How to Use Color to Understand the Major Arcana in Tarot?

Welcome to our guide on leveraging color symbolism to interpret the major arcana cards in tarot. As tarot readers, we know that understanding the meanings and symbolism of each card is crucial to providing accurate and insightful readings. However, color can add another layer of depth to our interpretations and provide valuable insights into the querent’s situation.

In this article, we’ll explore the symbolism of color in tarot, provide an overview of the major arcana cards, delve into the specific color associations found in each card, and discuss how to enhance tarot readings with color symbolism. We’ll also provide examples of color interpretations in tarot to give you a better understanding of how to apply this technique in your own practice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Color can enhance the interpretation process of tarot readings and provide valuable insights into the querent’s situation.
  • Understanding the symbolism of color in tarot is important for interpreting the major arcana cards.
  • The major arcana cards represent major life lessons or themes, and color can deepen our understanding of these cards.
  • Specific color associations can be found in each major arcana card, and knowing these associations can reveal deeper insights and nuances in readings.
  • Color can influence mood, perception, and intuition, and leveraging this knowledge can enhance tarot readings.
  • By incorporating color symbolism into tarot readings, readers can provide more accurate and insightful interpretations.

The Symbolism of Color in Tarot

When it comes to interpreting tarot cards, symbolism is key. The use of color in tarot is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it also conveys specific meanings and emotions. Understanding the symbolism of color in tarot can deepen the interpretation of the major arcana cards and reveal new insights.

The use of color in tarot has been influenced by various traditions, including astrology, numerology, and Kabbalah. Each color has its own symbolism, such as red representing passion, action, and energy, while blue represents calmness, communication, and intuition.

In tarot, color associations are particularly significant in the major arcana cards. The colors used in these cards are carefully chosen to represent the themes and lessons they convey. For example, the High Priestess card is often depicted in shades of blue and grey, symbolizing intuition, mystery, and wisdom.

Card Color Associations
The Fool White, yellow, orange, red
The Magician Red, white, yellow
The High Priestess Blue, grey

As tarot readers, we can use color associations to enhance our interpretation of the major arcana cards. By paying attention to the colors used in the cards and understanding their symbolism, we can glean deeper insights into the themes and messages they represent.

However, it is important to remember that color associations in tarot are not fixed or universal. Different decks and readers may have different color associations for the same card, based on their interpretation and intuition. Therefore, it is always helpful to trust our own instincts and personal experiences when interpreting tarot cards.

Next, we will explore the major arcana cards in more detail and how color associations can aid in their interpretation.

tarot color symbolism

Understanding the Major Arcana

Before we dive into the fascinating world of color symbolism in tarot, let’s first take a moment to understand the major arcana cards. These cards are the 22 trump cards in a standard tarot deck, each representing a major life lesson or theme.

It’s important to note that although each major arcana card has a specific meaning, interpretation is subjective and can vary depending on the reader and context of the reading. The meanings we assign to tarot cards are not set in stone but rather a guide to help us tap into our intuition and gain deeper insights into ourselves and the world around us.

When interpreting tarot cards, it’s helpful to consider the artwork on the card, the symbols present, and the overall tone conveyed. Major arcana cards often depict significant moments or turning points in our lives, and understanding their meanings can provide invaluable guidance and clarity.

For example, the Fool card represents new beginnings, taking risks, and following your intuition. It’s a card of optimism and adventure, urging us to take that leap of faith and trust in the journey.

On the other hand, the Tower card represents sudden upheavals, destruction, and chaos. It’s a card that reminds us that sometimes we need to experience pain and upheaval in order to grow and rebuild.

Interpreting tarot cards can be a complex and multifaceted process, but with practice and patience, it can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

tarot card meanings

Now that we have a basic understanding of the major arcana cards, let’s explore how color can enhance our interpretations and understanding of these powerful cards.

Exploring color associations in the major arcana

Now that we have discussed the symbolism of color in tarot and the significance of the major arcana cards, let’s delve into the specific color associations found in these cards. By understanding the predominant colors in each major arcana card, we can deepen our interpretation and gain a greater understanding of the messages they convey.

Card Color Potential Interpretations
The Fool White Purity, new beginnings, freedom from limiting beliefs
The Magician Red Energy, power, passion, manifestation
The High Priestess Blue Intuition, mystery, secrets, wisdom
The Empress Green Growth, abundance, fertility, nourishment
The Emperor Gold Authority, leadership, stability, achievement
The Hierophant Purple Spirituality, tradition, education, guidance

It’s important to note that while these color associations are commonly used, they are not set in stone. As each reader develops their own intuition and personal associations, they may interpret the colors differently or assign new meanings to them.

