When Should You Pay Attention to the Colors in Your Tarot Spread?

As tarot readers, we know that every detail in a tarot spread can hold meaning and give us insight into the querent’s situation. But have you considered the importance of colors in tarot readings?

Colors are not just aesthetically pleasing; they can also provide valuable information about the symbolism and interpretation of the tarot cards. Paying attention to the colors in a spread can enhance our understanding of the reading and provide deeper insights into the querent’s situation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Colors in tarot spreads can offer valuable insights into the symbolism and interpretation of the cards.
  • Each color in tarot has its own associations and emotional connotations that can enhance or alter the interpretation of a card.
  • Incorporating color associations into tarot readings can be done through color-coded spreads and card selection based on specific colors.

The Symbolism of Colors in Tarot

Colors are an integral part of tarot symbolism, and they can greatly impact the interpretation of a reading. Each color has its own associations and emotional connotations, which can either enhance or alter the meaning of a card. Understanding the symbolism of colors can provide a deeper insight into the readings and help us connect with the cards on a more profound level.

Tarot Spread Colors: The colors present in a tarot spread can convey messages about the overall theme and energy of the reading. For example, a spread dominated by blue hues may indicate a focus on communication, while a spread with a lot of green may suggest growth and abundance.

Symbolism of Colors in Tarot: Here are some key associations and meanings of common colors in tarot:

Color Associations and Meanings
Red Passion, action, energy, courage, strength, desire
Yellow Intellect, logic, creativity, optimism, happiness, clarity
Green Growth, abundance, balance, harmony, healing, nature
Blue Communication, expression, truth, intuition, calmness, spirituality
Purple Mystery, spirituality, transformation, creativity, luxury, magic
Black Mystery, the unknown, endings, transformation, potential, power
White Purity, innocence, clarity, new beginnings, spirituality, enlightenment
Gray Neutrality, balance, compromise, indecision, maturity

Tarot and Color Symbolism: The symbolism of colors in tarot is not limited to just these associations. Some decks may have different color schemes or individual interpretations of colors. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the specific deck being used and the overall feeling of the reading.

Significance of Colors in Tarot Spreads: The placement of colors in a spread can also add depth and layers of meaning to a reading. For example, a card surrounded by red may suggest a need for action and passion, while a card flanked by green may indicate growth and abundance in that area of life.

Symbolism of Colors in Tarot

The symbolism of colors in tarot is a vast and fascinating topic that can greatly enhance our understanding of the cards. By paying attention to the associations and emotional connotations of different colors, we can gain a deeper insight into the messages and themes of a reading.

Incorporating color associations in tarot readings

Using colors in tarot card spreads can add a new layer of meaning to your readings. Understanding the color associations in tarot can help you interpret the cards more accurately and provide deeper insights into the messages they convey.

One way to incorporate color associations in tarot readings is to use a color-coded spread. For example, you can assign different colors to each position in the spread, based on the meaning you want to convey. This approach works especially well if you want to focus on a particular theme or question.

Position Color Meaning
1 Red Passion, energy, action
2 Green Growth, abundance, nature
3 Blue Communication, emotions, intuition

Another approach is to select cards based on specific colors. For example, if you want to explore a particular aspect of your life, you can choose cards that are predominantly red for passion, orange for creativity, or yellow for optimism. This technique can help you focus on different aspects of your life and gain a deeper understanding of your situation.

Interpreting the overall color palette of a spread can also provide valuable insights into the reading. If the spread is dominated by warm colors, it may suggest that you need to take action or be more assertive. If the spread is predominantly cool colors, it may indicate that you need to be more reflective or take a more passive approach.

By incorporating color associations into your tarot readings, you can gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards. Whether you use a color-coded spread, select cards based on specific colors, or interpret the overall color palette of a spread, color analysis can help you unlock new insights and enhance your intuition.

colors in tarot spread

Interpreting the colors in a tarot spread

When interpreting a tarot spread, paying attention to the colors can provide valuable insights into the symbolism and interpretation of the cards. The colors present in the cards can convey specific emotions, evoke certain moods, and represent different aspects of the human psyche.

Understanding the symbolism of different colors in tarot is crucial in interpreting a spread. Each color has its own unique associations and emotional connotations that can enhance or alter the significance of a card. For example, the color red is often associated with passion, intensity, and desire, while blue is linked to calmness, tranquility, and spirituality.

In addition to individual color associations, the color combinations present in a tarot spread can also provide important insights into the reading. The juxtaposition of different colors can create contrasts or harmonies that can reflect deeper meanings and relationships between the cards.

