What Are Some Examples of Color Combinations in Tarot and What Do They Mean?

Welcome to the fascinating world of Tarot color combinations! Tarot cards are not only beautiful and intriguing, but the colors used in them also hold powerful symbolic meanings. Understanding the significance of these colors can enhance your interpretations and add depth to your Tarot readings.

In this section, we will explore some of the most common color combinations used in Tarot, their meanings, and associations. We’ll delve into the psychology behind color and how to interpret the colors used in Tarot cards.

Key Takeaways:

  • The colors used in Tarot cards hold powerful symbolic meanings.
  • Understanding Tarot color combinations can add depth to your readings.
  • We’ll explore the associations and psychology behind different colors in Tarot.

Understanding Tarot Color Symbolism

When interpreting Tarot cards, color symbolism plays a significant role in understanding the messages conveyed by the cards. Different colors have different meanings and can evoke specific emotions and energies. By understanding Tarot color symbolism, we can enhance our interpretations and gain greater insight into the readings.

Tarot color psychology is based on the idea that colors have a psychological impact on human emotions and behavior. For example, warm colors like red and orange are associated with passion and excitement, while cool colors like blue and green are associated with calmness and relaxation. By using these color associations in Tarot readings, we can enhance the emotional impact of the cards and help clients connect more deeply with their readings.

Tarot color interpretation also takes into account the cultural and historical meanings of different colors. For example, red is often associated with love and passion, but it can also represent danger or warning. Understanding these cultural and historical associations can help us gain deeper insights into the Tarot cards we’re working with.

Tarot color symbolism

As Tarot readers, it’s important to be aware of the different ways colors can be interpreted and used in readings. By understanding Tarot color symbolism, psychology, and interpretation, we can become more skilled and insightful readers, and bring greater depth and meaning to our clients’ readings.

Red and Black: The Power of Passion and Mystery

When it comes to color combinations in Tarot, one of the most powerful is undoubtedly red and black. These colors evoke strong emotions and associations, making them a popular choice for Tarot card designers.

In Tarot, red represents passion, desire, and energy. It can indicate both love and lust, excitement and danger. When paired with black, it takes on an even deeper meaning, symbolizing the mysteries of life and the unknown. Together, these colors create a sense of intense attraction and powerful allure.

Tarot Card Card Meaning
The Devil This card represents temptation, addiction, and materialism. Its use of red and black emphasizes the alluring nature of these vices, while also highlighting their destructive power.
The Tower This card represents chaos, upheaval, and sudden change. Its use of red and black emphasizes the danger and uncertainty of these events, while also highlighting their potential for transformation.
The Knight of Swords This card represents action, ambition, and the pursuit of truth. Its use of red and black highlights the passionate intensity of the knight’s quest, while also suggesting the potential for danger and risk.

When interpreting Tarot cards featuring red and black, it’s important to consider both the passion and intensity of these colors, as well as their potential for destruction and risk. However, when used wisely and with awareness, these colors can also represent the power and allure of life’s mysteries.

Tarot card featuring red and black color combination

By incorporating color symbolism into your Tarot card readings, you can add depth and nuance to your interpretations. Whether you’re a seasoned Tarot reader or just starting out, exploring the different color combinations in Tarot is a fascinating way to deepen your understanding of this powerful divination tool.

Blue and White: Wisdom and Clarity

As we continue exploring the color combinations in Tarot, let’s take a look at the calming blend of blue and white. Blue is often associated with wisdom, intuition, and spirituality, while white symbolizes clarity and purity.

In Tarot, the combination of blue and white is most commonly found in The High Priestess card. This card represents inner wisdom, intuition, and the deep mysteries of life. The blue in the card’s background signifies the connection to the spiritual realm, while the white veil over The High Priestess’ head represents the veil between the conscious and subconscious mind. This color combination invites us to trust our inner knowing and listen to our intuition.

The Tower is another major Arcana card that features the blue and white color combination. While this card is often associated with chaos and destruction, the blue lightning bolt and white clouds represent the opportunity for clarity and insight in the aftermath of upheaval.

When interpreting Tarot cards with a blue and white color scheme, it’s essential to pay attention to the card’s context and the surrounding cards to decipher its meaning accurately. The blue and white combination is a reminder to trust intuition, seek clarity, and find guidance in the higher spiritual realm.

