How to Support QTPOC Tarot Creators and Decks

As a tarot community, it’s important that we strive for diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of our practice. That’s why we must actively support QTPOC tarot creators and their decks. By amplifying their voices and celebrating their work, we can help ensure that marginalized communities have a space in the tarot world.

There are many ways to support QTPOC tarot creators and their decks. This includes boosting their visibility, promoting their work, and financially supporting their endeavors. Let’s explore how we can make a difference together.

Key Takeaways

  • It’s important to support QTPOC tarot creators and their diverse decks.
  • We can boost their visibility through social media and online tarot communities.
  • We can financially support their work by purchasing their decks or booking QTPOC tarot readings.

Understanding QTPOC Tarot

As we work towards a more diverse and inclusive tarot community, it is important to understand the significance of QTPOC tarot. QTPOC, or Queer and Trans People of Color, tarot is a movement that aims to highlight and celebrate the experiences of marginalized communities in the tarot world.

Unlike traditional tarot decks that often center around cisgender, heterosexual, and white experiences, QTPOC tarot decks prioritize inclusivity and representation for all individuals. These decks seek to provide a safe and affirming space for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation, or race.

Inclusive tarot readings for QTPOC individuals can offer a unique and empowering experience. These readings prioritize the perspectives and experiences of marginalized communities, and can offer guidance and inspiration that is specific to these identities. As we strive for a more inclusive tarot community, understanding the importance of QTPOC tarot is a crucial step forward.

diverse tarot decks

There is a growing movement of creators who are designing diverse tarot decks that prioritize the voices and experiences of QTPOC individuals. These decks offer a wide range of interpretations and perspectives that are often missing in traditional tarot decks. With concepts such as queer tarot and LGBTQ+ tarot gaining traction, it is important to support these creators and their efforts to create more inclusive and representative tarot decks.

By supporting QTPOC tarot creators, we can boost the visibility of these decks and amplify the voices of marginalized communities. It is important to recognize the significance of representation in tarot decks for people of color and queer individuals. By uplifting and supporting QTPOC tarot creators, we can create a more inclusive and empowering tarot community for all.

Exploring Diverse Tarot Decks

One of the most significant ways to support QTPOC tarot creators is by exploring and purchasing their tarot decks. There are many diverse tarot decks available that offer unique perspectives and interpretations while showcasing the importance of representation in tarot.

One exceptional deck is the Next World Tarot, created by Cristy C. Road, a Cuban-American artist. This deck features vibrant illustrations that highlight the struggles of queer and marginalized communities while offering messages of hope and empowerment. Another remarkable deck is the Slow Holler Tarot, a collaborative deck featuring artwork from over 30 artists, many of whom are queer and trans individuals. This deck explores themes of identity, community, and social justice.

It’s essential to support QTPOC tarot creators by purchasing their decks as it ensures they receive the financial compensation they deserve for their hard work. By investing in diverse tarot decks, we can also increase visibility and representation for QTPOC individuals in the tarot community.

diverse tarot decks

Additionally, it’s crucial to educate ourselves on the significance of diversity and inclusivity in tarot. By actively seeking out and exploring diverse tarot decks, we can broaden our understanding of the tarot’s potential and gain a deeper appreciation for the intersections of identity and spirituality.

Boosting Visibility for QTPOC Tarot Creators

Supporting QTPOC tarot creators doesn’t stop at purchasing their decks or booking readings from them. It’s equally important to boost their visibility on different platforms to ensure their work reaches a wider audience.

Social media is a powerful tool for sharing and promoting the work of QTPOC tarot creators. By following them on platforms such as Instagram or Twitter, you can help to amplify their voices and raise awareness about their deck releases, events, and other projects. Consider sharing their posts and tagging them in your own content to help spread the word.

Another way to support QTPOC tarot creators is to participate in online tarot communities that prioritize diversity and inclusivity. These groups can offer a safe and supportive space for QTPOC individuals to share their work and engage with readers who value their contributions. Joining these communities can also provide opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from their experiences and insights.

