How to Use Color to Ask About Your Daily Life with Tarot?

Are you looking to gain insight into your daily life using tarot cards? One way to enhance your experience is by incorporating color into your readings. Color plays an essential role in tarot symbolism and can offer a deeper understanding of card meanings and interpretations. In this article, we will explore how you can use color to ask about your daily life with tarot.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color is an important aspect of tarot symbolism and can provide additional insights into card meanings and interpretations.
  • By understanding the significance of colors in tarot and incorporating them into your readings, you can gain a deeper understanding of your daily life.
  • Using color in tarot spreads and decks can enhance your personal growth and provide guidance for daily life.

Understanding Tarot Card Meanings and Interpretations

As we delve into the world of tarot, it’s essential to understand the meanings and interpretations of the cards. Each card holds its unique symbolism and can have multiple interpretations, depending on the context of the reading.

The tarot deck comprises 78 cards, each divided into two sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, representing significant life events, and the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits: Swords, Cups, Wands, and Pentacles. Each suit represents a specific aspect of life, and the cards within each suit have their meanings and interpretations.

When interpreting tarot cards, it’s essential to consider the card’s symbolism, the position of the card in the reading, and the other cards surrounding it. The symbolism of the cards can vary based on the deck, but some of the most common symbols include animals, elements, astrological symbols, and numbers.

For example, The Fool card in the Major Arcana often represents new beginnings and taking risks. Meanwhile, the Ace of Swords in the Swords suit can represent a newfound mental clarity or a significant decision that requires careful consideration.

Interpreting tarot cards requires a degree of intuition and understanding of the card’s symbolism and context. It’s essential to approach the reading with an open mind and to trust your instincts when interpreting the cards’ meanings.

Tarot Card Meanings

As we continue exploring tarot, we’ll dive deeper into the meanings and interpretations of the cards. Understanding these interpretations is a crucial part of unlocking the wisdom and guidance that tarot can provide.

Using Color in Your Tarot Deck

Choosing the right tarot deck can be a personal and intimate process. While many tarot decks feature traditional imagery and symbolism, there are also a vast array of decks that utilize different color schemes, art styles, and themes to convey their message.

The colors used in a tarot deck can have a significant impact on the interpretations and meanings of each card. For example, the color red is often associated with passion, energy, and action, while blue is linked to calmness, communication, and intuition. Understanding the meanings of different colors in tarot can help you deepen your understanding of the cards and enhance your readings.

Tarot Deck Color Scheme Meaning
Rider-Waite Yellow, red, blue, green, purple Traditional tarot symbolism and imagery
Wild Unknown Black, white, gray, gold, pastels Nature-based symbolism and modern artwork
Tarot of the Cat People Egyptian-inspired colors and imagery Combination of cat and ancient Egyptian symbolism

When selecting a tarot deck, pay attention to the colors used and how they make you feel. Does the color scheme resonate with you? Do the colors convey the message and energy you are seeking? Trust your intuition when choosing a deck that aligns with your personal preferences and intuitive abilities.

Once you have chosen your deck, take time to study the meanings of the colors found in each card. Consider how these colors relate to the overall symbolism and message of the card, as well as the specific position in your reading. Incorporating color into your tarot practice can help you tap into the visual language of the cards and bring deeper meaning to your readings.

Tarot deck with various colors

Incorporating Color in Tarot Spreads

One of the most exciting parts of reading tarot is the ability to create custom spreads that speak to your specific questions and concerns. Incorporating color into your tarot spreads can add an extra layer of depth and meaning to your readings.

When creating a tarot spread, consider the colors that are present in your deck and what they represent. For example, the color red is associated with passion, energy, and courage, while green is associated with growth, abundance, and healing. Incorporating these colors into your spread can help you focus on specific aspects of your question.

Another way to incorporate color into your tarot spreads is by assigning each position in the spread a specific color. For example, in a 5-card spread, you could assign the first position to red, the second to orange, the third to yellow, the fourth to green, and the fifth to blue. This not only adds visual interest to your spread, but it also helps you connect the cards and their meanings on a deeper level.

