What Are the Meanings of Secondary Colors in Tarot, Such as Green, Orange, and Purple?

As tarot readers, we are often drawn to the rich symbolism and imagery of the cards. But did you know that the colors used in tarot also hold deep meaning and significance? In this article, we will explore the meanings of secondary colors in tarot, specifically green, orange, and purple. By understanding the symbolism behind these colors, we can enhance our tarot interpretations and gain deeper insights into the messages of the cards.

Key Takeaways:

  • Secondary colors in tarot hold rich symbolism and meaning.
  • Green represents growth, abundance, healing, and the natural world.
  • Orange symbolizes energy, creativity, passion, and inspiration.
  • Purple represents magic, spirituality, intuition, and psychic abilities.
  • The interplay of secondary colors can deepen the meaning of each card.

The Symbolism of Green in Tarot

One of the most prevalent secondary colors in tarot is green, which carries deep symbolism and meaning. The color green in tarot represents growth, abundance, healing, and the natural world.

When we see green in a tarot reading, it often symbolizes new beginnings and fresh starts. The color suggests that we are experiencing growth, whether that be in our personal lives or professional endeavors.

Furthermore, green is closely associated with the heart chakra, which governs our ability to connect with others and express love and compassion. When we encounter green in a tarot reading, it can suggest that we need to focus on healing our hearts and connecting with those around us.

tarot cards and secondary colors

Within specific tarot cards, green can have even deeper significance. For example, The Empress, a card that is associated with abundance and creativity, is often depicted wearing a green cloak or surrounded by lush greenery. The Ten of Pentacles, a card that represents wealth and financial stability, also features a prominent green landscape.

As a tarot reader, understanding the symbolism of green is crucial in interpreting the messages of the cards accurately. The color can add significant depth and nuance to the reading, allowing us to unlock deeper insights into the querent’s situation.

Orange in Tarot: Energy and Creativity

As we continue exploring the symbolism of secondary colors in tarot, we come to the vibrant energy of orange. This color represents enthusiasm, inspiration, and passion, and can add a dynamic element to your tarot readings.

When we think of the many shades of orange, we conjure images of warm sunsets, fresh citrus fruit, and crackling bonfires. In tarot, orange is closely connected to our creative faculties, and is often associated with the sacral chakra, which governs our emotions and sexuality.

When interpreting tarot cards that incorporate orange, it’s important to consider the card’s context and the other colors present. For example, The Fool card, with its bright orange pants, hints at the creative potential of new beginnings. Meanwhile, in the Ten of Wands, orange accents may suggest that our passions and ambitions need to be balanced with practicality and focus.

Overall, understanding the symbolism of orange in tarot can help us tap into the energy and vitality of this secondary color, and use it to unlock new insights and perspectives in our readings.

tarot cards

Purple: Magic and Intuition in Tarot

One of the most mystical and intriguing secondary colors in tarot is purple. This color has long been associated with spirituality, magic, intuition, and psychic abilities. In tarot, it represents higher consciousness, psychic awareness, and the ability to tap into the unseen forces of the universe.

The color purple can be found in a number of tarot cards, most notably in The High Priestess and The Empress. The High Priestess, with her deep purple robe and veil, symbolizes the mysteries of the universe and the power of intuition. The Empress, adorned in a purple mantle, represents the divine feminine and the energy of creation and abundance.

When interpreting tarot cards that contain purple, it’s important to consider the context and the surrounding cards. Purple can indicate that spiritual growth and transformation are on the horizon, and that the seeker may need to trust their intuition and tap into their psychic abilities to move forward. It can also suggest that a connection to the spiritual or supernatural realms is present.

secondary colors in tarot

The interplay between purple and other secondary colors in tarot can also provide important insights. When purple appears alongside green, it may indicate a need for balance between the material and spiritual realms, or a call to connect with nature. When purple appears with orange, it can suggest a powerful creative energy, or the need to tap into one’s passion and enthusiasm to manifest their desires.

Overall, the presence of purple in tarot cards can offer profound insights and guidance to the seeker. By understanding its symbolism and significance, we can unlock the mysteries of the universe and tap into our own innate wisdom and psychic abilities.

The Interplay of Secondary Colors in Tarot

As we have explored in the previous sections, secondary colors in tarot each hold significant symbolism and meaning. However, it is the combination and interplay of these colors that can create even deeper layers of interpretation in tarot readings.