Integrating color analysis into tarot readings

There are several ways to incorporate color associations into tarot readings. One technique is to use color-coded spreads, where different colors are assigned to specific positions in the spread. This allows for a more focused analysis of the cards and can provide a clearer picture of the overall reading.

Another method is to select cards based on specific colors that are relevant to the question or situation being explored. For example, if the question is related to love and relationships, selecting cards with a predominance of pink or red colors can provide deeper insights into the emotions and dynamics at play.

Interpreting the overall color palette of a spread can also be useful in gaining a deeper understanding of the reading. If a spread is dominated by warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow, it may suggest a period of energy, passion, and creativity. In contrast, a spread with a preponderance of cool colors such as blue, green, and purple may indicate a time of reflection, healing, and spiritual growth.

Enhancing intuition with color symbolism

Using color symbolism can also be a powerful tool for enhancing intuition during tarot readings. By focusing on the emotional connotations and associations of specific colors, readers can deepen their connection with the cards and tap into their intuitive abilities.

One technique is to meditate on a specific color before drawing a card. This can help to clarify the reader’s intentions and focus their intuition on a particular aspect of the reading.

Another exercise is to visualize the colors present in a spread and their interactions with each other. This can help to reveal hidden meanings and connections between the cards, and provide a more nuanced interpretation of the reading.

interpreting colors in tarot

Overall, incorporating color associations into tarot readings can provide a deeper understanding of the symbolism and interpretation of the cards. By paying attention to the colors present in a spread, readers can gain valuable insights into the emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of the reading.

Enhancing intuition with color symbolism

Interpreting the colors in a tarot spread can be an effective way to tap into your intuition during a reading. By using color associations, you can gain deeper insights into the cards and the messages they hold.

One technique for using color in tarot card spreads is to select cards based on specific colors. For example, if you are doing a love reading, you may choose cards with pink or red hues to represent passion and romance. Alternatively, you might select cards with blues or greens to represent emotional healing and growth.

Another way to incorporate color into tarot readings is to interpret the overall color palette of a spread. By looking at the predominant colors and their relationships to each other, you can gain a better understanding of the overall message of the reading.

Interpreting colors in tarot

Color symbolism can also be used to deepen your connection with the cards. One exercise is to meditate on the colors associated with a particular card before drawing it. This can help you tune into your intuition and gain a deeper understanding of the card’s message.

Using color in tarot readings can be a powerful tool for enhancing your intuition and gaining deeper insights into the cards. By incorporating color associations into your practice, you can unlock new levels of symbolism and meaning in your readings.


In conclusion, paying attention to the colors in tarot spreads can provide valuable insights into the symbolism and interpretation of the cards. By understanding the symbolic meaning of different colors and incorporating color associations into tarot readings, we can enhance our intuition and deepen our connection with the cards.

Interpreting the colors present in a tarot spread can help us to understand the overall message and themes of the reading, as well as the specific meanings of each card. By focusing on color combinations, contrasts, and the overall color palette of the spread, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of the cards and their significance.

At the same time, it’s important to remember that color associations can be subjective and can vary depending on the individual reader and the context of the reading. Therefore, it’s essential to remain open to our own intuitive interpretations of color symbolism and to trust our inner guidance.

By exploring the significance of colors in tarot, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the rich symbolism and complexity of the cards. We encourage all readers to experiment with incorporating color associations into their readings and to explore the ways in which color can enhance their understanding of the tarot.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of color symbolism in tarot. We hope this article has been informative and helpful, and we wish you all the best in your tarot journey!


Q: When should you pay attention to the colors in your tarot spread?

A: You should pay attention to the colors in your tarot spread whenever you want to gain a deeper understanding of the symbolism and interpretation of the cards. Colors can provide valuable insights and enhance the overall meaning of a reading.

Q: What is the significance of colors in tarot spreads?

A: The significance of colors in tarot spreads lies in their symbolic meaning. Different colors are associated with specific emotions, energies, and themes. Paying attention to colors can help you interpret the cards more effectively and uncover hidden messages within the spread.

Q: How can I interpret the colors in a tarot spread?

A: To interpret the colors in a tarot spread, consider the individual meanings of each color and how they interact with the cards and their positions. Look for patterns, contrasts, and overall color palettes to gain insights into the overall message and themes of the reading.

Q: Can I use color associations to enhance my intuition during tarot readings?

A: Absolutely! Color associations can be a powerful tool to enhance intuition during tarot readings. By tapping into the emotional connotations and symbolism of colors, you can deepen your connection with the cards and access your intuitive abilities more effectively.

Q: How can I incorporate color associations into my tarot readings?

A: There are several ways to incorporate color associations into your tarot readings. You can use color-coded spreads, select cards based on specific colors, and analyze the overall color palette of a spread. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you.