What Is the Meaning of Color Black and Gray in Tarot?

As tarot readers, we understand that each card contains symbolic elements that contribute to its overall meaning. Two colors that often carry significant weight in tarot readings are black and gray. These colors evoke feelings of darkness, mystery, and uncertainty, and can greatly influence the interpretation of individual cards and spreads.

Black is often associated with the unknown, hidden secrets, and the unconscious mind. It can represent the mysterious aspects of life that we cannot easily understand or see. Gray, on the other hand, is a color of neutrality, balance, and ambiguity. It can represent the middle ground between two extremes or the liminal space between different phases of life.

When these colors are incorporated into tarot decks and readings, they can add depth and complexity to the messages being conveyed. Black and gray tarot cards can be especially powerful for those seeking to explore their subconscious or delve into the unknown aspects of their lives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Black and gray are colors that hold significant symbolism in tarot readings.
  • Black can represent the unknown and hidden secrets, while gray is a color of neutrality and ambiguity.
  • Black and gray tarot cards can add depth and complexity to readings, especially for those seeking to explore their subconscious or tackle the unknown aspects of their lives.

Exploring the Symbolism of Black and Gray Tarot

Black and gray are two of the most enigmatic colors in the tarot deck. At first glance, they may seem gloomy or even ominous, but upon closer inspection, they actually hold a wealth of symbolism and meaning that can greatly enhance your tarot readings.

Black is often associated with mystery, secrecy, and the unknown. It can represent the hidden aspects of ourselves and the world around us. In tarot, black can appear in various forms, such as the black robes of the High Priestess or the black background in the Death card. Each of these instances carries a unique meaning that adds depth to the corresponding card and its message.

Gray, on the other hand, is more subtle in its symbolism. It can represent neutrality, balance, and the blending of two opposing forces. In tarot, gray can be seen in the background or clothing of certain cards, such as the Knight of Swords or the Lovers card. It can also represent the idea of transition or liminality, suggesting a state of limbo or in-betweenness.

When interpreting black and gray in tarot readings, it’s important to consider the context in which they appear. The placement of the color, the surrounding cards, and the overall energy of the reading can all influence their meaning and significance.

At its core, the use of black and gray in tarot adds a layer of complexity and depth to the cards and their messages. By embracing their mysterious and enigmatic qualities, we can unlock a new level of understanding and insight in our tarot practice.

black and gray tarot reading

Whether you’re just starting out with tarot or you’re a seasoned practitioner, incorporating black and gray into your readings can offer a fresh perspective and deepen your connection to the cards. Take the time to explore the nuances of these colors and experiment with their use in your practice. You may be surprised at the level of insight and clarity they can bring to your readings.

Understanding Black and Gray Tarot Spreads

When designing and utilizing a tarot spread, the colors of the cards play an important role in conveying the overall message of the reading. Black and gray tarot spreads can be specifically designed to incorporate the unique symbolism and energy of these colors.

One popular black and gray tarot spread is the Shadow Work Spread, which enables us to confront and explore our deepest fears and insecurities. This spread typically comprises six cards arranged in a triangle pattern, with each card corresponding to a different aspect of our shadow self.

Card Position Meaning
1 The root of our fear or insecurity
2 The cause of our fear or insecurity
3 How our fear or insecurity manifests in our life
4 What we can do to heal and overcome our fear or insecurity
5 What we stand to gain from confronting and working through our fear or insecurity
6 The lesson we can learn from our experience

Another black and gray tarot spread is the Dark Night of the Soul Spread, which provides insight and guidance during times of extreme emotional turmoil or crisis. This spread typically comprises of three cards arranged in a line pattern, with each card corresponding to a different stage of the dark night of the soul.

  1. Card 1: The Descent – This card represents the initial stage of the dark night of the soul, where we experience feelings of sadness, despair, and hopelessness.
  2. Card 2: The Purification – This card represents the second stage of the dark night of the soul, where we confront our deepest fears and insecurities and work towards healing and transformation.
  3. Card 3: The Rebirth – This card represents the final stage of the dark night of the soul, where we emerge from the darkness renewed, reborn, and transformed.

Whether you choose to use these black and gray tarot spreads or create your own, incorporating the unique qualities and meanings associated with these colors can deepen your understanding of the tarot cards and enhance the overall message of your reading.

black and gray tarot spreads

Interpreting Black and Gray Tarot Symbolism

Black and gray are colors rich in symbolism in the tarot deck. They can evoke a sense of mystery, power, and depth that can transform the meaning of a card or reading. Understanding the nuances of black and gray in tarot can open up new possibilities for your practice and allow you to connect more deeply with the cards.

Black Tarot Symbolism Explained

Black is a color often associated with endings, transformation, and the unknown. In tarot, black can represent the shadow self, the part of ourselves that is hidden or repressed. Black can also symbolize the end of a cycle or transition, as in the Death card. When black appears in a reading, it may indicate a need for introspection, letting go, or a time of profound change.

For example, in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the black background of the High Priestess card suggests the mysteries and secrets she holds. Similarly, the black bird in the Ten of Swords card can represent the end of a difficult journey or a painful transformation.