Green, orange, and purple can each enhance and complement the energy of one another, resulting in a more nuanced and complex reading. For example, a card featuring both green and purple may represent a balance between growth and spirituality, while a combination of orange and purple may indicate a powerful creative force guided by intuition.

The significance of secondary colors in tarot cannot be ignored, as they can greatly affect the overall energy and message of a reading. It is important to consider not only the individual meanings of each color, but also how they interact with one another in any given spread or reading.

When interpreting a tarot card that features multiple secondary colors, take note of how they are positioned in relation to one another. Are they in harmony, or in conflict? Are they balanced, or overpowering one another? These details can offer valuable insights into the meaning of the card and its relevance to the querent’s situation.

tarot symbolism and colors

In conclusion, the interplay of secondary colors in tarot readings allows for a deeper exploration of the symbolism and meaning behind each card. By understanding the significance of green, orange, and purple, and how they can combine to create new levels of interpretation, we can unlock even greater insights into the messages of the tarot.

The Conclusion

As we have explored in this article, secondary colors in tarot hold a great deal of significance and meaning. By understanding the symbolism behind green, orange, and purple, you can add depth and nuance to your tarot card readings.

Green, with its association to growth, abundance, and healing, can represent new beginnings and the potential for growth in all areas of life. On the other hand, orange signifies creative energy, passion, and inspiration, sparking new ideas and possibilities. And then there’s purple, the color of intuition and spirituality, which can provide guidance and insight into the unknown.

By incorporating these secondary colors into your readings, you can unlock even deeper levels of meaning and insight. Whether it’s the interplay between colors or the individual meanings of each, the use of color can enhance and deepen your understanding of the tarot’s messages. But don’t forget to trust your intuition and allow your own feelings and interpretations to guide you as well.

Overall, the use of secondary colors in tarot is an exciting and rewarding way to engage with this ancient art form. So, embrace the colors, trust the process, and let them guide you on your journey of discovery and self-awareness.


Q: What are the meanings of secondary colors in tarot, such as green, orange, and purple?

A: Secondary colors in tarot, like green, orange, and purple, have specific meanings and symbolism. Green represents growth, abundance, healing, and the natural world. Orange symbolizes energy, creativity, enthusiasm, and passion. Purple signifies magic, intuition, spirituality, and psychic abilities. These colors can enhance your tarot interpretations by adding depth and nuance to the cards.

Q: What is the symbolism of green in tarot?

A: Green in tarot holds deep symbolism related to growth, abundance, healing, and the natural world. It represents the flourishing of ideas, opportunities, and potential. Green can be associated with the Empress card, which embodies fertility, nurturing, and abundance. Incorporating green into your tarot readings can enhance your understanding of these elements and guide you towards holistic interpretations.

Q: What does orange represent in tarot?

A: Orange in tarot symbolizes energy, creativity, enthusiasm, and passion. It signifies a burst of vibrant life force, inspiring action and motivation. In tarot readings, orange can be connected to cards like the Page of Wands, which embodies youthful energy, innovation, and courage. Including orange in your readings can infuse them with a sense of vitality and ignite your creative spark.

Q: What is the significance of purple in tarot?

A: Purple in tarot holds a mystical significance, representing spirituality, intuition, and psychic abilities. It signifies a deep connection to the unseen realms and inner wisdom. Tarot cards like the High Priestess often incorporate purple, symbolizing the power of intuition and the subconscious mind. By embracing purple in your tarot readings, you can tap into your intuitive abilities and explore the metaphysical aspects of the cards.

Q: How do secondary colors interact in tarot?

A: The interplay of secondary colors in tarot can create powerful symbolism and deepen the meaning of each card. When green, orange, and purple come together, they enhance and influence each other’s energy. For example, the combination of green and orange can signify a balance between growth and creativity. Understanding the interplay of secondary colors allows you to unlock deeper insights and messages in your tarot readings.

Q: What is the conclusion about secondary colors in tarot?

A: Secondary colors in tarot, such as green, orange, and purple, hold rich symbolism and meaning. By understanding the significance of these colors, you can add depth and nuance to your tarot card readings. Embrace the interplay of colors and allow them to guide you in unlocking the insights and messages of the tarot.