Overall, the blue and white color combination in Tarot is a powerful representation of wisdom, intuition, and spiritual connection. Its calming energy reminds us to trust our inner voice and embrace the mysteries of life.

color combinations in Tarot

Green and Brown: Nature and Grounding

In Tarot, the color combination of green and brown represents nature, growth, and grounding. Green is the color of the natural world and is often associated with abundance, fertility, and new beginnings. Brown, on the other hand, is the color of the earth and represents stability, grounding, and connection to the physical world.

The Tarot deck features several cards that prominently display the green and brown color combination, such as The Emperor, which often depicts a figure surrounded by lush greenery and a throne made of wood, symbolizing his connection to the earth and his ability to rule with stability and strength.

Tarot deck color symbolism

Other cards featuring this color combination include The Empress, The World, and The Hierophant, all of which highlight the natural world and the cyclical nature of life. The green and brown color combination can also represent growth and transformation, reminding us that everything in life is constantly evolving, whether we realize it or not.

Interpreting the green and brown color combination in a reading can indicate a need to connect with the natural world, to ground ourselves in the present moment, and to take the time to nurture our growth and development. This color combination can also represent a need to be patient and to trust in the natural flow of life, letting go of control and allowing things to unfold as they should.

Tarot deck with green and brown colors

When working with the green and brown color combination in Tarot, it’s important to pay attention to the surrounding cards, the question at hand, and the overall energy of the reading. By understanding the symbolism and associations of these colors, we can deepen our connection to the Tarot and gain a greater understanding of the messages it has to offer.

Yellow and Gold: Abundance and Optimism

Yellow and gold are two colors that are often associated with prosperity, success, and a positive outlook on life. In Tarot, these colors can be used to convey similar meanings and can be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on the cards in which they appear.

When we see yellow and gold in a Tarot reading, we often think of abundance and optimism. These colors can represent financial success, career achievements, or even an optimistic outlook on life in general. They can also be associated with mental clarity and a strong sense of confidence and self-worth.

Tarot Card with Yellow and Gold Colors

Tarot cards that feature these colors prominently can include the Sun card, which represents joy, success, and vitality, or the Ten of Pentacles, which signifies financial prosperity and abundance. The Nine of Cups, also known as the “wish card” is often associated with these colors as well, representing happiness, satisfaction, and a sense of fulfillment in life.

When interpreting Tarot cards that feature yellow and gold colors, it’s important to understand their associations with abundance and optimism. These colors can be seen as a sign of good things to come, and the cards themselves can offer insights into the potential for success and happiness in various areas of life.

Overall, yellow and gold are powerful colors that can add depth and meaning to a Tarot reading. Whether you’re seeking financial success, career advancement, or simply a more positive outlook on life, these colors can offer hope and inspiration.

Purple and Indigo: Spirituality and Intuition

One of the most mysterious and intriguing color combinations in Tarot is purple and indigo. These colors represent the spiritual aspects of life, such as intuition, insight, and connection to the divine.

In Tarot, purple is often associated with royalty and power. It symbolizes luxury, creativity, and spiritual enlightenment. Indigo, on the other hand, represents wisdom, intuition, and perception. It is often associated with the third eye chakra, which is believed to be the center of spiritual insight and understanding.

When purple and indigo appear in a Tarot reading, they often indicate a need for introspection and spiritual growth. These colors suggest that the seeker is on a path of self-discovery and that they should trust their intuition in making important decisions. Tarot cards featuring these colors may highlight the importance of meditation, mindfulness, and spiritual practices in one’s life.

Some Tarot cards that commonly feature purple and indigo include The High Priestess, The Star, and The World. These cards all represent spiritual awakening, intuition, and higher levels of consciousness.

Tarot cards with purple and indigo colors

Understanding the symbolism of purple and indigo in Tarot can help you gain greater insight into your own spiritual journey and the messages conveyed by the Tarot deck.


Understanding the color combinations in Tarot is essential to gaining a deeper understanding of the messages and interpretations within the deck. By recognizing the symbolic meanings of different colors, we can add depth and nuance to our readings.