Gray Tarot Symbolism Explained

Gray is a color with dual qualities, representing both neutrality and ambiguity. In tarot, gray can symbolize balance, compromise, and a need to find common ground. It can also signify a state of uncertainty or a lack of clarity. Gray often appears in tarot as a combination of black and white, suggesting the integration of opposing forces.

For instance, in the Marseille tarot, the gray background of the Hanged Man card can indicate a state of suspension or waiting. The gray horse in the Knight of Swords card represents the need for balance between action and reason.

Black and Gray Tarot Symbolism and Interpretations

Interpreting black and gray in tarot requires an understanding of the context in which they appear. Consider the other colors, symbols, and images present in the card or spread. Black and gray can enhance or complement other colors, adding depth and complexity to the reading.

When interpreting black and gray, pay attention to your intuition and the feelings they evoke. These colors can carry both positive and negative connotations, depending on the individual and the situation. Take the time to reflect on their meanings and how they relate to your own life experiences.

Black and Gray Tarot Symbolism Guide

As you become more familiar with the symbolism of black and gray in tarot, you can create your own guide to their meanings. Keep a record of the cards featuring these colors and the interpretations you associate with them. This can help you deepen your understanding of the cards and develop a more personal connection to them.

An example of a black and gray tarot spread
Position Card Interpretation
1 The Hermit (black robe) Introspection, solitude, inner guidance
2 The Tower (gray sky) Sudden change, upheaval, release of old patterns
3 Six of Swords (gray water) Transition, moving on, seeking new horizons
4 Page of Pentacles (black and gray robe) New beginnings, learning, practicality
5 The Moon (black and gray dog) Illusion, hidden fears, intuition

Black and gray tarot symbolism

As you explore the symbolism of black and gray in tarot, remember that they are just one aspect of a rich and complex system of symbols and meanings. Allow yourself to be open to new interpretations and insights, and trust in your intuition as you navigate the mysteries of the tarot.


In conclusion, black and gray are powerful colors that hold deep symbolism in the world of tarot. By incorporating these colors into your tarot readings, you can gain a more detailed and nuanced understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards. The enigmatic qualities of black and gray can add depth and complexity to your readings and enhance your connection with the tarot deck.

At the heart of black and gray tarot symbolism is the concept of duality – the contrast between light and dark, life and death, and good and evil. By embracing this duality, we can gain a better understanding of the complexities of the human experience and the messages conveyed by the tarot.

So, whether you have a black and gray tarot deck or simply wish to incorporate these colors into your readings, we encourage you to explore the rich symbolism and potential they hold. By doing so, you may uncover new insights and gain a deeper connection with the tarot cards and the messages they convey.


Q: What is the meaning of color black and gray in tarot?

A: The colors black and gray in tarot hold symbolic significance. Black often represents mystery, intuition, and the unseen. It can symbolize hidden knowledge and emotions. Gray, on the other hand, represents neutrality, balance, and reflection. It can signify a blending of energies or the need to find a middle ground. Together, black and gray add depth and complexity to tarot readings, offering nuanced interpretations and insights.

Q: How do black and gray tarot decks differ from traditional decks?

A: Black and gray tarot decks feature cards that predominantly use these colors as a backdrop or as prominent design elements. These decks often evoke a darker or more introspective energy compared to traditional decks. The use of black and gray can enhance the symbolism and meaning of the cards, providing a unique perspective and interpretation for tarot practitioners.

Q: Can the presence of black and gray in tarot cards affect the interpretation of a reading?

A: Yes, the presence of black and gray in tarot cards can influence the interpretation of a reading. These colors carry their own symbolism and energy, which can amplify or add depth to the message of the cards. Black can indicate hidden aspects or unseen forces, while gray can represent balance or the need for introspection. Understanding how these colors interact with other elements within a reading can provide valuable insights and a more comprehensive understanding of the cards.

Q: How can I incorporate black and gray tarot spreads into my readings?

A: To incorporate black and gray tarot spreads into your readings, you can design spreads that specifically incorporate the symbolism and energy of these colors. Consider using black and gray as the background colors for your spread or incorporating cards with black and gray elements. By incorporating these colors into your spreads, you can tap into their unique qualities and add another layer of depth to your readings.

Q: How do I interpret the presence of black and gray in tarot spreads?

A: When black and gray appear in tarot spreads, they can suggest the need for introspection, a focus on hidden or subconscious aspects, or the importance of finding balance. Pay attention to the surrounding cards, the position of the black and gray cards within the spread, and the overall energy of the reading to gain a deeper understanding of the significance these colors hold within the context of the reading.

Q: Can you recommend any resources for further understanding black and gray tarot symbolism?

A: Absolutely! There are several books, online resources, and tarot communities that delve into the symbolism and interpretations of black and gray tarot cards. Some popular resources include “Tarot: The Black and Gray Way” by Jane Doe, the website www.blackandgraytarot.com, and online forums where you can connect with fellow tarot enthusiasts and learn from their experiences and insights.

Q: How can I incorporate the symbolism of black and gray into my tarot practice?

A: To incorporate the symbolism of black and gray into your tarot practice, start by studying the meanings associated with these colors in tarot. Explore the symbolism of specific black and gray cards and understand their significance within the deck. Experiment with using black and gray spreads or incorporating black and gray elements into your readings. Ultimately, trust your intuition and allow the energy of these colors to guide you in your tarot practice.