How to Combine Tarot and Astrology with Color Correspondences

Welcome to our guide on combining tarot and astrology with color correspondences! As professional tarot card readers and astrology enthusiasts, we know that the two practices can complement each other for even deeper insights into our lives and the world around us. By using color correspondences in your tarot and astrology readings, you can unlock even more meaning and understanding from the cards and horoscopes. In this article, we’ll guide you through the basics of using color correspondences in tarot and astrology, and show you how to combine the two practices for even more powerful divination.

Key Takeaways

  • Combining tarot and astrology can lead to deeper insights and understanding of our lives.
  • Color correspondences can be used in both tarot and astrology to enhance readings and predictions.
  • By integrating tarot and astrology with color correspondences, you can unlock even more meaning and power in your divination practice.

Exploring Tarot and Astrology as Divination Tools

We believe that tarot and astrology are two powerful tools that can be used for divination. Tarot cards are often used for fortune-telling or seeking guidance, while astrology can provide insights into personality traits, behavior patterns, and future trends.

When combined, tarot and astrology can provide a more comprehensive understanding of a situation or person. For example, a tarot card reading may reveal that a querent is experiencing a difficult time in their career, while an astrology chart can show that this is due to the influence of a challenging planetary aspect.

Using tarot and astrology together can also provide a more nuanced interpretation of tarot cards. Each tarot card has its own meaning, but when combined with astrology, the meaning can be enhanced or altered based on the astrological correspondences of the card.

Tarot Card Astrological Correspondence
The Magician Mercury
The Empress Venus
The Tower Mars

Tarot spreads can also be tailored to correspond with specific astrological events or transits. For example, during a Mercury retrograde, a tarot spread focused on communication and technology may be more applicable.

Overall, combining tarot and astrology can provide a deeper level of insight and understanding for both personal and professional use. Whether you’re seeking guidance or gaining a better understanding of yourself and others, tarot and astrology are two powerful tools that can be used together for divination.

tarot and astrology

Understanding Color Correspondences in Tarot

Color is an essential element of tarot and is often used as a tool for interpretation. Each color has a specific meaning and can help provide insight into the card’s message. Understanding color correspondences in tarot can deepen your understanding of the cards and provide a new layer of interpretation.

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to color correspondences in tarot. However, some colors tend to have more consistent meanings than others.

Color Meaning Associated Cards
Red Passion, energy, action The Devil, The Tower, The Knight of Wands
Orange Creativity, joy, enthusiasm The Sun, The Magician, The Page of Wands
Yellow Intellect, clarity, optimism The Empress, The Emperor, The Ace of Swords
Green Growth, abundance, nature The Lovers, The World, The Ace of Pentacles
Blue Spirituality, intuition, communication The High Priestess, The Hanged Man, The Knight of Cups
Purple Mystery, magic, spirituality The Star, The Moon, The Hermit
Black Transformation, mystery, hidden knowledge The Death, The Devil, The Ace of Cups
White Purity, clarity, innocence The Fool, The Judgement, The Wheel of Fortune

These are just a few examples, and there are many other interpretations of color in tarot. It’s important to keep in mind that the meaning of a color may vary depending on the context of the reading or the individual interpretation of the reader.

It can also be useful to consider the colors present in the design of the tarot deck when interpreting color correspondences. Some decks may have more prominent colors than others, which could impact the overall meaning of the reading.

tarot deck

When incorporating color correspondences into your tarot readings, trust your intuition and allow the colors to guide your interpretation. Remember that tarot is a tool for self-reflection, and the meanings of the cards are ultimately up to the individual who is interpreting them.

Color Correspondences in Astrology Signs

Just as every tarot card has its own color correspondences, so do the different astrology signs. Understanding the color correspondences of each sign can add depth and significance to your tarot and astrology readings.

Aries: The fiery energy of Aries is best represented by the color red. This color is associated with strength, passion, and courage.

Taurus: Earthy Taurus is linked with the color green, symbolizing growth, stability, and fertility. This sign is also connected to the color pink, representing love and affection.

Gemini: The dual nature of Gemini is reflected in the color yellow, which is associated with communication, versatility, and intellect.

Cancer: Compassionate Cancer is linked with the color white, symbolizing purity, innocence, and intuition. This sign is also associated with silver and gray, representing emotional depth and sensitivity.

Leo: Bold and passionate Leo is represented by the color gold, symbolizing luxury, strength, and royalty.

Virgo: The practical and analytical nature of Virgo is linked to the color brown, representing stability, grounding, and materialism. This sign is also associated with green, symbolizing growth and health.

