How to Use Color as a Way to Connect with Your Spirit Guides or Angels through Tarot?

If you’re looking to deepen your connection with your spirit guides or angels through tarot, understanding the role of color symbolism is crucial. Color is a powerful tool that can help you interpret the messages from your guides and enhance your spiritual journey.

In tarot, each color holds its own energy and meaning. By recognizing the significance of specific colors in tarot cards, you can gain a better understanding of the messages your guides are trying to convey.

In this section, we will explore the connection between color and spirit guides in tarot, delving into the meanings behind different colors in tarot cards and how they relate to your guides. By the end of this section, you’ll have a better understanding of how to incorporate color symbolism into your tarot practice and deepen your connection with your guides.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color plays a powerful role in connecting with spirit guides or angels through tarot.
  • Each color in tarot carries its own energy and meaning, and understanding this symbolism can provide valuable insight into your spiritual journey.
  • Tarot card meanings often involve specific colors, and by recognizing this, you can strengthen your communication with your spirit guides.

Understanding Tarot Color Symbolism

In tarot, each color carries its own unique energy and symbolism, providing insight into our spirit guides or angels. Understanding color can enhance our spiritual journey and deepen our connection with our guides. Let’s explore the fascinating world of tarot color symbolism.

Tarot Color Symbolism: Colors can represent different meanings and interpretations in tarot cards. For instance, red symbolizes passion, love, and energy while blue represents communication, intuition, and spirituality. Green reflects growth, prosperity, and abundance, while yellow signifies clarity, enlightenment, and optimism. Finally, purple represents wisdom, spiritual power, and higher consciousness.

Tarot Card Interpretations: Knowing the symbolic associations of colors in tarot cards can help us interpret our spirit guides’ messages. For instance, seeing the color red in a tarot card could indicate passion is needed in a particular area of our life. Blue could suggest the need to trust our intuition or communicate better. Green may reveal that growth and abundance are on the horizon, while yellow could indicate the need for clarity or optimism.

Tarot Symbolism: In tarot, colors are often used in combination with other symbols to convey a message. For example, the Fool card in the Rider-Waite tarot deck has a white dog at his feet, symbolizing purity, loyalty, and protection. The red feather in his cap denotes enthusiasm, passion, and spontaneity. Together, these colors and symbols provide a deeper understanding of the Fool’s journey.

tarot color symbolism

“In tarot, colors can reveal hidden meanings and messages from our spirit guides or angels.”

Exploring Tarot Card Meanings and Colors

Tarot cards are a powerful tool for connecting with your spirit guides or angels. Each card carries a unique energy and message, which can be enhanced by understanding the color symbolism within them. By delving deeper into the meanings behind specific colors in tarot cards, you can gain a better understanding of the guidance your guides are offering.

For example, the color red often symbolizes passion, courage, or warning. In tarot, it may be associated with cards such as The Devil or The Tower, which can indicate a need for caution or a release of negative energies. On the other hand, the color blue is often associated with calmness, communication, or spirituality. In tarot, it may be associated with cards such as The Hermit, which can indicate a need for introspection or seeking guidance from within.

By exploring the relationship between color and tarot card meanings, you can develop a deeper connection with your spirit guides or angels. As you practice interpreting the colors within tarot cards, you may find that your intuition and spiritual insights are heightened.

Tarot Card Color Interpretation
The Fool White Innocence, new beginnings, purity
The Magician Red, yellow Power, manifestation, communication
The High Priestess Blue Intuition, mystery, divine feminine
The Empress Green Abundance, growth, nurturing
The Emperor Red Authority, structure, discipline

The above table shows a few examples of tarot cards and their associated colors and interpretations. Keep in mind that the meaning behind each color may vary depending on the context and the reader’s interpretation. However, by familiarizing yourself with the general symbolism of color in tarot, you can gain a better sense of the messages your guides are trying to convey through the cards.

In the next section, we will explore how you can utilize color in your tarot card readings to strengthen your connection with your spirit guides or angels.

Tarot cards with colorful backs

Utilizing Color in Tarot Card Readings

When performing tarot card readings, color can be a powerful tool for connecting with your spirit guides or angels. By incorporating color symbolism into your tarot readings, you can enhance your connection with your guides and receive more meaningful messages from them.

