Is There a Correlation Between Color and Numerology in Tarot?

Welcome to our exploration of color and numerology in tarot. Tarot readings are a powerful tool for gaining insight and guidance, and the language of tarot extends beyond just the symbolism of the cards themselves. By incorporating the concepts of color and numerology, we can unlock even deeper layers of meaning in our readings. In this article, we will dive into the fascinating connection between color and numerology in tarot and explore how these two aspects can enhance our understanding and practice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color and numerology are important aspects of tarot readings.
  • Understanding the symbolism of colors in tarot cards can enhance our readings.
  • Numerological meanings can complement and deepen our understanding of tarot cards.

Understanding Color Symbolism in Tarot Card Meanings

Color symbolism is an essential aspect of tarot reading. Each color represents different emotions, energies, and meanings and can provide insights into a card’s interpretation. Understanding color symbolism and how it relates to each tarot card is crucial in gaining a deeper understanding of our readings.

When interpreting tarot card meanings, it is essential to pay attention to the colors used. For example, the Fool card is often depicted wearing a white shirt, symbolizing purity and innocence. The Magician is often seen wearing red, representing passion, action, and energy.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common colors used in tarot and their corresponding meanings:

Color Meaning
Red Passion, energy, action
Blue Emotion, intuition, spirituality
Green Growth, abundance, fertility
Purple Spirituality, intuition, Divine guidance
Yellow Intellect, communication, mental agility
Black Mystery, the unknown, the unconscious
White Purity, clarity, innocence

These are just a few examples of the color symbolism found in tarot. By taking the time to learn the meaning behind each color and how it relates to each card, we can enhance our tarot readings and gain a better understanding of the messages the cards are trying to convey.

Tarot cards arranged with different colors

It is worth noting that while color symbolism is essential in tarot reading, it is essential to also pay attention to the context of each card. The same color can represent different meanings depending on the card it appears in and the question being asked. Therefore, it is crucial to approach each tarot reading with an open mind and an eagerness to interpret each card holistically.

In the next section, we will explore the significance of color in tarot readings and how it can enhance our understanding of the messages the cards convey.

Exploring the Significance of Color in Tarot Readings

Color is an essential aspect of tarot readings. Each tarot card is associated with a specific color that carries its unique significance. Understanding the color associations in tarot can help us gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards.

For example, the Chariot card is often depicted in shades of red and orange, representing energy, movement, and passion. The Star card, on the other hand, is associated with shades of blue and purple, symbolizing tranquility, inspiration, and spirituality. By recognizing the color associations in tarot, we can unlock layers of meaning that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Moreover, the use of color in tarot cards can provide additional clues to our interpretations. The color placement within the card can represent different aspects of the card’s meaning. For instance, if the Hanged Man is depicted upside down with a blue background, it can signify surrendering to the unknown and a sense of peace. However, if the background is bright red, it can indicate a sense of chaos or danger.

In addition to individual cards, understanding color associations in tarot spreads can also enhance our readings. A spread that focuses on a specific color palette can provide a more in-depth exploration of that theme. For example, a spread that utilizes warm colors like red, orange, and yellow can signify themes of passion, motivation, and action.

Tarot Card Color Association
The Magician Red and White
The High Priestess Blue and Silver
The Empress Green
The Emperor Gold and Red
The Hierophant Red and Gold

As shown in the table above, each tarot card is associated with its unique color palette. By recognizing these associations, we can gain deeper insights into the messages conveyed by the cards and use them for our interpretations.

In conclusion, understanding the significance of color in tarot readings can enrich our understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards. By recognizing the color associations in tarot, we can unlock hidden layers of meaning and use them for our interpretations. Incorporating color into our tarot practice can lead to more intuitive and insightful readings.

Color and numerology in tarot

Unlocking the power of numerology in tarot interpretations

Numerology is a fascinating system that assigns meaning to numbers. When combined with tarot, it can offer a deeper layer of understanding and insight into the messages of the cards. By exploring the numerological associations of each card, we can gain a broader perspective on its significance.

For example, the number 7 is often associated with introspection, analysis, and spirituality. In the tarot, the 7 of Cups represents choices, illusions, and decisions. By incorporating the numerological meaning of 7 into our interpretation of this card, we can understand that it is a time for deep reflection and exploration of our inner selves.

Similarly, the number 4 symbolizes stability, structure, and foundation. In the tarot, the 4 of Swords represents rest, recuperation, and introspection. By considering the numerological meaning of 4, we can understand that this card speaks to the need for stability and foundation in our lives.

By incorporating numerology into our tarot readings, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages of the cards. It can also help us recognize patterns and themes in our readings, offering guidance and insights into our lives.

Numerology and Tarot

As we explore the connection between numerology and tarot, we can unlock a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. By incorporating the numerological meanings of each card into our readings, we can gain deeper insights and guidance on our journey through life.

