How to Use Color to Stimulate Your Spiritual Growth with Tarot?

As tarot enthusiasts, we know that each card is rich in symbolism, and one of the most powerful ways to interpret that symbolism is through the use of color. Understanding the spiritual meanings of tarot card colors can enhance our readings and deepen our spiritual growth.

The colors on each tarot card are not arbitrary; they are carefully chosen to convey specific meanings and messages. By paying attention to these colors and understanding their significance, we can gain deeper insight into the messages of each card and connect more deeply with our own spiritual journey.

In this article, we’ll explore how color can be used to stimulate our spiritual growth with tarot. We’ll look at the significance of color correspondences in tarot, the spiritual meanings of tarot card colors, and the role that color plays in tarot interpretations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color is an important aspect of tarot symbolism and can be used to enhance our readings.
  • Understanding the spiritual meanings of tarot card colors can help us connect more deeply with our own spiritual growth.
  • The use of color correspondences in tarot can help us to better understand the messages of each card.

The significance of color correspondences in tarot

Color corresponds in tarot are an important tool in understanding the spiritual meaning behind each card. Each color has a vibrational energy that resonates with the chakras in our body and can be used to stimulate our spiritual growth and understanding.

In tarot, each card is associated with a specific color or set of colors, which can provide insight into the card’s meaning and message. For example, the red and orange hues in the Magician card represent the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with personal power, confidence, and manifestation. The blue in the High Priestess card represents the third eye chakra, which is associated with intuition and inner wisdom.

By understanding the color correspondences in tarot, we can use this knowledge in our tarot readings to gain a deeper understanding of the messages and insights that the cards are providing us.

The connection between color correspondences and chakras

Chakras are energy centers in our body that correspond with different physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our being. Each chakra is associated with a specific color, which represents the vibrational energy of that chakra.

When we use color correspondences in tarot, we can tap into the energy of the corresponding chakra and use it to stimulate our own growth and understanding. For example, if we are struggling with self-expression, we might focus on the blue in the Throat Chakra card to help activate and balance that chakra.

Using color correspondences in tarot readings

Color correspondences can be a powerful tool in tarot readings. By paying attention to the colors in the cards and the corresponding chakras, we can gain deeper insights into the messages and meanings of the cards.

When we conduct a tarot reading, we can use the color correspondences to help us interpret the cards and gain a better understanding of the situations and energies that are present. For example, if we draw the Empress card, which is associated with green, we might interpret this as a sign of abundance, growth, and fertility, as these are all qualities associated with the heart chakra.

Overall, understanding the significance of color correspondences in tarot can help us to develop our spiritual awareness and deepen our understanding of the messages and insights provided by the cards.

tarot cards and chakras

Exploring the Spiritual Meanings of Tarot Card Colors

When we dive deeper into the spiritual side of tarot, we begin to understand that each card has its own energy and meaning. Colors play a significant role in this symbolism, as they can evoke certain emotions and trigger our intuition. Tarot and energy healing have been intertwined for centuries, and understanding the spiritual meanings of tarot card colors can add another layer to our readings.

For example, the color red is associated with passion, strength, and energy. In the tarot, the Knight of Wands is often depicted wearing red, symbolizing his adventurous and action-oriented nature. The color blue, on the other hand, represents calmness, intuition, and communication. The High Priestess is often depicted wearing blue, emphasizing her intuitive abilities and connection to the subconscious.

Green is a color that represents growth, balance, and healing. The Empress, who is associated with fertility and abundance, is often surrounded by greenery in tarot cards. Yellow, representing joy, success, and creativity, is often associated with the Sun card, which signifies growth and positivity.

Understanding the spiritual meanings of tarot card colors can also be helpful when working with energy healing practices. For example, if you are working on healing the heart chakra, which is associated with the color green, you could incorporate tarot cards that feature the color green into your meditation or energy healing practice.

Overall, exploring the spiritual meanings of tarot card colors can add depth and insight to our readings and energy healing practices. By recognizing the symbolism behind the colors, we can tap into our intuition and connect more deeply with the energies of the cards.

Exploring the spiritual side of tarot

The role of color in tarot interpretations

When it comes to tarot card interpretations, color plays a significant role. Each color has a unique energetic vibration that can affect how we interpret the meaning of a tarot card. By understanding the role of color in tarot, we can gain deeper insights into our readings and uncover hidden messages within the cards.

One way to incorporate color into your tarot readings is to consider the chakras. The chakras are energy centers throughout the body, each associated with a specific color. By using color correspondences in your tarot readings, you can tap into the chakras and gain a deeper understanding of the energetic influences at play in your life.

For example, the root chakra is associated with the color red, which represents grounding, stability, and security. If you draw a tarot card with a lot of red in it, it could indicate that you need to focus on these areas in your life. Alternatively, if you draw a card with a lot of blue, which is associated with the throat chakra and communication, it could suggest that you need to speak your truth and express yourself more fully.

Color can also be used to help us connect with the spiritual meanings of the cards. Each card in the tarot deck is associated with a particular color or range of colors, each of which has its own unique spiritual meaning. By studying the colors in each card, we can gain a deeper understanding of its message and how it relates to our spiritual growth.

For example, the Magician card is often associated with the color yellow, which represents intellect, communication, and creativity. By focusing on the yellow in this card, we can see that the Magician is a master of communication and creativity, able to channel his inner wisdom and manifest his desires. By incorporating the color yellow into our interpretation of this card, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the Magician’s power and potential.

In conclusion, color plays a vital role in tarot interpretations. Whether we are using color correspondences to tap into the chakras, exploring the spiritual meanings of the cards, or using color to gain deeper insights into our readings, understanding the role of color in tarot can help us unlock the hidden messages within the cards and connect more deeply with our spiritual selves.

tarot and energy healing


Using color in tarot can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and development. By understanding and incorporating the spiritual meanings of tarot card colors, you can deepen your connection to the cards and the messages they hold. Additionally, utilizing color correspondences in tarot readings can provide valuable insight into the energetic influences at play.

Remember that tarot is a personal and intuitive practice, and there are no strict rules when it comes to incorporating color. Ultimately, trust your instincts and allow color to guide you on your spiritual journey.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of color and spirituality in tarot. We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights and inspiration for your tarot practice.


Q: How can color be used to stimulate spiritual growth with tarot?

A: Color can be used in tarot to enhance the spiritual experience and deepen our connection to the cards. By incorporating color into our tarot practice, we can tap into the symbolism and energetic qualities that each color holds, allowing us to explore the spiritual aspects of the tarot cards and our own personal growth.

Q: What is the significance of color correspondences in tarot?

A: Color correspondences in tarot refer to the associations between different colors and specific tarot cards. These correspondences can be used to deepen our understanding of the cards and their meanings. For example, the color red is often associated with passion and action, so a card with predominantly red colors may indicate a situation that requires boldness and assertiveness.

Q: How can we explore the spiritual meanings of tarot card colors?

A: To explore the spiritual meanings of tarot card colors, we can reflect on the emotional and energetic qualities that each color represents. By studying the symbolism and associations of different colors, we can gain insight into the deeper spiritual messages and lessons that the tarot cards convey.

Q: What role does color play in tarot interpretations?

A: Color plays an important role in tarot interpretations as it adds depth and nuance to the messages of the cards. By paying attention to the colors present in a tarot reading, we can gain a deeper understanding of the emotions, energies, and themes that are being conveyed. Color can also help us tap into our intuition and connect with the spiritual aspects of the cards.