To begin utilizing color in your tarot readings, consider using colored candles or fabrics to create a specific ambiance. For example, blue candles are associated with communication and can be used when seeking guidance on matters of communication or expressing oneself. Green fabrics can represent growth and can be used when seeking guidance on personal growth or healing.

tarot cards

Another way to incorporate color into your tarot readings is to pay attention to the colors in the cards themselves. Each tarot card has its own unique color associations, which can provide insight into the messages from your guides. For example, The Fool card often features yellow, representing confidence and optimism. Interpretations of this card can be enhanced by considering the significance of the color yellow.

By consciously utilizing color in your tarot readings, you can create a more vibrant and meaningful experience. Remember to trust your intuition and allow the colors to guide you on your spiritual journey.

Nurturing Your Tarot Spirituality with Color

As we deepen our spiritual connection with our spirit guides or angels through tarot, color can play a powerful role in nurturing our journey. By incorporating color symbolism into our spiritual practices, we can create a more profound and enriching connection with our guides.

Meditation is one way to use color to deepen our connection with our spirit guides. During meditation, we can visualize different colors associated with our guides and use these colors to bring us closer to them. For example, if you feel called to work with Archangel Raphael, you may picture a healing green light surrounding you during meditation.

Visualization is another technique that can be enhanced by color. By incorporating color into our visualization exercises, we can create a more vivid and impactful experience. For example, when visualizing a protective shield around ourselves, we can visualize the shield as a vibrant blue color.

Aura reading is another spiritual practice that can be enhanced by color. By learning to see and interpret the colors in our own aura and the aura of others, we can gain insight into our spiritual journey and the journey of those around us.

As we nurture our tarot spirituality with color, it’s important to remember that we are always guided by our spirit guides or angels. Trusting in their guidance and the messages they bring through tarot is essential to strengthening our connection with them.

tarot spirituality

Whether you are new to tarot or have been on this journey for a while, incorporating color into your spiritual practices can deepen your connection with your spirit guides or angels. By exploring tarot symbolism, finding ways to incorporate color into your tarot readings, and nurturing your tarot spirituality with color, you can create a more profound and meaningful journey.

Tarot for Beginners: Starting Your Colorful Spiritual Journey

Are you new to tarot and interested in exploring the connection between color and your spirit guides or angels? Whether you’re looking to deepen your spiritual journey or simply curious about tarot, incorporating color symbolism into your practice can provide a powerful tool for guidance and insight. Here are some tips for starting your colorful spiritual journey:

  1. Find the right tarot deck. Choose a tarot deck that resonates with you and reflects your personal style and preferences. There are many types of tarot decks, so take some time to explore and find one that feels right for you.
  2. Understand the basics of tarot card readings. Tarot is a tool for divination that can provide guidance and insight into various aspects of your life. Familiarize yourself with the basic structure of a tarot card reading, including the Major and Minor Arcana cards and their meanings.
  3. Incorporate color symbolism into your practice. Start by learning the symbolic associations of common colors in tarot, such as red for passion and energy, blue for communication and intuition, green for growth and abundance, yellow for clarity and optimism, and purple for spirituality and transformation. As you become more comfortable with color symbolism, experiment with using colored candles, crystals, or fabrics in your readings.

By following these tips, you can begin your journey into the world of tarot and color symbolism. Remember, tarot is a tool for self-discovery and spiritual growth, and there is no right or wrong way to practice. The most important thing is to trust your intuition and enjoy the ride!

Tarot for beginners

Enhancing Your Connection with Spirit Guides through Color

To enhance your connection with your spirit guides or angels through tarot, incorporating color symbolism is essential. By actively engaging with color, you can create a powerful and direct connection with your guides. Here are some practical exercises and techniques to help:

Visualization Exercise:

Visualize a color that you associate with your spirit guide or angel. Imagine it filling your body with its energizing and healing properties. You can also visualize your guide or angel surrounding you in this color, creating a powerful and protective shield.

Color Meditation:

Choose a tarot card with a color that resonates with you. Sit comfortably and focus on the card’s color. Breathe deeply and let the color fill your mind and body. Allow your spirit guide or angel to communicate with you through the color, bringing messages of guidance and support.