Using color in tarot spreads for intuitive guidance

Color has a powerful influence on our emotions and energy. By incorporating color into our tarot spreads, we can tap into its vibrational frequency for intuitive guidance.

One way to use color in tarot spreads is by focusing on the placement of the cards. For example, placing a red card in the center of the spread can signify the current situation or the heart of the matter. This can help us gain clarity on the main theme of the reading.

Another way to use color in tarot spreads is by creating color-themed spreads. For instance, a spread focused on the color green can represent growth, abundance, and prosperity. This can be useful when seeking guidance on career or financial matters.

Number of Cards Spread Name Color Theme
3 Body, Mind, Spirit Yellow, Blue, Purple
5 The Five Elements Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple
7 The Chakra Spread Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple

By using color in our tarot spreads, we can enhance our intuitive abilities and gain deeper insights into our readings. Remember, the interpretation of color in tarot is subjective and can vary depending on the reader’s personal associations and experiences. Trust yourself and your intuition when working with color in tarot.

using color in tarot spreads

The therapeutic effects of color in tarot readings

Color plays a significant role in our lives, affecting our mood, perceptions, and emotions. In tarot readings, color correspondences are used to enhance our understanding and interpretation of the cards. By becoming aware of the meaning behind each color, we can use this knowledge to unlock hidden layers of meaning and gain deeper insights into our readings.

In addition to its use in tarot readings, color therapy is also a powerful healing tool that can be integrated into our personal growth practices. By using color correspondences in tarot, we can tap into our subconscious and connect with our inner selves.

For example, the color red is associated with passion, energy, and power. When this color appears in a tarot reading, it can signify strong emotions, action, and motivation. Alternatively, the color blue is associated with calmness, serenity, and communication. When this color appears in a tarot reading, it can signify inner peace, clarity, and open communication.

By using color correspondences in tarot readings, we can gain a deeper understanding of our emotions and learn to express ourselves more effectively. We can also use color therapy techniques to promote healing and balance in our lives. For example, if we are feeling anxious or stressed, we can meditate on the color blue to promote relaxation and calm.

Overall, the therapeutic effects of color in tarot readings are vast and varied. By incorporating color correspondences and color therapy techniques into our tarot practice, we can enhance our personal growth and well-being.

color correspondences in tarot


In conclusion, we have explored the correlation between color and numerology in tarot. We learned how color symbolism plays a significant role in tarot readings and how understanding the relationship between color and tarot card interpretations can give us deeper insights. Additionally, we discussed the importance of incorporating numerology into our tarot practice and how it can enhance our understanding of the cards.

By using color in tarot spreads, we can tap into our intuition and receive clearer messages from the cards. We can also use color in tarot for healing and self-reflection, making our tarot practice more therapeutic.

In summary, the connection between color and numerology in tarot is fascinating and can greatly enrich our tarot practice. By exploring these aspects and incorporating them into our readings, we can gain deeper insights and guidance. So, let’s continue to explore the world of color and numerology in tarot, and see where our practice takes us.


Q: Is there a correlation between color and numerology in tarot?

A: Yes, there is a correlation between color and numerology in tarot. Color can play a significant role in tarot readings, enhancing our interpretations and adding depth to our understanding. Numerology can also influence our interpretations by providing additional insights and guidance.

Q: How can I understand color symbolism in tarot card meanings?

A: Understanding color symbolism in tarot card meanings can be achieved by exploring the different colors associated with each card and their corresponding meanings. By recognizing the relationship between color and tarot card interpretations, we can gain deeper insights and enhance our readings.

Q: What is the significance of color in tarot readings?

A: Color holds great significance in tarot readings. The use of color in tarot cards can enhance our understanding of the messages they convey and unlock hidden layers of meaning. By recognizing the color associations in tarot, we can deepen our interpretations and connect with the symbolism on a deeper level.

Q: How can numerology be used to interpret tarot cards?

A: Numerology can be used to interpret tarot cards by providing additional meanings and insights. By understanding the numerological significance of each card, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages they convey. Incorporating numerology into our tarot practice can enhance our interpretations and provide guidance.

Q: How can I use color in tarot spreads for intuitive guidance?

A: Color can be used in tarot spreads for intuitive guidance by focusing on color placement or using color-themed spreads. By harnessing the power of color, we can tap into our intuition and receive clearer messages from the tarot. Incorporating color into our tarot spreads can enhance our intuitive abilities and deepen our connection with the cards.

Q: What are the therapeutic effects of color in tarot readings?

A: Color in tarot readings can have therapeutic effects, as it can be used for healing and self-reflection. By utilizing color correspondences in tarot, we can create a transformative and healing experience. Incorporating color therapy techniques into our tarot practice can enhance our personal growth and overall well-being.