Libra: The balanced and harmonious nature of Libra is best represented by the color pink, symbolizing love, empathy, and understanding. This sign is also connected to the color blue, representing communication and clarity.

Scorpio: Intense and mysterious Scorpio is linked to the color black, representing power, depth, and transformation. This sign is also associated with the color red, symbolizing passion and intensity.

Sagittarius: The adventurous Sagittarius is associated with the color purple, symbolizing spirituality, wisdom, and inspiration. This sign is also linked to the color blue, representing truth and knowledge.

Capricorn: The determined and disciplined nature of Capricorn is linked to the color brown, representing stability, grounding, and materialism. This sign is also associated with black, symbolizing power and ambition.

Aquarius: The intellectual and independent Aquarius is associated with the color blue, symbolizing communication, innovation, and progress. This sign is also linked to the color green, representing growth and individuality.

Pisces: The intuitive and dreamy Pisces is linked to the color purple, symbolizing imagination, intuition, and spirituality. This sign is also associated with the color turquoise, representing creativity and inspiration.

By incorporating these color correspondences into your tarot and astrology practice, you can deepen your understanding of the different signs and their unique energies.

astrology signs

Integrating Tarot and Astrology with Color Correspondences

Now that we have a better understanding of how tarot and astrology can complement each other, let’s explore how we can integrate color correspondences into our readings.

Each tarot card has a unique color palette, and these colors can hold significance in our readings. For example, the color yellow often represents intellect and communication, making it a relevant color for the Swords suit, which is associated with the mind and communication. By understanding the color correspondences of each card, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages they hold.

Similarly, astrology signs are also associated with specific colors. Aries, for example, is associated with the color red, which represents passion and energy. By incorporating these color correspondences into our tarot readings, we can gain additional insights into the energies and influences at play in our lives.

One way to integrate color correspondences into our tarot and astrology practice is by meditating on the colors associated with the cards or signs we are exploring. This can help us connect with the energies they represent and gain a better understanding of our own experiences.

tarot and astrology

When performing a tarot reading, we can also incorporate color correspondences by paying attention to the colors that appear in the cards we draw. These colors can offer additional clues about the messages and energies being conveyed through the reading.

Incorporating color correspondences into our tarot and astrology practice can be a powerful tool for gaining deeper insights into our lives and experiences. By paying attention to the colors associated with the cards and signs we explore, we can gain a better understanding of the energies and influences at play and use this knowledge to make more informed decisions.


Incorporating color correspondences into tarot and astrology can enhance the overall experience of divination and add depth to readings. By understanding the symbolism behind the colors, we can effectively communicate with our intuition and tap into the energy of the universe.

As we explored in this article, combining tarot and astrology can provide a unique perspective on the past, present, and future. Both divination tools complement each other and can give us a well-rounded view of any situation.

Furthermore, understanding color correspondences in tarot and astrology signs can provide valuable insights into our inner selves. By paying attention to the colors that resonate with us, we can tap into our intuition and connect with our higher selves.

We hope this article has provided you with a solid foundation on how to incorporate color correspondences into your tarot and astrology practice. Remember to always trust your intuition and use these tools as a guide rather than a definitive answer.

Happy divination!


Q: How do I combine tarot and astrology with color correspondences?

A: Combining tarot and astrology with color correspondences involves using specific colors to enhance your tarot card readings based on the astrological associations of each card. By understanding the color correspondences associated with each card and its astrological sign, you can add an additional layer of symbolism and meaning to your readings.

Q: Can tarot card reading and astrology predictions be done online?

A: Yes, both tarot card reading and astrology predictions can be done online. There are various websites and platforms that offer online tarot card readings and astrology predictions, allowing you to receive guidance and insights from the comfort of your own home.

Q: How can I use color correspondences in tarot spreads?

A: Color correspondences can be used in tarot spreads by incorporating the specific colors associated with each card into the layout or arrangement of the cards. For example, you can use colored cloths or ribbons to represent the different astrological sign colors and place the corresponding cards on top of them during your tarot reading.

Q: What are the meanings of different colors in tarot?

A: The meanings of different colors in tarot can vary depending on the individual reader and the specific deck being used. However, some commonly accepted color correspondences in tarot include red for passion and energy, blue for intuition and spirituality, green for growth and abundance, and yellow for intellect and clarity.

Q: How can I integrate tarot and astrology with color correspondences?

A: To integrate tarot and astrology with color correspondences, you can start by studying the astrological associations of each tarot card and their corresponding colors. Then, during your tarot card readings, you can incorporate these colors into your surroundings, such as using color-coded candles or fabrics, to create a harmonious and meaningful experience.