Position Color
Card 1 Red
Card 2 Orange
Card 3 Yellow
Card 4 Green
Card 5 Blue

It’s important to note that while color can add a lot to your tarot readings, it should never be the sole focus. Always consider the traditional meanings of the cards and how they relate to the question at hand.

By incorporating color into your tarot spreads, you can deepen your connection to the cards and gain new insights into your questions and concerns. Give it a try and see how it enhances your readings!

colorful tarot cards

Enhancing Personal Growth with Color in Tarot

If you’re looking to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your personal growth, tarot can be a powerful tool. By incorporating color symbolism into your tarot readings, you can gain even more insight into your journey.

The colors of tarot cards can represent different emotions, energies, and tendencies. By paying attention to the colors that appear in your readings, you can gain a deeper understanding of your subconscious mind and the energies that are guiding you. For example, the color green can represent growth and abundance, while red can represent passion and energy.

When interpreting the colors in your tarot cards, it’s important to consider the context of the card and the reading as a whole. A card with a predominance of red, for example, might indicate a need for more passion and energy in your life, or it could be a warning of impulsiveness and recklessness.

Through tarot readings that incorporate color symbolism, you can gain more clarity and insight into your personal growth journey. By understanding the energies that are influencing you, you can make more intentional decisions and take more purposeful actions.

tarot for personal growth

“Color is a power which directly influences the soul.” – Wassily Kandinsky

Incorporating color symbolism into your tarot readings can also be a fun and creative way to explore your personal growth journey. Experiment with different tarot decks that incorporate vibrant colors, or try using colored candles or crystals to enhance your readings. The possibilities are endless!

  • Try using the colors in your tarot cards to create a personalized vision board
  • Journal about the colors you see in your tarot readings and reflect on what they might mean for your personal growth
  • Use meditation and visualization techniques to connect with the energy of specific colors and invite them into your life

Through these practices and others like them, you can use color symbolism to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your personal growth, and the energies that are guiding you.

Enhancing Personal Growth with Color in Tarot Conclusion

By incorporating color symbolism into your tarot readings, you can gain a deeper understanding of your personal growth journey. Through the colors present in your readings, you can tap into your subconscious mind and gain insight into the energies that are guiding you. By experimenting with different ways of incorporating color into your tarot practice, you can deepen your connection to yourself and your personal growth journey.

Tarot Guidance for Daily Life Using Color

As we go about our daily lives, we encounter a variety of situations that can impact our emotions and well-being. Tarot can offer guidance and insight into these situations, and the use of color in tarot can further enhance our understanding.

Color has a powerful effect on our mood and emotions, and by incorporating color into our tarot readings, we can tap into the symbolism and meanings associated with different colors.

For example, the color red is often associated with passion and energy, while blue is associated with calmness and communication. By understanding these associations, we can use the colors in our tarot deck to explore various aspects of our daily life.

During a tarot reading, we can focus on the colors present in the cards to gain further insight. For example, if we draw a card with a lot of red in it, we may need to focus on our passion and energy levels in a situation, whereas a card with a lot of blue may indicate a need for clearer communication.

color and daily life in tarot

By using color in our tarot readings, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our daily lives. We can use the colors in our tarot deck to guide us towards personal growth and positive change.

So the next time you do a tarot reading, pay attention to the colors present in the cards. Notice how they make you feel and think about what they may be trying to tell you. With practice, you will find that using color in tarot can be a powerful tool for gaining insight and guidance in your daily life.

Unveiling the Secrets: Color and Daily Life in Tarot

Color plays a significant role in tarot and can provide insights into our daily lives. Understanding the symbolism behind the colors in our tarot decks can help us interpret the card’s meanings and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

In tarot, red symbolizes passion, strength, and energy. When we see the color red in our readings, it may be an indication of intense emotions or a need for action. Yellow represents intellectualism, clarity, and joy. When yellow appears in a reading, it can mean that we need to approach a situation with a clear mind and positive attitude.

Green represents growth, abundance, and balance. When we see green in our readings, it can be an indication of financial prosperity or the need to focus on our physical health. Blue symbolizes communication, intuition, and spirituality. When blue appears in our tarot readings, it may indicate the need to listen to our inner voice or communicate more effectively with those around us.

