How to Use Color to Approach Any Problem with Tarot?

Welcome to our guide on using color to approach any problem with tarot! If you’re someone who relies on tarot for guidance and solutions, you already know how valuable it can be for gaining clarity and insights. But did you know that color plays a significant role in tarot interpretations?

Understanding the symbolism behind tarot card colors can enhance the accuracy and usefulness of your readings, especially when it comes to problem-solving. In this article, we’ll explore how you can use color to approach any problem with tarot, from understanding color associations in tarot to incorporating color therapy techniques in your readings.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color symbolism plays a significant role in tarot interpretations.
  • Understanding color associations in tarot can help you gain deeper insights into problems.
  • Color therapy techniques can be integrated into tarot readings for enhanced problem-solving.
  • Specific tarot spreads are designed to aid in problem-solving.
  • Using the colors present in tarot cards can enhance problem-solving abilities.

Understanding Color Associations in Tarot

Color plays a vital role in tarot readings, and understanding color associations is crucial for interpreting tarot cards accurately. Each color has its own unique meaning, and these meanings can vary depending on the context of the reading.

For example, the color red is often associated with passion, energy, and action. In tarot readings, the appearance of the color red in a card can indicate a need for courage and determination to tackle a problem. In contrast, the color blue is often associated with calmness, tranquility, and intuition. If a blue card appears in a reading, it may suggest that the solution to a problem lies in trusting one’s inner voice and being open to guidance.

Other colors have different associations, such as green for growth and abundance, or purple for spiritual connection and transformation. By understanding these color associations and applying them to tarot readings, we can gain deeper insights into the problems we face and navigate them with greater ease.

Using Color in Tarot Readings

To use color in tarot readings, it’s essential to pay attention to the colors present in each card and consider their symbolism. This includes the background color, clothing color, and any other colored objects or symbols present in the card.

For example, in the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck, the High Priestess card features a blue robe, which represents the Priestess’s connection to intuition and the subconscious. By taking note of this association, we can gain a deeper understanding of the message that this card is trying to convey.

When interpreting tarot cards, it’s also useful to consider color combinations and patterns. For example, a card with a lot of red and yellow may suggest a need for action and assertiveness, while a card with a lot of blue and green may indicate a need for patience and growth.

Ultimately, using color in tarot readings requires a combination of knowledge, intuition, and creativity. By interpreting the colors in each card and making connections to the problem at hand, we can unlock a wealth of guidance and insight.

Color Associations in Tarot

“Color plays a vital role in tarot readings, and understanding color associations is crucial for interpreting tarot cards accurately.”

Incorporating color therapy in tarot readings

The use of color in tarot readings is not limited to mere symbolism or interpretation. In fact, we can also leverage colors to promote healing, balance, and well-being. This is where color therapy comes into play, as it deploys specific color frequencies to address physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances.

When combined with tarot, color therapy can create a potent problem-solving tool that taps into the subconscious mind and provides valuable insights into our issues. Tarot cards, as we know, are powerful gateways to our inner selves, and color therapy can further enhance their guidance and clarity.

So how can we integrate color therapy into our tarot readings? One approach is to meditate on specific colors related to the problem at hand. For example, if we are struggling with anxiety, we can focus on the color blue, which is known for its calming and soothing effects. We can shuffle our tarot deck while holding a blue gemstone or wearing blue clothes, and visualize ourselves surrounded by a blue aura. This will help us access our intuition and gain deeper insights into the root cause of our anxiety.

Another approach is to use color-coded tarot spreads that align with the chakras or energy centers in our body. Each chakra is associated with a specific color, and we can use tarot cards with matching colors to create a powerful synergy. For example, we can use red cards for the root chakra, which governs our sense of security and grounding, and green cards for the heart chakra, which governs our capacity for love and compassion. By selecting cards based on their color and position in the spread, we can create a holistic picture of our problem and its underlying causes.

color therapy in tarot readings

Finally, we can also use color visualization techniques to manifest positive outcomes and release negative patterns. This involves creating mental images of desired outcomes while focusing on specific colors that match those goals. For example, if we want to attract abundance and prosperity, we can visualize ourselves surrounded by a golden light while holding golden crystals or wearing gold accessories. We can then draw tarot cards that represent our desired outcomes and meditate on their colors to reinforce our intentions.

Incorporating color therapy into our tarot readings can open up new avenues of exploration and healing. By harnessing the power of color, we can tap into our subconscious mind and access deeper levels of awareness. Whether we are seeking guidance, solutions, or healing, color therapy can provide a valuable complement to our tarot practice.

Utilizing tarot spreads for problem-solving

When it comes to using tarot cards for problem-solving, utilizing specific tarot spreads can provide valuable guidance and clarity. Tarot spreads are pre-designed arrangements of cards that are meant to target specific areas of life or issues that may arise. By using spreads that are focused on problem-solving, we can gain insight into the root causes of our problems and find meaningful solutions to overcome them.

One popular tarot spread for problem-solving is the “Horseshoe Spread.” This spread involves seven cards that are arranged in the shape of a horseshoe, with each card representing a different aspect of the problem at hand. The cards are read in a specific order, providing a cohesive narrative of the situation and offering guidance on how to approach it.