Boosting Visibility for QTPOC Tarot Creators

Finally, attending tarot events that showcase QTPOC tarot creators and their work is a great way to show your support and meet these creators in person. By attending workshops, lectures, and other events, you can learn more about their decks and gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives and approaches to tarot.

By actively promoting and sharing the work of QTPOC tarot creators, we can help to boost their visibility and ensure that their voices are heard and appreciated within the tarot community. Let’s make sure that QTPOC creators are always at the forefront of our minds when it comes to supporting marginalized communities in tarot.

Supporting QTPOC Tarot Creators Financially

It is essential to financially support QTPOC tarot creators to ensure their continued success in the tarot community. By investing in the work of QTPOC creators, we can help to amplify their voices and perspectives and promote diversity in the tarot community.

Purchasing QTPOC tarot decks is one way to show support. Many QTPOC tarot creators offer their decks for sale on their websites or through online retailers. Consider purchasing a deck to add to your collection or as a gift for a friend.

Another way to support QTPOC tarot creators is by booking tarot readings with them. Many creators offer professional tarot reading services, and booking a session can provide valuable insights and guidance while also supporting their work.

Additionally, many QTPOC tarot creators utilize crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or Patreon to fund their projects. Consider contributing to their campaigns to help bring their tarot decks or other tarot-related projects to life.

Overall, financially supporting QTPOC tarot creators is an important way to promote diversity and inclusivity in the tarot community and help to uplift marginalized voices.

QTPOC tarot creators

Creating Safe Spaces for QTPOC Tarot Readers

As we continue to champion diversity and inclusivity in the tarot community, we cannot overlook the significance of creating safe spaces for QTPOC tarot readers. It is essential to have tarot communities that are inclusive and supportive, where QTPOC individuals are seen, heard, and understood.

Queer tarot, LGBTQ+ tarot, and other QTPOC tarot readings can provide guidance, inspiration, and healing for marginalized communities. These readings offer a space for QTPOC individuals to explore their identities, experiences, and emotions in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

It’s crucial to prioritize the voices of QTPOC tarot readers and creators in these safe spaces. We need to ensure that their contributions are valued, respected, and celebrated. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and representative tarot community.

One way to create safe spaces is by organizing tarot events and gatherings that specifically cater to QTPOC individuals. These events can include workshops, discussions, and readings that center around QTPOC experiences and perspectives. Online tarot communities and social media platforms can also be used to create safe spaces and connect with like-minded individuals.

Finally, it’s essential to actively listen and learn from QTPOC tarot readers and creators. By educating ourselves on intersectionality in tarot and seeking out resources created by QTPOC individuals and other marginalized communities, we can better understand the nuances of representation and inclusivity in tarot.

QTPOC Tarot Readers

Educating Ourselves on Intersectionality in Tarot

As we strive towards a more diverse and inclusive tarot community, it is imperative that we educate ourselves on intersectionality and its role in the tarot world. Tarot can be a powerful tool in addressing and dismantling systems of oppression, but only if we approach it with an understanding of how intersecting identities impact our experiences with tarot.

This means recognizing that tarot for people of color, tarot for queer folks, and tarot for marginalized communities may look and feel different than traditional tarot. It means acknowledging that our own biases and privileges can impact our interpretations of the cards, and that we must actively work to dismantle those biases in order to create meaningful and inclusive readings for all.

To better educate ourselves on intersectionality in tarot, we can seek out resources created by QTPOC individuals and other marginalized communities. This can include blogs, books, and online communities that center the experiences of QTPOC tarot readers.

Additionally, we can engage in purposeful self-reflection and introspection, examining our own experiences with tarot and how our identities shape the way we understand the cards. We can also actively seek out diverse tarot decks and readings, supporting QTPOC tarot creators and amplifying their voices in the tarot community.

By educating ourselves on intersectionality in tarot, we can create a more vibrant and supportive tarot community that uplifts and celebrates the experiences of all individuals, regardless of their background or identity.

