What Is the Difference Between White and Pink in Tarot?

Welcome to our exploration of the symbolism of white and pink in Tarot. Tarot cards are not just about the images, but also the colors used. The colors chosen by the artist can have a significant impact on the meaning and interpretation of a card. In this section, we will delve into the key differences between white and pink in Tarot.

Understanding color symbolism in Tarot is vital to the accurate interpretation of a reading. The colors of the cards can affect the message they convey and the emotions they evoke. Let’s discover the difference between white and pink in Tarot.

Key Takeaways:

  • The colors used in Tarot cards are not just for aesthetic purposes but also carry important symbolic meanings.
  • White represents purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, while pink stands for love, compassion, and feminine energy.
  • Understanding the difference between white and pink in Tarot is critical in interpreting the cards accurately and conveying the desired message.

The Meaning of White Tarot Cards

White Tarot cards hold significant meaning and symbolism in the Tarot deck. Often associated with purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, white cards can offer deep insight into a Tarot reading.

One example of a white Tarot card is The Fool. This card represents new beginnings, innocence, and a pure, child-like spirit. The white background of The Fool card emphasizes the purity and openness of the path ahead.

Another example of a white Tarot card is The World. This card represents completion, integration, and wholeness. The white border and background of The World card emphasize the purity and clarity of this achievement.

white Tarot cards

When interpreting white Tarot cards, it’s important to consider the context of the reading and the surrounding cards. White cards can offer clarity and insight, but they can also represent naivety or a lack of understanding. As with all Tarot cards, their meaning is shaped by the situation and the reader’s intuition.

Unraveling the Power of Pink Tarot Cards

When it comes to Tarot card meanings, the color pink holds a significant place. Pink represents love, compassion, and feminine energy, making it an essential part of any Tarot deck.

One of the most prominent pink Tarot cards is The Lovers. This card depicts a couple standing under a bright sun, with an angel watching over them. The Lovers card symbolizes romantic love, but it also represents harmony, balance, and the power of choice. The pink hues in this card emphasize the theme of love and emotional connection.

The Empress is another example of a pink Tarot card. This card features a woman sitting on a throne surrounded by nature and abundance. The Empress represents fertility, creativity, and growth. The pink color in this card signifies the nurturing and caring nature of The Empress, connecting it to the themes of love and compassion.

The Ten of Cups is the final example of pink Tarot cards that we’ll explore. This card features a family celebrating under a rainbow. The Ten of Cups represents emotional fulfillment, joy, and happiness. The pink color in this card signifies the love and tenderness that exist within the family unit.

pink tarot cards

As we can see from these examples, pink Tarot cards are often connected to themes of love, compassion, and emotional fulfillment. When interpreting pink Tarot cards, it’s essential to keep these themes in mind.

White vs Pink Tarot Cards: A Comparative Analysis

Now that we have explored the individual meanings and symbolism behind white and pink Tarot cards, it’s time to compare and contrast them to better understand their unique qualities and how they can impact a reading. While both colors are associated with spirituality and enlightenment, they represent vastly different energies and emotions.

White Tarot cards are often interpreted as representing purity, innocence, and new beginnings. They symbolize a blank canvas or a fresh start. As such, they are often associated with the Fool card, which represents the beginning of a journey or a new chapter in life. White cards can also represent clarity, purity of intention, and spiritual awakening. When white cards appear in a reading, they may indicate that it is time to set aside past mistakes or regrets and start fresh with a clear mind and heart.

Pink Tarot cards, on the other hand, embody the essence of love, compassion, and emotional healing. They represent the heart chakra and the divine feminine energy. Pink cards can indicate a need for self-care, nurturing, and emotional connection with others. They can also represent romantic love, passion, and the bonds of friendship. When pink cards appear in a reading, they may point to the importance of connecting with one’s emotions and relationships and allowing oneself to experience vulnerability and compassion.

When white and pink cards appear together in a reading, they can complement each other or create tension, depending on the context. For example, if a white card representing new beginnings appears alongside a pink card representing heartache, the combination may suggest that it’s time to let go of past pain and start anew with an open heart. On the other hand, if a white card representing purity appears alongside a pink card representing infatuation, the combination may suggest that it’s necessary to approach new relationships with a clear mind and pure intentions.

Overall, as Tarot readers, it’s essential to understand the nuances of each color and how they can interact with each other to provide a well-rounded interpretation of a reading. By recognizing the unique qualities of white and pink Tarot cards, we can deepen our understanding of the symbolism within the cards and better support our clients on their spiritual journeys.


Exploring Tarot Deck Options: Including White and Pink Tarot Cards

There are countless Tarot decks available on the market, and many of them incorporate white and pink Tarot cards into their designs. Adding these cards to your deck can deepen your understanding of the symbolism behind these colors and enhance the insights you can glean from your readings.

If you’re interested in purchasing a Tarot deck that includes white Tarot cards, we recommend the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck. The classic design prominently features white backgrounds on many of the cards, highlighting the purity and clarity associated with this color.

white tarot cards

For those seeking a deck with pink Tarot cards, we suggest the Fountain Tarot. This deck incorporates pink into several cards, representing love, compassion, and emotional energy. The distinctive artwork of this deck adds an artistic flair to your readings.

If you prefer a deck that includes both white and pink Tarot cards, consider the Crystal Visions Tarot. This stunning deck features intricate illustrations incorporating both colors, creating a harmonious balance between purity and emotional depth.


As we have seen throughout this article, the symbolism behind colors in Tarot cards is critical to interpreting the messages they convey. Understanding the meanings of white and pink in Tarot is particularly important, as these colors have unique connotations that can significantly impact the outcome of a reading.

White is often associated with purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment. It can represent a fresh start or a clean slate, making it a powerful presence in Tarot readings. Pink, on the other hand, symbolizes love, compassion, and feminine energy. Its presence can add depth and complexity to a reading, providing insight into matters of the heart and relationships.

When it comes to white vs. pink Tarot cards, it’s important to consider how these colors may complement or contrast with each other. The combination of these two colors can create a balance between masculine and feminine energy, or bring attention to the interplay between emotions and intellect in a reading.

Tarot Card Symbolism

Overall, the symbolism of Tarot cards is a complex and multifaceted subject that requires patience and dedication to master. A thorough understanding of color symbolism, including white and pink, is just one part of the puzzle.

By delving deeper into the symbolism of Tarot cards, we can unlock the hidden messages and meanings that lie beneath the surface. Whether you’re a seasoned Tarot reader or just starting, taking the time to explore this fascinating subject is sure to enhance your Tarot experience.


Q: What is the difference between white and pink in Tarot?

A: Understanding the differences between white and pink in Tarot is crucial for accurate interpretations. White is associated with purity and spiritual enlightenment, while pink represents love and compassion.

Q: What is the meaning of white Tarot cards?

A: White Tarot cards symbolize purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment. They can bring a sense of clarity and guidance to readings.

Q: What is the power of pink Tarot cards?

A: Pink Tarot cards embody love, compassion, and feminine energy. They add depth and emotional significance to readings, often highlighting matters of the heart.

Q: How do white and pink Tarot cards compare?

A: White and pink Tarot cards can complement or contrast with each other depending on the context of a reading. Their presence can significantly influence the overall message conveyed.

Q: Are there Tarot decks that include white and pink cards?

A: Yes, there are Tarot decks that prominently feature white and pink cards. These decks can enhance your Tarot experience by incorporating the symbolism and energy associated with these colors.