Exploring the Meaning of Blue and Turquoise in Tarot Readings

Welcome to our journey into the realm of tarot. In this section, we will delve into the symbolism and significance of the colors blue and turquoise in tarot readings. These colors hold deep spiritual connections and are essential in deciphering the messages conveyed by the cards. Let’s explore the meaning of blue and turquoise in tarot together.

Key Takeaways:

  • Blue and turquoise are significant colors in tarot readings.
  • These colors represent emotions, intuition, spiritual growth, and healing.
  • Understanding the symbolism of these colors can enhance the overall tarot experience.

Symbolism and Spiritual Significance

Blue and turquoise are not only visually stunning in tarot cards, but they also hold deep symbolism and spiritual significance. Blue, associated with the element of water, represents emotions, intuition, and depth. The shades of blue that appear in tarot cards, from pale blue to deep indigo, reflect the wide range of emotional experiences we encounter throughout our lives.

Turquoise, on the other hand, combines the calming properties of blue with the transformative energy of green, symbolizing spiritual growth and healing. It is a color of balance and harmony, helping us to integrate opposing forces within ourselves and our environment.

To fully understand the symbolic and spiritual significance of blue and turquoise in tarot, it is essential to explore their implications for specific cards. The High Priestess, for example, often features varying shades of blue, representing intuition and the connection to the subconscious. The Temperance card, infused with turquoise, symbolizes balance and the harmonious integration of opposing forces.

Ultimately, the combination of blue and turquoise in tarot brings forth a sense of tranquility and inner wisdom. These colors encourage us to explore the depths of our emotions and intuition, guiding us towards spiritual growth and healing.

blue and turquoise symbolism in tarot

Interpretation in Tarot Cards

Blue and turquoise can be found in various tarot cards, each carrying its unique interpretation. The High Priestess card often features shades of blue, representing intuition and the connection to the subconscious. This card suggests that we should trust our inner guidance and listen to our intuition. The Temperance card, infused with turquoise, symbolizes balance and harmonious integration of opposing forces. With this card, we are encouraged to find a middle ground and maintain emotional equilibrium.

In the Minor Arcana, the Ace of Cups card is often depicted with a blue background, indicating emotional depth and spiritual fulfillment. The Three of Swords card, on the other hand, may have hints of turquoise, which can signify a need for emotional healing and transformation.

Additionally, the overall color scheme of the tarot deck can play a role in interpretation. Decks that heavily feature blue and turquoise may suggest a focus on emotional and spiritual growth, while others with minimal blue and turquoise may indicate a greater emphasis on other aspects, such as practical considerations.

blue and turquoise tarot cards

By understanding the color interpretations in specific tarot cards, we can gain deeper insights into our readings. The colors can help us discern the underlying themes and messages, allowing us to make better-informed decisions and take more meaningful actions.

Energizing Tarot Readings

If you’re looking to add an extra boost to your tarot readings, incorporating blue and turquoise can do just the trick. These colors carry a powerful energy and can help facilitate a deeper connection to the cards and your intuition.

When we add blue to our tarot spreads, we invite a sense of calm and clarity. This can be especially helpful when exploring emotions and intuitive insights. Try using a blue cloth for your tarot readings or incorporating blue crystals like blue lace agate or lapis lazuli into your practice.

Turquoise, with its transformative energy, can help guide us towards spiritual growth and healing. You can add turquoise into your tarot spreads by incorporating the stone or visualizing the color when shuffling your cards.

Tip: For a powerful combination, try using both blue and turquoise in a tarot spread. This can invite a sense of tranquility and inner wisdom, empowering your readings.

Remember to stay open and intuitive when incorporating color into your tarot practice. You never know what kind of insights and guidance may come forth.

blue and turquoise energy in tarot

Significance in Tarot Readings

When we look at the colors blue and turquoise in tarot, they hold immense spiritual significance. These colors can signify different themes and messages in a tarot reading.

The color blue is associated with emotions, intuition, and depth. Therefore, when blue appears in a tarot reading, it may suggest a need for introspection and emotional balance. It can also indicate that we need to listen to our inner voice and trust our intuition to guide us.

Turquoise, on the other hand, represents spiritual growth and healing. When this color appears in a tarot reading, it may suggest that we are in the process of transformation and personal growth. It can also indicate that we need to focus on our inner healing and find harmony within ourselves.

Overall, the significance of blue and turquoise in tarot readings can help us gain a deeper understanding of the messages and guidance that the tarot offers. By recognizing the spiritual significance of these colors, we can decode the messages from the cards and gain a better understanding of our inner selves.

Significance of blue and turquoise in tarot readings

Whether we are seeking emotional balance or spiritual growth, the significance of blue and turquoise in tarot can provide us with valuable insights and guidance. Keep these colors in mind during your next tarot reading and see how they resonate with your journey.


We hope that this exploration of the colors blue and turquoise in tarot has shed light on their deep symbolism and spiritual significance. Incorporating these colors into tarot readings and spreads can help us connect with our emotions, intuition, and spiritual growth. By understanding the color interpretations in specific tarot cards, we can gain deeper insights into our readings and uncover powerful messages and guidance from the tarot. Remember to embrace the calming energy of blue and the transformative power of turquoise in your tarot practice, and unlock a wealth of spiritual insights.


Q: What is the meaning of the colors blue and turquoise in tarot?

A: The colors blue and turquoise hold deep symbolism and spiritual connections in tarot readings. Blue represents emotions, intuition, and depth, while turquoise combines the calming properties of blue with the transformative energy of green, symbolizing spiritual growth and healing.

Q: What is the symbolism and spiritual significance of blue and turquoise in tarot?

A: Blue is associated with the element of water, bringing forth emotions, intuition, and depth. Turquoise combines the calming properties of blue with the transformative energy of green, symbolizing spiritual growth and healing, bringing a sense of tranquility and inner wisdom in tarot readings.

Q: How are blue and turquoise interpreted in tarot cards?

A: Blue and turquoise can be found in various tarot cards, each carrying their unique interpretation. For example, the High Priestess card often features shades of blue, representing intuition and the connection to the subconscious. The Temperance card, infused with turquoise, symbolizes balance and harmonious integration of opposing forces.

Q: How can blue and turquoise be used to energize tarot readings?

A: Incorporating blue and turquoise into tarot spreads or readings can add an energizing element. Blue invites calm and clarity, facilitating exploration of emotions and intuitive insights. Turquoise, with its transformative energy, guides individuals towards spiritual growth and healing, enhancing the overall tarot experience.

Q: What is the significance of blue and turquoise in tarot readings?

A: When blue and turquoise appear in tarot readings, they often signify themes related to emotions, intuition, healing, and spiritual growth. These colors may represent a need for introspection, a call to listen to your inner voice, or an indication of emotional balance and harmony.


The colors blue and turquoise have significant meaning in tarot, representing emotions, intuition, spiritual growth, and healing. By recognizing and interpreting the symbolism of these colors in tarot cards and readings, individuals can deepen their understanding and connection to the messages that the tarot offers. Embrace the calming energy of blue and the transformative power of turquoise in your tarot practice to unlock a wealth of spiritual insights.