How to Use Color to Remove Temptations From Your Life With Tarot?

Welcome to our guide on how to use color in tarot readings to overcome temptations and live a more balanced life. Color is a powerful tool that can help us gain deeper insights into our desires and identify areas of imbalance in our lives. By understanding the symbolism of color in tarot, we can tap into its energy to overcome our temptations and find inner harmony.

In this section, we will explore the connection between color and temptations in tarot readings. We will discuss how specific colors can reveal hidden desires and provide guidance on how to overcome them. By the end of this section, you will have a better understanding of how to leverage the power of color to find balance in your life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color plays a significant role in tarot readings when it comes to identifying and addressing our temptations.
  • Understanding the symbolism of color in tarot can reveal hidden desires and provide guidance on how to overcome them.
  • By utilizing the power of color symbolism, we can gain valuable insights into our desires and find ways to overcome them.

The Significance of Color in Tarot Readings

When it comes to tarot readings, color plays a significant role in providing valuable insights into our desires and temptations. Each tarot card is associated with specific colors, and understanding these color correspondences can deepen our understanding of the cards and ourselves.

For example, The Fool card is often associated with the color yellow, which symbolizes optimism, new beginnings, and adventure. The Death card, on the other hand, is commonly associated with the color black, which represents transformation and endings.

By paying attention to the colors in a tarot reading, we can gain a deeper understanding of the meanings behind the cards and how they relate to our own lives. Additionally, color symbolism can be used to identify and overcome our temptations.

For instance, if we find ourselves consistently drawn to the color red in a tarot reading, it may signify our desire for passion and excitement. However, this same color can also represent impulsivity and danger. By recognizing the various interpretations of colors in tarot, we can become more aware of our own tendencies and find ways to balance them.

Furthermore, the use of color in tarot readings can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. As we explore the color correspondences in the tarot deck, we can gain insight into our own subconscious desires and motivations.

Tarot cards and their associated colors

Overall, the significance of color in tarot readings cannot be overstated. By understanding the symbolism of different colors and their interpretations in tarot, we can gain deeper insights into ourselves and our temptations. The colors associated with each tarot card provide a rich tapestry of meaning and interpretation, allowing us to tap into the wisdom of the tarot to find balance in our lives.

Interpreting tarot cards with color symbolism

Exploring colors in the tarot deck can provide a wealth of knowledge when interpreting tarot cards. Each color holds its own symbolic meaning and can add depth to our readings. By understanding the symbolism of color in tarot interpretations, we can gain a greater understanding of our temptations and how to overcome them.

For example, the color red is often associated with passion and desire in tarot. When this color appears in a reading, it may indicate a strong temptation or desire that needs to be addressed. The Devil card, which often represents temptation and materialism, is typically depicted with a lot of red in the imagery.

On the other hand, blue is often associated with calm and serenity. If this color appears in a tarot reading, it may suggest that the querent needs to find more balance and peace in their life. The Hanged Man, which often represents sacrifice and letting go, is typically depicted with a lot of blue in the imagery.

It’s important to note that color correspondences in tarot can differ depending on the deck being used. For example, the Rider-Waite tarot deck has specific color associations for each card, while other decks may have variations of these color correspondences.

When interpreting tarot cards with color symbolism, it’s important to consider the overall context of the reading and how the colors fit into the narrative. By exploring colors in the tarot deck, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our temptations, leading us to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Interpreting Tarot Cards with Color Symbolism

Harnessing Color influences to ward off temptations

Now that we understand the significance of color in tarot readings, let’s explore practical ways to use color influences to ward off temptations. By incorporating color symbolism into your tarot practice, you can tap into the power of color to overcome your desires and create a more balanced life.

Here are some tips and techniques:

Tip Description
Choose a color theme Select a color theme for your tarot reading that relates to the areas of your life you want to focus on. For example, if you want to overcome a particular temptation related to work, select colors that correspond to career and success.
Visualize the color Close your eyes and visualize the color associated with the temptation you want to overcome. As you shuffle the tarot cards, imagine the color surrounding you, engulfing you in its energy.
Focus on the color As you draw each card, focus on the color and its symbolism. Consider how it relates to the temptation you are facing and what it is telling you about your desires.
Use color correspondences Consult a color correspondence chart to deepen your understanding of the symbolism of each color. Use this knowledge to interpret the tarot cards and gain insight into your temptations.

By using these techniques, you can harness the power of color symbolism in your tarot readings to overcome your temptations and find balance in your life.

Using color symbolism in tarot readings

Tarot Card Colors and Their Interpretations

Each tarot card is associated with specific colors that hold significant meaning and symbolism. Understanding the colors in tarot can provide valuable insights into our temptations, desires, and overall life balance. Here are some examples of tarot card colors and their interpretations:

Tarot Card Associated Color Interpretation
The Fool White Represents innocence, new beginnings, and a fresh start. Can also signify a lack of direction or naivety.
The Magician Red Symbolizes power, action, and manifestation. Can also suggest manipulation or deceit.
The High Priestess Blue Represents intuition, mystery, and inner wisdom. Can also suggest a lack of clarity or confusion.
The Empress Green Symbolizes abundance, growth, and nurturing. Can also suggest overindulgence or possessiveness.
The Tower Black Represents destruction, upheaval, and chaos. Can also suggest a necessary clearing out of the old to make way for the new.

By analyzing the colors in tarot, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our temptations. The colors provide a rich tapestry of interpretation that can help guide us towards a more balanced life.

tarot card with colors


In conclusion, we have seen how color can be used in tarot readings to identify and address our temptations. By understanding the symbolism of different colors in tarot, we can gain valuable insights into our desires and find ways to overcome them. Through the use of specific tarot cards and their associated colors, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our struggles.

Whether you are a tarot enthusiast or simply curious about the power of color, incorporating color symbolism into your tarot practice can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. By tapping into the wisdom of the tarot, we can find balance in our lives and overcome our temptations.

So next time you draw a tarot card, take a moment to consider the color symbolism and what it might be telling you. By paying attention to the colors in your tarot readings, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and create a more fulfilling life.


Q: How can I use color to remove temptations from my life with tarot?

A: Color can be a powerful tool in tarot readings to help identify and overcome temptations. By associating specific colors with different aspects of our lives, we can use tarot cards to gain insights into our desires and find ways to resist temptation.

Q: What is the significance of color in tarot readings?

A: Colors play a significant role in tarot readings as each tarot card is associated with specific colors. These colors provide valuable insights into our temptations and desires, allowing us to understand ourselves on a deeper level. By exploring the symbolism of different colors in tarot, we can gain a richer understanding of the messages the cards are conveying.

Q: How can I interpret tarot cards using color symbolism?

A: Interpreting tarot cards using color symbolism involves understanding the meanings and interpretations behind the colors associated with each card. By exploring the colors in the tarot deck and their symbolism, we can gain deeper insights into our temptations and find ways to overcome them.

Q: How can I harness color influences to ward off temptations?

A: To harness color influences in tarot readings to ward off temptations, you can incorporate color symbolism into your tarot practice. This can be done by focusing on specific colors during your readings or using colored objects or clothing to enhance the energy of the cards. By utilizing color symbolism, you can tap into the power of color to resist temptations and create a more balanced life.

Q: What are the interpretations of tarot card colors?

A: Tarot card colors have specific interpretations that can provide valuable insights into our temptations. By exploring the colors associated with each card, both in the major and minor arcana, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our desires. Understanding the color correspondences in tarot allows us to interpret the cards in a more nuanced way.