot spread can provide insights into the querent’s situation and potential future outcomes.

Q: What is the symbolism of color in tarot spreads?

A: Colors in tarot spreads carry symbolic meanings. The presence of certain colors in specific positions within a spread can indicate different aspects of the querent’s life or personality. Interpreting color symbolism in tarot spreads can deepen the understanding of the messages being conveyed.

Q: How can I choose a tarot deck based on color associations?

A: When selecting a tarot deck, consider the color associations that resonate with you. Different tarot decks have unique color palettes that can evoke specific feelings and energies. Choosing a deck with colors that align with your intuition can enhance the accuracy and depth of your tarot readings.