How to Use Color to Prepare Yourself for Any Answer with Tarot

If you’re new to tarot, you might be wondering how to prepare yourself for the unexpected answers that the cards can reveal. One helpful tool to enhance your readiness for any answer is color symbolism.

Colors have long been used in tarot decks to represent different energies, emotions, and aspects of life. By understanding the symbolism of colors in tarot, you can gain deeper insight during readings and become more open and receptive to the messages of the cards.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color symbolism plays an important role in tarot readings.
  • Tarot decks use colors to represent different energies, emotions, and aspects of life.
  • By interpreting color meanings in tarot, you can enhance your readiness for any answer and gain deeper insight during readings.

Understanding Tarot Card Colors and Their Significance

Colors play a significant role in tarot readings, and each color has a specific meaning and significance. Understanding these meanings can help you interpret the cards better and gain deeper insights into your readings. Let’s take a closer look at the tarot card colors and their significance.

The Four Suit Colors

The four suits in a tarot deck are Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands, each with its own color. Cups are represented by the color blue, which symbolizes emotions, intuition, and dreams. Pentacles are green, signifying wealth, prosperity, and material possessions. Swords are yellow or red, representing conflict, action, and ambition. Wands are associated with the color orange or red, indicating passion, creativity, and inspiration.

The Major Arcana Colors

The Major Arcana cards have their own distinct colors, each representing wisdom, enlightenment, and cosmic energy. The Fool is often depicted in a white or light-colored outfit, representing new beginnings and innocence. The Magician is dressed in red and white, symbolizing action and manifestation. The High Priestess is cloaked in blue and white, representing intuition and mystery. The Empress is associated with greens, pinks, and blues, signifying abundance, fertility, and nurturing. The Emperor is depicted in red and gold, representing authority and power. The Hierophant is often dressed in red or purple, symbolizing tradition and spiritual wisdom. The Lovers are often depicted in green and pink, representing love and harmony. The Chariot is red or black, indicating strength and determination. Justice is represented by blues, symbolizing balance, fairness, and truth. The Hermit is depicted in blues and grays, representing solitude, introspection, and wisdom. The Wheel of Fortune is often yellow or gold, indicating change and transformation. Strength is associated with reds and oranges, representing courage, passion, and creativity. The Hanged Man is often seen in blue or purple, signifying surrender, sacrifice, and letting go. Death is represented by black, indicating transformation and change. Temperance is often depicted in blues and greens, symbolizing balance, harmony, and moderation. The Devil is often depicted in red and black, representing temptation and materialism. The Tower is usually depicted in reds, yellows, and oranges, indicating chaos and upheaval. The Star is associated with blues, representing hope, inspiration, and healing. The Moon is often depicted in grays and blues, symbolizing the unconscious, dreams, and intuition. The Sun is usually yellow or gold, indicating joy, vitality, and success. Judgment is represented by blues and purples, symbolizing awakening and rebirth. The World is often depicted in blues and greens, representing completion and fulfillment.

Interpreting Colors in Tarot Readings

Interpreting colors in tarot readings can give you a deeper understanding of the cards’ meanings and messages. For example, if you draw a card with a lot of red, it could indicate passion, action, or conflict. If the card is predominantly blue, it could indicate emotions, intuition, or dreams. If the card is green, it could represent abundance, prosperity, or growth. By paying attention to color, you can gain a more holistic understanding of the cards and the messages they hold.

tarot card colors and their significance

By understanding the tarot card colors and their significance, you can gain insights into your readings and connect with the messages of the cards more deeply. Paying attention to color can help you interpret the cards’ meanings and gain a more comprehensive understanding of their messages. In the next section, we’ll explore the link between color symbolism and readiness in tarot readings.

The Link Between Color Symbolism and Readiness in Tarot

Tarot readings can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. As we shuffle the cards and ask our questions, we often wonder what the outcome will be. However, before we even draw a single card, there is something we can do to prepare ourselves for any answer: pay attention to the colors in the deck.

