What Is the Meaning of Each Primary Color in Tarot?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to understanding the significance of primary colors in Tarot. Tarot cards are rich in symbolism, and color is an essential aspect of that symbolism. The primary colors, red, blue, yellow, and green, are prevalent in Tarot decks and hold significant meaning in Tarot readings. In this article, we will explore each primary color’s meaning in the context of Tarot symbolism, providing you with a deeper understanding of Tarot readings.

Key Takeaways:

  • The primary colors, red, blue, yellow, and green, are prevalent in Tarot decks and hold significant meaning in Tarot readings.
  • Understanding the significance of each primary color’s meaning in Tarot can provide you with a deeper understanding of Tarot readings.

The Symbolism of Red in Tarot

When it comes to primary colors in Tarot, red is one of the most powerful and dynamic. This bold and vibrant color represents passion, action, and energy. It is associated with the Element of Fire, which represents transformation, purification, and rejuvenation.

In Tarot readings, the presence of red can indicate powerful emotions, intense desire, and a need for action and change. It is commonly found in cards such as The Chariot, which represents the journey of personal growth and development. The Chariot’s red canopy symbolizes the individual’s determination and drive to reach their goals.

Another Tarot card that prominently features the color red is The Devil. This card represents temptation and desire, and the color red is often used to convey the intense and all-consuming nature of these feelings.

Overall, the color red is a powerful symbol in Tarot, representing a fiery energy that can be both transformative and motivating. Its inclusion in a reading can indicate a need for action, passion, and self-discovery.

The Chariot Tarot Card featuring the color red

Understanding primary colors in Tarot can help us gain a deeper understanding of the symbolism and messages presented in Tarot readings. By paying attention to the colors used in Tarot cards, we can gain insights into our own inner workings and gain clarity on our personal journeys.

The Meaning of Blue in Tarot

As we continue exploring the primary colors in Tarot, it’s time to delve into the symbolism of blue. In Tarot, blue is associated with intuition, spirituality, and calmness. This color is often depicted in cards that feature water or the sky, which are both elements that represent depth and vastness.

When interpreting a Tarot reading, blue can indicate a need for spiritual connection or a call to trust your intuition. It’s also a color that can suggest tranquility and emotional stability. For example, the High Priestess card, which often features shades of blue, represents intuition and feminine wisdom.

Another Tarot card that showcases blue is the Temperance card, which features an angel with one foot in water and the other on land. This card represents balance and harmony, which can be achieved through a blend of intuition and logic. The blue colors in the card further emphasize the importance of calmness and serenity in finding inner balance.

Understanding the primary color symbolism in Tarot can deepen your interpretation of readings and help you uncover hidden meanings. The color blue is just one example of how subtle nuances in Tarot symbolism can convey powerful messages.

blue primary color in tarot

Unlocking Yellow in Tarot

Yellow, the color of sunshine and warmth, is a powerful symbol in Tarot. Representing optimism, creativity, and intellect, yellow is a color that is often associated with new beginnings and fresh starts. In Tarot, the color yellow can offer insight into upcoming changes in our lives and how we can harness our own creative potential.

The Sun card is perhaps the most recognizable Tarot card featuring yellow. This card represents positivity, success, and abundance, and the bright yellow sun is a nod to the warmth and vitality that these qualities bring into our lives. The Magician card also incorporates yellow, representing the power that comes with harnessing one’s own creative talents and abilities.

Yellow can also be a warning in Tarot. The Tower card, which depicts a crumbling building being struck by lightning, often features a yellow sky, a symbol of impending danger or upheaval. It reminds us to remain cautious and alert in times of upheaval and change.

Tarot Card Yellow Symbolism
Sun Positivity, success, abundance
Magician Harnessing creative potential, power
Tower Impending danger, upheaval

Understanding the symbolism of yellow in Tarot can help us to approach new beginnings with optimism and creativity. By harnessing the power of the color yellow, we can unlock our own potential and achieve success and abundance in all areas of our lives.

Tarot Card Featuring Yellow

Green in Tarot: Growth and Balance

When it comes to interpreting Tarot card readings, understanding the symbolism of primary colors can be incredibly valuable. Green, in particular, is a color that is often associated with growth, abundance, and harmony.

In Tarot, the color green typically represents balance, healing, and renewal. It is a color that is often present in cards related to the heart chakra, as well as cards that relate to nature and the natural world.

One example of a Tarot card that prominently features the color green is the Empress card. This card is often associated with abundance, creativity, and maternal energy, all qualities that are represented by the color green. The lush greenery in the background of the card reinforces the idea of growth and abundance.

green in tarot

Another card that incorporates the color green is the Tower card. While this card is often associated with upheaval and destruction, the presence of green can also be interpreted as a sign of growth and renewal. Sometimes, we need to experience destruction to make way for new growth and positive change.

Overall, the color green in Tarot is a powerful symbol of growth, balance, and renewal. Its presence in a Tarot card reading can indicate a time of positive change and abundance, or a need for balance and healing. By understanding the symbolism of primary colors in Tarot, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed in each card, and use this knowledge to guide us on our path towards growth and enlightenment.


In conclusion, understanding the meaning of each primary color in Tarot can greatly enhance our interpretations of Tarot readings. The colors red, blue, yellow, and green each have their own unique symbolism and can provide valuable insight into the messages conveyed by Tarot cards.

As we have explored throughout this article, red represents passion and action, blue signifies intuition and spirituality, yellow represents optimism and creativity, and green symbolizes growth and balance. By paying attention to the colors used in Tarot cards, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages they convey.

It is important to remember that color symbolism in Tarot is not an exact science and can vary depending on the individual reader and the specific Tarot deck being used. However, by familiarizing ourselves with the basic meanings of primary colors in Tarot, we can develop a more nuanced interpretation of Tarot readings.

We encourage readers to continue exploring the fascinating world of Tarot and to deepen their understanding of the rich symbolism that Tarot cards provide. By incorporating an awareness of color symbolism in our Tarot readings, we can unlock deeper insights and connect with the messages of the cards on a more profound level.


Q: What is the meaning of each primary color in Tarot?

A: The primary colors in Tarot hold significant symbolism. Each color represents different aspects and energies in Tarot readings.

Q: What does the color red symbolize in Tarot?

A: In Tarot, the color red represents passion, action, and energy. It is often associated with powerful emotions and the pursuit of desires.

Q: What is the meaning of the color blue in Tarot?

A: The color blue in Tarot is associated with intuition, spirituality, and calmness. It signifies deep connections to the subconscious and inner wisdom.

Q: How does yellow influence Tarot interpretations?

A: Yellow in Tarot represents optimism, creativity, and intellect. It brings a vibrant energy of positivity and mental clarity to readings.

Q: What does the color green symbolize in Tarot?

A: Green in Tarot signifies growth, abundance, and balance. It represents the harmonious integration of the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life.

Please note that this FAQ section provides a general overview of the primary colors in Tarot and their meanings. For more in-depth information and specific interpretations, we recommend consulting Tarot resources or seeking guidance from experienced Tarot readers.