Tarot for marginalized communities


As we come to the end of this article, we want to reiterate the importance of supporting QTPOC tarot creators and decks. Diversity and inclusivity are essential in the tarot community, and it’s crucial that we actively work towards amplifying the voices of those who have been historically marginalized.

By understanding what QTPOC tarot is and exploring diverse tarot decks, we can gain insights into unique perspectives and interpretations. Boosting visibility for QTPOC tarot creators through social media platforms and tarot events can play a significant role in amplifying their voices.

Supporting QTPOC Tarot Creators Financially

Providing financial support through purchasing decks, booking QTPOC tarot readings, or contributing to their crowdfunding campaigns can go a long way in ensuring that QTPOC creators can continue to provide their talents and perspectives.

Creating Safe Spaces for QTPOC Tarot Readers

It’s also essential to create safe spaces for QTPOC tarot readers, where they feel seen, heard, and understood. Inclusive and supportive tarot communities can have a profound impact on marginalized individuals and can provide guidance, inspiration, and healing for queer and marginalized communities.

Educating Ourselves on Intersectionality in Tarot

Finally, we must continue to educate ourselves on intersectionality in tarot. Learning from and supporting resources created by QTPOC individuals and other marginalized communities can help dismantle systems of oppression and create a more inclusive and diverse community.

By actively engaging with and uplifting the voices of QTPOC tarot creators, we can work towards a brighter and more inclusive tarot community that honors and values diversity and inclusivity. Let’s continue to work towards positive change and support the QTPOC tarot community.


Q: How can I support QTPOC tarot creators and decks?

A: There are several ways you can support QTPOC tarot creators and decks. You can purchase their decks, book tarot readings from QTPOC readers, share their work on social media, and contribute to their crowdfunding campaigns. By actively engaging with and promoting their creations, you help boost visibility and ensure their success.

Q: What is QTPOC tarot?

A: QTPOC tarot refers to tarot decks and readings that are specifically created for and by queer, trans, and people of color communities. These decks aim to be more inclusive, representative, and relevant to the experiences of marginalized individuals. QTPOC tarot offers unique perspectives and interpretations, making it an important and empowering resource for diverse communities.

Q: Why is it important to explore diverse tarot decks?

A: Exploring diverse tarot decks allows us to broaden our perspectives and embrace a wider range of interpretations in our tarot practice. Diverse tarot decks, particularly those created by QTPOC individuals, offer fresh insights and representation that resonate with people of color, queer folks, and other marginalized communities. By supporting these decks, we contribute to a more inclusive and empowering tarot community.

Q: How can we boost visibility for QTPOC tarot creators?

A: Boosting visibility for QTPOC tarot creators involves actively promoting their work. Share their creations on social media, recommend their decks to others, and participate in online tarot communities that prioritize diversity and inclusivity. Additionally, attending tarot events and workshops where QTPOC creators are featured can help amplify their voices and ensure their work reaches a wider audience.

Q: How can I financially support QTPOC tarot creators?

A: There are several ways to financially support QTPOC tarot creators. Purchasing their decks directly from their websites or online marketplaces is a great way to invest in their work. You can also book tarot readings from QTPOC readers or contribute to their crowdfunding campaigns. By financially supporting these creators, we help sustain their artistic endeavors and empower their continued success.

Q: Why is creating safe spaces for QTPOC tarot readers important?

A: Creating safe spaces for QTPOC tarot readers is crucial to ensure that marginalized individuals feel seen, heard, and understood. Inclusive and supportive tarot communities provide a sense of belonging and encourage open dialogue about the unique experiences of QTPOC individuals. QTPOC tarot readings can also offer guidance, inspiration, and healing specifically tailored to the needs of queer and marginalized communities.

Q: How can we educate ourselves on intersectionality in tarot?

A: Educating ourselves on intersectionality in tarot involves actively seeking out resources created by QTPOC individuals and other marginalized communities. Engage with diverse tarot decks, books, websites, and social media accounts that explore the intersection of tarot with topics such as race, gender, and sexuality. By learning from these perspectives, we can better understand and address the systems of oppression in tarot and work towards a more inclusive and equitable practice.