Tarot decks are filled with different colors, each of which carries its own unique symbolism and significance. As we become more familiar with these colors, we can use them to enhance our readiness during a reading.

Color symbolism is an essential aspect of tarot card readings. By understanding the meanings behind different hues, we can interpret the messages of the cards more effectively. For example, the color red often represents passion, while blue can symbolize peace and calmness.

Color Meaning
Red Passion, energy, action
Blue Peace, calmness, stability
Yellow Joy, happiness, optimism
Green Growth, nature, abundance
Purple Mystery, spirituality, intuition

These colors can help guide us during a reading, allowing us to tap into our intuition and gain deeper insights. By paying attention to the colors that appear in a reading, we can better understand what the cards are trying to tell us.

Additionally, color can help us become more open and receptive to the messages of the cards. By focusing on the colors in the deck, we can clear our minds and prepare ourselves to receive the information we need.

In summary, color symbolism is a crucial part of tarot readings that can help us prepare for any answer we receive. By understanding the meanings behind different hues and incorporating them into our readings, we can enhance our readiness, gain deeper insights, and become more open to the messages of the cards.

tarot card in orange color

Using Color to Open Your Intuition and Insight in Tarot

When it comes to tarot card readings, we all seek to gain deeper insight and tap into our intuition for a more profound experience. One way to achieve this is by using color as a tool to enhance our connection to the cards and ourselves. Through the application of tarot card color psychology, we can take our self-awareness to the next level, opening up new possibilities for readiness and insight during a reading.

Tarot card readings for self-awareness are an excellent way to use the cards as a tool for personal growth and discovery. Colors play a crucial role in this process, as they can evoke different emotions, feelings, and energetic responses. For instance, the color red can represent passion, strength, and courage, while blue can symbolize calmness, serenity, and communication.

By understanding tarot card color psychology, we can use these color associations to facilitate a deeper self-understanding. By tapping into these colors, we can identify and embrace our emotions, thoughts, and perceptions, leading to a more profound connection with the cards.

tarot card readings for self-awareness

Another way to use color in tarot readings is to incorporate it into our interpretation of the cards. For example, if we draw the Star card, which is usually associated with hope, inspiration, and intuition, we can look at the color of the card to gain a more in-depth understanding of its meaning. In this case, the card’s predominant color is blue, which can represent peacefulness, tranquility, and calmness, suggesting that this card may be urging the querent to trust their intuition and listen to their inner voice.

In conclusion, color is a powerful tool that can enhance our readiness and insight during a tarot card reading. By using tarot card color psychology and interpreting color meanings in tarot, we can deepen our self-awareness and connection to the cards. Choosing decks with colors that resonate with us can also add a personalized touch to our readings, leading to a more profound and meaningful experience.

Interpreting Color Meanings in Tarot Readings

When interpreting tarot card readings, paying attention to the colors of the cards can provide valuable insights into the message the cards are conveying. Each color has its own significance and symbolism, which can add depth and meaning to a reading. In this section, we will explore how to interpret color meanings in tarot and how to incorporate color symbolism into your readings.

Red: The color red is associated with passion, energy, and action. In tarot, it can indicate strong emotions, intense energy, and a need to take action.

Blue: Blue represents communication, knowledge, and understanding. In tarot, it can signify a need for clarity, a desire for truth, and an emphasis on communication.

Green: Green is the color of growth, harmony, and balance. In tarot, it can indicate a need for healing, balance, and growth.

Yellow: Yellow is associated with intellect, clarity, and optimism. In tarot, it can represent a need for mental clarity, a desire for knowledge, and a positive outlook.

Purple: Purple is the color of spirituality, intuition, and mysticism. In tarot, it can indicate a connection to higher realms, a call to connect with intuition, and a deepening of spiritual understanding.

Black: Black represents mystery, the unknown, and the unseen. In tarot, it can suggest hidden meanings, the need for deeper understanding, and the potential for transformation.

