How to Use Color to Overcome Your Fears with Tarot?

Welcome to our exploration of the powerful link between color and fears in tarot. In tarot readings, color symbolism plays a significant role in understanding and addressing our deepest fears. By using different hues in tarot cards, we can gain valuable insights into our fears and learn how to overcome them.

The meanings of certain colors in tarot can evoke specific emotions and energies, leading us towards personal growth and transformation. Join us on this journey of self-discovery as we explore the importance of color in tarot and how it can help us conquer our fears.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color symbolism is an essential aspect of tarot readings.
  • Different hues in tarot cards can help understand and conquer our deepest fears.
  • Exploring color meanings in tarot can lead to personal growth and transformation.

The Symbolism of Color in Tarot Cards

Color is a powerful tool in tarot readings, as it can evoke specific emotions and energies that can shed light on our deepest fears and anxieties. Each color in tarot carries its own unique symbolism and meaning, which can help us understand and overcome our fears.

For example, the color red is often associated with passion, courage, and strong emotions, but it can also represent anger, aggression, and fear. The Devil card in tarot, which is often depicted with a red background, can symbolize our deepest fears and desires.

Similarly, the color black in tarot can represent darkness, mystery, and the unknown, but it can also signify fear and negativity. The Death card, which is often depicted with a black background, can symbolize the fear of change or the fear of the unknown.

By understanding the symbolism of color in tarot, we can gain valuable insights into our fears and anxieties. This knowledge can help us develop strategies for personal growth and transformation.

Using color in tarot readings

Incorporating color into tarot readings can provide valuable insights into our deepest fears and how to overcome them. By drawing on the symbolism of color in tarot, we can gain a deeper understanding of our emotional states and use this knowledge to guide our personal growth and transformation.

When reading tarot cards, we can interpret the colors as representations of different emotional states. For example, red can represent passion and courage, while blue can indicate calmness and introspection. By paying attention to the colors in our tarot readings, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of our emotional states and how they relate to our fears.

One way to use color in tarot readings is to choose a specific color to focus on when exploring a particular fear. For example, if you are struggling with fear of the unknown, you might choose to focus on cards with a lot of purple or black, which can represent mystery and uncertainty. By interpreting these cards in the context of your fear, you can gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of your anxiety and develop strategies to overcome it.

Another way to use color in tarot readings is to incorporate specific color-based tarot spreads. For example, you might use a spread that focuses on the colors red and yellow to explore issues related to courage and self-confidence. By using these spreads, you can gain valuable insights into your emotional state and use this knowledge to guide your personal growth and transformation.

how to use color in tarot readings

Using color in tarot readings can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. By paying attention to the colors in our tarot cards, we can gain a deeper understanding of our emotional states and how they relate to our fears. Whether we choose to focus on a particular color or incorporate color-based tarot spreads, we can use the symbolic meanings of different colors in tarot cards to guide us on a journey of empowerment and transformation.

Understanding fear in tarot card meanings

When it comes to tarot readings, fear is a common theme that often arises. Many tarot cards are associated with fear and anxiety, such as The Tower or The Devil. But while these cards may seem ominous, they can also provide valuable insights into our fears and help us learn how to overcome them.

For example, The Tower may represent a sudden and unexpected change that brings up feelings of fear and uncertainty. However, it can also signify the breaking down of old structures and beliefs, paving the way for new growth and transformation.

Similarly, The Devil can represent our inner demons and negative thought patterns. But it can also remind us that we have the power to break free from these patterns and regain control over our lives.

By understanding the meanings behind these and other tarot cards associated with fear, we can begin to see our fears in a new light. Rather than viewing them as something to be avoided or feared, we can start to see them as opportunities for growth and transformation.

tarot card
Tarot cards can offer insights into our fears and help us overcome them.

Tarot spreads for exploring fears

If you’re looking to gain insights into your deepest fears through tarot readings, specific tarot spreads can be incredibly helpful. The following tarot spreads are designed to help you explore and address your fears.

The Shadow Self Spread

This spread is perfect for uncovering the root causes of your fears. It consists of eight cards, each representing a different aspect of your shadow self. By examining each card in relation to your fears, you can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying emotions and beliefs that are holding you back.

Tarot spreads for exploring fears

The Three-Card Spread

For a quick and easy way to gain insights into your fears, try the three-card spread. The first card represents your past, the second your present, and the third your future. By examining each card in relation to your fears, you can gain valuable insights into how your past experiences and current beliefs are impacting your future.

The Celtic Cross Spread

The Celtic Cross is one of the most popular tarot spreads and can also be modified to explore fears. The spread consists of ten cards, each representing a different aspect of your life. By analyzing each card in relation to your fears, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how your fears are impacting various areas of your life.

By utilizing these tarot spreads for exploring fears, you can gain clarity and find the strength to face your fears head-on. Remember, the power of tarot lies in its ability to illuminate the hidden aspects of ourselves and provide guidance on our journey of self-discovery and empowerment.


In conclusion, we have discovered the powerful connection between color and fears in tarot readings. By understanding the symbolism of different colors in tarot cards, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our fears. Incorporating color into our tarot readings can provide valuable insights and guidance on how to overcome our deepest fears.

Through tarot spreads specifically designed to explore fears, we can gain clarity and develop strategies for personal growth and transformation. By confronting our fears head-on, we can find the strength to overcome them and live more fulfilling lives.

Remember to embrace the power of color in tarot symbolism and use it as a tool for empowerment. We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights and guidance on how to use color to overcome your fears in tarot readings.


Q: How can I use color to overcome my fears with tarot?

A: By understanding the symbolism of color in tarot cards, you can gain insights into your fears and learn how to overcome them. Different hues in tarot cards can evoke specific emotions and energies, providing valuable guidance for self-discovery and empowerment.

Q: What is the significance of color in tarot cards?

A: Color carries its own unique meaning in tarot. Each color has the ability to evoke specific emotions and energies, allowing us to explore and address our fears. Understanding the symbolism of color in tarot can enhance our readings and deepen our understanding of ourselves and our fears.

Q: How do I use color in tarot readings to interpret and address fears?

A: Incorporating color into tarot readings can offer valuable insights into fears. There are different tarot spreads specifically designed to explore and address fears, helping us uncover their root causes and develop strategies for personal growth and transformation.

Q: How can tarot card meanings help me understand and overcome my fears?

A: Tarot card meanings can provide a deeper understanding of fears. By studying specific cards that symbolize fear and exploring their interpretations, we can use this knowledge to confront and conquer our own fears in daily life.

Q: Are there specific tarot spreads for exploring fears?

A: Yes, there are tarot spreads specifically designed to help us explore and address our fears. These spreads provide insights into the root causes of our fears and offer guidance on how to overcome them, allowing us to gain clarity and find the strength to face our fears head-on.