Affirmations with Color:

Choose an affirmation that resonates with your current situation. Assign a color that represents the affirmation for you. Repeat the affirmation while visualizing the color, infusing it with the energy of your spirit guide or angel.

Remember, by actively engaging with color in your tarot practice, you can enhance your connection with your spirit guides or angels and deepen your spiritual journey. Trust in the guidance that color can bring to your tarot readings and spiritual experiences.

color and spirit guides in tarot


Throughout this article, we have explored how color symbolism is integrated into tarot card readings and can help connect you with your spirit guides or angels. By understanding the meaning behind colors in tarot, you can gain a deeper insight into the messages your guides are trying to convey.

Remember, tarot is a tool for self-discovery and personal growth. Incorporating color into your tarot practice can enhance your spiritual journey and deepen your connection with your guides. Whether you are new to tarot or a seasoned practitioner, there is always more to learn and explore.

Embrace the Journey Ahead

As you continue your tarot journey, trust in the guidance that color can bring to your readings and spiritual experiences. By nurturing your connection with your spirit guides, you can lead a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Thank you for joining us on this colorful journey. We hope this article has provided helpful insights and practical tips for incorporating color symbolism into your tarot practice.

May your intuition guide you as you explore the depths of tarot and connect with your spirit guides or angels.


Q: How can color be used to connect with spirit guides or angels through tarot?

A: Color can be used as a powerful tool to enhance your connection with your spirit guides or angels through tarot. By understanding the symbolism of color in tarot cards, you can interpret the messages from your guides more effectively and deepen your spiritual journey. Different colors carry different energies and meanings, and by incorporating them into your tarot practice, you can create a more vibrant and meaningful experience.

Q: What is the significance of color in tarot symbolism?

A: Color plays a significant role in tarot symbolism. Each color carries its own energy and meaning, and by understanding the symbolic associations of colors in tarot cards, you can gain deeper insights into the messages from your spirit guides or angels. For example, red is often associated with passion and action, while blue represents intuition and spirituality. By recognizing these associations, you can interpret the symbolism of tarot cards more effectively.

Q: How can color be integrated into tarot card meanings and interpretations?

A: Color is integrated into tarot card meanings and interpretations by associating specific colors with different tarot cards. Each card has its own color scheme, and by understanding the relationship between color and tarot card meanings, you can gain a deeper understanding of the messages your guides are trying to convey through the cards. By paying attention to the colors present in each card, you can enhance your interpretation and connect more closely with your spirit guides or angels.

Q: How can I use color to enhance my tarot card readings?

A: There are various ways to use color to enhance your tarot card readings. You can incorporate colored candles, crystals, or fabrics into your reading space to create a specific energetic atmosphere. For example, using a red candle can enhance the energy of passion and action, while a blue crystal can enhance your intuitive abilities. By consciously utilizing color in your readings, you can create a more vibrant and meaningful tarot card reading experience.

Q: How can color deepen my tarot spirituality and connection with spirit guides?

A: Color can deepen your tarot spirituality and connection with your spirit guides by incorporating it into your spiritual practices. Practices such as meditation, visualization, and aura reading can be enhanced by incorporating color symbolism. By visualizing specific colors during meditation, visualizing your aura in different colors, or using color in affirmations, you can create a more profound and enriching connection with your spirit guides or angels.

Q: How can beginners incorporate color and spirit guides into their tarot practice?

A: For beginners interested in exploring color and spirit guides in tarot, it is important to start by finding the right tarot deck that resonates with your intuition. Understanding the basics of tarot card readings, such as the meanings of the different cards and the symbolism of color, is also essential. By incorporating color symbolism into your practice, such as paying attention to the colors present in each card and analyzing their meanings, beginners can deepen their spiritual journey and connect with their spirit guides.

Q: What are some practical exercises to enhance my connection with spirit guides using color?

A: There are several practical exercises and techniques to enhance your connection with your spirit guides using color. Visualization exercises, where you imagine yourself surrounded by specific colors that resonate with your guides, can be helpful. Color meditation, where you focus on a specific color and its energetic qualities, can also deepen your connection. Additionally, using color in affirmations, such as repeating positive statements while visualizing a specific color, can strengthen your communication with your spirit guides.