Position Meaning
1 The present situation
2 The challenge or obstacle
3 The root cause of the problem
4 The past events that led to the problem
5 The suggested course of action
6 The outcome if the suggested action is taken
7 The overall lesson or message

Another popular spread for problem-solving is the “Three-Card Spread.” This spread involves drawing three cards and interpreting each card’s meaning in relation to the past, present, and future of the problem at hand. This spread is great for gaining a quick understanding of the situation and discovering potential solutions.

While there are many tarot spreads for problem-solving, it’s important to choose a spread that resonates with us and feels comfortable to work with. By experimenting with different spreads and trusting our intuition, we can unlock the transformative power of tarot for guidance and solutions.

Tarot cards in a spread

Enhancing Problem-Solving with Tarot Card Colors

When it comes to using tarot for problem-solving, understanding the symbolism of color can provide essential insights and guidance. Each color present in a tarot card carries specific meanings and associations, enhancing the overall interpretation of the card and its relevance to the issue at hand.

One effective technique for utilizing tarot card colors is to pay attention to combinations, contrasts, and patterns within the deck. For example, if the cards in a spread predominantly feature shades of blue, this could indicate a need for calm, communication, and self-expression in addressing the problem. Alternatively, if a spread contains a mix of bright, vibrant colors, this could signify the need for creativity, openness, and exploration in finding a solution.

It’s important to remember that while color symbolism can offer valuable insights, personal intuition is also a critical factor in interpreting tarot cards. Trusting your instincts and making meaningful connections between color and problem-solving can lead to powerful and transformative experiences.

When interpreting tarot card colors, it’s also essential to consider the context and meaning of each individual card. For example, the Fool card in most decks features a bright and vibrant yellow, representing new beginnings, joy, and exploration. However, in the context of a specific spread or question, the color yellow could also represent caution, impulsiveness, or risk-taking. Understanding the nuances of color symbolism in tarot requires a deep understanding of the individual cards and their meanings.

Tarot Card Colors

Overall, incorporating color into tarot readings for problem-solving can provide a powerful and transformative experience. By paying attention to color associations and using color therapy techniques alongside tarot cards, we can unlock our intuition, enhance our problem-solving abilities, and gain deeper insights into the challenges that we face.


We hope this article has highlighted the importance of color in problem-solving with tarot. Understanding color associations and symbolism can provide valuable insights and guidance in tarot readings. By incorporating color therapy techniques and utilizing specific tarot spreads, you can enhance your problem-solving abilities and tap into your intuition to find solutions.

Remember, interpreting tarot card colors is a personal and subjective experience. Trust your instincts and make meaningful connections to the colors in each card to gain clarity and enlightenment. We encourage you to experiment with different color combinations and explore the vast world of tarot card color symbolism to unlock your full potential.

Thank you for reading our article on color and problem-solving in tarot. We hope it has been helpful and informative in your journey with the tarot. May the colors of your tarot cards guide you on your path to enlightenment and clarity.


Q: How can I use color to approach any problem with tarot?

A: Color can be a powerful tool in tarot readings for problem-solving. By paying attention to the colors present in tarot cards and understanding their symbolism, you can gain deeper insights into the issues at hand. Color can evoke emotions, enhance intuition, and promote healing. By incorporating color therapy techniques alongside tarot cards, you can address and resolve problems effectively.

Q: What are color associations in tarot?

A: Color associations in tarot refer to the meanings and symbolism behind different colors used in tarot cards. Each color carries its own energy and significance, which can contribute to problem-solving. For example, red is associated with passion and action, while blue represents calmness and communication. Understanding these color associations can help you interpret tarot cards and gain valuable guidance for addressing problems.

Q: How can I incorporate color therapy in tarot readings?

A: Integrating color therapy techniques into tarot readings can enhance the problem-solving process. By using specific colors that evoke the desired emotions or energies, you can create a therapeutic atmosphere that supports healing and clarity. For example, using warm colors like orange or yellow can promote creativity and optimism, while cool colors like green or blue can bring a sense of calm and balance. Experiment with different colors and observe how they influence your tarot readings.

Q: Are there specific tarot spreads for problem-solving?

A: Yes, there are tarot spreads specifically designed to aid in problem-solving. These spreads target different issues or areas of life where problems may arise, allowing you to gain focused insights and guidance. Examples of problem-solving tarot spreads include the Celtic Cross spread, the Problem-Solution spread, and the Decision-Making spread. By using these spreads and interpreting the color symbolism within each card, you can find solutions and navigate challenges more effectively.

Q: How can tarot card colors enhance problem-solving?

A: The colors present in tarot cards can provide valuable insights and guidance for problem-solving. Pay attention to color combinations, contrasts, and patterns within the cards. Notice how certain colors may stand out or blend together, as this can offer clues or messages related to the problem at hand. Trust your intuition and make meaningful connections between the color symbolism and your own understanding of the problem. The colors in tarot cards can serve as powerful tools to unlock your problem-solving abilities.