Whether we are drawn to the passion and mystery of red and black, the wisdom and clarity of blue and white, or the grounding and nature of green and brown, each color combination holds a unique significance that can enhance our Tarot readings.

Through exploring the psychology behind each color and its association with various emotions and energies, we can gain a greater appreciation for the artistry and symbolism of the Tarot deck.

So next time you sit down to do a Tarot reading, take a moment to consider the colors present in the cards. By doing so, you may uncover new insights and meanings that have been waiting to be revealed. Remember, the colors used in Tarot cards have a powerful impact on the messages conveyed within the deck, and by understanding this, we can enhance our readings and deepen our connection to the Tarot.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of Tarot color combinations and their meanings. We hope this has been a helpful and informative guide to understanding the Tarot deck and its symbolism.


Q: What are some examples of color combinations in Tarot and what do they mean?

A: In Tarot, there are various color combinations that hold symbolic meanings. Some examples include red and black, blue and white, green and brown, yellow and gold, and purple and indigo. These colors represent different aspects of life, such as passion, wisdom, nature, abundance, spirituality, and intuition. The specific meanings of these color combinations can vary depending on the individual Tarot cards and the context in which they appear in a reading.

Q: How do Tarot readers use color symbolism in their interpretations?

A: Tarot readers use color symbolism to enhance their interpretations of the cards. Colors evoke specific emotions and energies, which can provide valuable insights during a reading. By understanding the associations and psychological effects of different colors, Tarot readers can delve deeper into the messages conveyed by the cards. For example, the color blue may represent calmness and clarity, while the color red may symbolize passion and action. By incorporating these color meanings into their interpretations, Tarot readers can provide a richer and more nuanced reading experience.

Q: What is the significance of the red and black color combination in Tarot?

A: The red and black color combination in Tarot symbolizes passion and mystery. Red represents desire, energy, and power, while black signifies the unknown, hidden depths, and transformation. When these colors appear together in Tarot cards, they often evoke intense emotions and the exploration of hidden truths. Tarot readers may interpret the red and black color combination as a call to embrace passion, unlock mysteries, and delve into the depths of one’s desires and motivations.

Q: How do blue and white colors relate to wisdom and clarity in Tarot?

A: Blue and white colors in Tarot represent wisdom and clarity. Blue is associated with calmness, intuition, and introspection, while white signifies purity, clarity, and spiritual insight. When these colors appear together in Tarot cards, they often indicate the need for inner reflection, seeking truth, and gaining a deeper understanding of oneself and the world. Tarot readers may interpret the blue and white color combination as a reminder to trust one’s intuition, seek wisdom, and strive for clarity in decision-making processes.

Q: What does the green and brown color combination symbolize in Tarot?

A: The green and brown color combination in Tarot represents nature and grounding. Green symbolizes growth, abundance, and harmony with the natural world, while brown signifies stability, practicality, and connection to the earth. When these colors appear together in Tarot cards, they often suggest the importance of staying connected to nature, finding stability in one’s life, and fostering a sense of grounding and balance. Tarot readers may interpret the green and brown color combination as a reminder to embrace the healing qualities of nature, seek stability, and find peace in the present moment.

Q: How do yellow and gold colors represent abundance and optimism in Tarot?

A: Yellow and gold colors in Tarot symbolize abundance and optimism. Yellow represents joy, optimism, and intellectual clarity, while gold signifies wealth, success, and abundance in all areas of life. When these colors appear together in Tarot cards, they often signify opportunities for growth, prosperity, and a positive outlook. Tarot readers may interpret the yellow and gold color combination as a reminder to cultivate a positive mindset, embrace abundance, and have faith in the possibilities that lie ahead.

Q: What does the purple and indigo color combination represent in Tarot?

A: The purple and indigo color combination in Tarot symbolizes spirituality and intuition. Purple represents spirituality, mysticism, and connection to the divine, while indigo signifies deep intuition, introspection, and spiritual insight. When these colors appear together in Tarot cards, they often suggest the need for inner reflection, trusting one’s intuition, and seeking a deeper understanding of spiritual truths. Tarot readers may interpret the purple and indigo color combination as an invitation to explore one’s spirituality, connect with higher realms of consciousness, and embrace intuitive guidance.