Understanding the symbolism behind the colors in our tarot decks is just one way to enhance our tarot readings and gain deeper insight into our daily lives.

color and daily life in tarot

When using color in tarot, it is important to consider how the colors interact with each other and the overall theme of the reading. Incorporating color into our tarot spreads can add depth and nuance to our readings and help us gain a more comprehensive understanding of ourselves.

By incorporating color into our tarot practice, we can enhance our personal growth and gain valuable insights into our daily lives. Whether we are seeking guidance on specific situations or looking for a broader perspective, color can be a powerful tool in our tarot readings.

We hope this section has shed some light on the importance of color in tarot and how it can help unveil the secrets of our daily lives.


Incorporating color into your tarot practice can enhance your daily life in many ways. By gaining a deeper understanding of the tarot card meanings and interpretations, you can use colors to add another layer of symbolism to your readings. Experiment with incorporating color into your tarot deck, spreads, and everyday life to see how it can amplify your personal growth and offer guidance for daily challenges. Remember, tarot is a tool for self-reflection and growth, so trust your intuition and don’t be afraid to explore the color and daily life in tarot. We hope this article has provided guidance and inspiration for your tarot journey.


Q: How can I use color to ask about my daily life with tarot?

A: Color can be a powerful tool when it comes to tarot readings. By incorporating color symbolism into your questions and interpretations, you can gain deeper insights into your daily life. For example, you can ask questions like “What does the color red mean in relation to my career?” or “How can I use the color blue to enhance my relationships?”. By exploring the meanings of different colors in tarot, you can uncover hidden messages and guidance in your everyday experiences.

Q: How do I understand tarot card meanings and interpretations?

A: Understanding tarot card meanings and interpretations requires practice and study. Each card in the tarot deck has its own unique symbolism and can convey different messages depending on its placement in a reading. By familiarizing yourself with the traditional meanings of each card and exploring how they interact with other cards in a spread, you can begin to develop your own interpretations. It’s important to remember that tarot readings are highly subjective and can vary based on personal intuition and experience.

Q: How can I incorporate color in my tarot deck?

A: There are several ways to incorporate color into your tarot deck. You can choose a deck that has vibrant and diverse colors, or you can enhance an existing deck by adding your own touches of color through painting, coloring, or embellishing the cards. Another option is to use colored tarot cloths or crystals during your readings to bring in additional color energy. Experiment with different techniques to find what resonates with you and enhances your tarot practice.

Q: How can I incorporate color in tarot spreads?

A: Incorporating color in tarot spreads can add an extra layer of depth and meaning to your readings. You can assign specific colors to represent different positions or aspects of a spread, such as love, career, or personal growth. The colors you choose can evoke emotions and enhance the overall message of the reading. By working with color in your tarot spreads, you can create a more visually engaging and insightful experience for yourself and your clients.

Q: How can color in tarot enhance personal growth?

A: Color in tarot can be a powerful tool for personal growth. By exploring the meanings of different colors and incorporating them into your tarot practice, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. For example, working with the color green can symbolize growth and healing, while the color yellow can represent clarity and confidence. By using color in your tarot readings, you can tap into these energies and use them to support your personal growth journey.

Q: How can tarot provide guidance for daily life using color?

A: Tarot can provide guidance for daily life by utilizing color symbolism. By asking specific questions about your daily experiences and incorporating color references, you can gain insight into how colors are influencing your life. For example, you can ask, “What does the color purple mean in relation to my current challenges?” or “How can I use the color orange to bring more joy into my daily routines?”. The answers you receive can help you navigate your daily experiences with more awareness and intention.

Q: How does color relate to daily life in tarot?

A: Color plays a significant role in tarot as it can convey emotions, energies, and themes. By understanding the meanings and associations of different colors, you can gain a deeper understanding of the messages and guidance provided by the tarot cards. When interpreting a tarot reading, paying attention to the colors present in the cards can help you uncover additional layers of meaning and insight. Color and daily life in tarot are interconnected, and by exploring this connection, you can enhance your tarot practice and the guidance it provides.