Each color has a unique symbolism in tarot, and paying attention to them can provide important insights into a reading. It’s important to note that colors can also interact with each other to create even deeper meanings. For example, the combination of red and green can suggest a need for balancing emotions with practical action.

When interpreting color meanings in tarot, it’s essential to consider the context of the reading and the other cards in the spread. A color that may seem negative on its own could have a positive meaning in the context of the overall reading.

interpreting color meanings in tarot

Incorporating color symbolism into your tarot readings can add a layer of depth and insight. By paying attention to the colors in each card, you can gain a deeper understanding of the messages being conveyed and gain insights into important aspects of your life. Experimenting with color interpretations can also help you develop your own unique tarot reading style.

Enhancing Readiness Through Tarot Deck Color Symbolism

In tarot readings, colors play a significant role in enhancing our readiness and deepening our connection to the cards. Tarot deck color symbolism can help us tap into our intuition and gain deeper insight into our lives.

Tarot decks feature a wide range of colors, each with their specific meanings and significance. These colors represent different aspects of our emotions, energies, and life. Choosing a tarot deck with colors that resonate with you can help create a more personalized experience.

tarot cards with different color symbolism

The significance of color in tarot cards can be seen in the different suits and major arcana cards. For instance, the suit of Swords is usually associated with the color blue, which represents intellect, reason, and communication. On the other hand, the suit of Cups is associated with the color pink, which represents emotions, love, and intuition.

When interpreting the colors in tarot cards, it’s essential to consider the context and positioning of the cards. A single color can have different meanings depending on the cards’ placement or combination with other colors.

By aligning with the color symbolism in tarot cards, we can enhance our readiness and intuition during readings. Becoming aware of the colors’ symbolism can help us identify patterns, themes, and messages in the cards. It can also help us become more open and receptive to the energies and messages of the cards, leading to a more insightful reading overall.


We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the significance of color in tarot readings. By exploring the symbolism of different colors and their meanings, we can enhance our readiness and gain deeper insight into our lives.

Using color as a tool to open our intuition and connect with the tarot deck can lead to a more personalized and insightful experience. It allows us to tap into our subconscious and gain a better understanding of our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

We encourage you to experiment with color interpretations in your tarot practice and choose decks with colors that resonate with you. By aligning with the symbolism of these colors, you can enhance your readiness and gain a more holistic understanding of your tarot readings.

Thank you for reading this article and we hope it has inspired you to continue exploring the fascinating world of tarot card color symbolism.


Q: What is the significance of color in tarot readings?

A: Color plays a pivotal role in tarot readings as it represents different aspects of life, emotions, and energies. By understanding color symbolism, we can interpret the meanings behind the colors in tarot cards and gain deeper insight during readings.

Q: How can color help us prepare for any answer in tarot?

A: Colors evoke specific feelings and enhance our intuition. By incorporating color symbolism in tarot readings, we can become more open and receptive, allowing us to better prepare ourselves for any answer we receive.

Q: How do we interpret color meanings in tarot readings?

A: Interpreting color meanings in tarot requires an understanding of specific color combinations and their symbolism. By integrating color interpretations into our overall reading, we can achieve a more holistic understanding and gain deeper insights.

Q: What is the link between color symbolism and readiness in tarot?

A: Color symbolism in tarot readings helps us enhance our readiness by evoking specific emotions and enhancing intuition. Certain colors can open us up to receive messages from the cards and help us become more connected to the tarot deck.

Q: How can we use color to open our intuition and insight in tarot?

A: Color can be used as a powerful tool to open our intuition and gain deeper insight during tarot card readings. By understanding the psychological aspects of color and its impact on our self-awareness, we can enhance our connection to the tarot deck.

Q: How do we enhance readiness through tarot deck color symbolism?

A: To enhance readiness in tarot readings, it is important to choose decks with colors that resonate with us personally. By aligning with the symbolism of the tarot deck’s colors, we can create a more personalized and meaningful reading experience.