When interpreting tarot cards, we can use these color associations as a starting point and supplement them with other visual cues and intuitive insights. For example, if we draw the Death card and notice that it features a lot of black and white, we may interpret it as a transformational process that requires letting go of old patterns and embracing new beginnings. Alternatively, we may see a pop of red in the card and view it as a sign of passion and intensity in this process.

tarot card colors and interpretations

By exploring color associations in the major arcana, we can unlock deeper insights into the messages and themes of each card. By combining our knowledge of color symbolism with our intuition and personal experience, we can develop a rich and nuanced understanding of the tarot.

The psychology of color in tarot

In tarot, color symbolism plays a significant role in enhancing our interpretations of the cards. Color can influence mood, perception, and intuition, and understanding the psychology of color can help us deepen our understanding of tarot readings.

Each color has its own psychological associations. For example, red is often associated with passion and intensity, while blue is associated with calmness and serenity. These associations may vary depending on cultural and personal experiences, but they can still provide valuable insights into tarot card meanings.

When we incorporate color into our tarot readings, we can leverage these psychological associations to amplify the emotional impact of the cards. For example, if a card is mostly blue, we might interpret it as representing a moment of calm or introspection. If it is mostly red, we might interpret it as representing a moment of passion or action.

It’s important to note that color interpretation in tarot is not an exact science. As with all aspects of tarot, it’s ultimately up to the reader’s intuition and personal experiences to determine what the colors mean for them.

However, by understanding the psychology of color in tarot, we can develop a deeper appreciation for the symbolism in the cards and enhance our ability to interpret them.

color psychology in tarot

The colors in tarot can have a significant impact on our interpretations of the cards. By understanding the psychology of color and incorporating it into our readings, we can deepen our understanding of the symbolism in the cards and provide more insightful and nuanced readings.

Enhancing tarot readings with color symbolism

As we have explored, color is a powerful tool in interpreting the major arcana cards in tarot. By understanding the symbolism of different colors and their associations with specific themes and emotions, we can deepen our understanding of the cards and uncover hidden meanings in readings.

Here are some practical tips for incorporating color symbolism into your tarot practice:

  • Pay attention to the predominant colors in each card and what they represent. For example, the red in The Devil card can symbolize passion, desire, or danger, while the blue in The Star card can represent hope, inspiration, or spirituality.
  • Consider how the colors interact with each other in a spread. Do they complement or clash with each other? This can reveal insights into the relationships and dynamics between the cards.
  • Use color correspondences to enhance your intuition. For example, if you associate green with growth and abundance, you might interpret a green-colored card as a positive omen for financial or personal growth.
  • Experiment with creating your own color associations based on your personal experiences and intuition. Keep a journal of your readings and note how different colors affect your interpretations over time.

Remember, the use of color in tarot is a highly subjective practice, and there is no one “right” way to interpret it. However, by incorporating color symbolism into your readings, you can deepen your understanding of the cards and unlock new insights into yourself and the world around you.

tarot card with color symbolism

Examples of Color Interpretations in Tarot

Now that we have a better understanding of the symbolism of color in tarot and how it relates to the major arcana cards, let’s take a look at some examples of color interpretations in action.

One of the most recognizable cards in the major arcana is the Temperance card. This card typically features an angel or other divine figure pouring water between two cups, representing balance and harmony. The predominant colors in this card are blue and white, which can be interpreted as representing calmness, purity, and spirituality.

However, the presence of orange and yellow in some versions of the Temperance card can also add another layer of symbolism. These colors are associated with creativity, confidence, and energy, suggesting that the angelic figure is not just calm and serene, but also active and dynamic in their pursuit of balance.

Another example is the Death card, which is often depicted with a skeletal figure holding a scythe. The color black is dominant in this card, representing the end of a cycle or phase. However, the presence of white in the card can provide a contrasting interpretation, suggesting that death is not just an ending, but also a new beginning or a transition to a higher state of being.

Similarly, the Magician card often features a figure holding a wand or other tool, surrounded by symbols of the four elements. The predominant colors in this card are red and white, which can be interpreted as representing action, passion, and purity of intent. However, the presence of yellow in the card can also suggest intelligence and mental clarity, indicating that the Magician is not just a master of the physical realm, but also a skilled and strategic thinker.

tarot cards and crystals

As you can see, color interpretations can add depth and complexity to tarot readings, providing insights and perspectives that might not be immediately apparent based on card imagery alone. By paying attention to color associations and understanding their symbolism, you can develop a more nuanced and nuanced tarot practice.

  • Blue and white in the Temperance card can represent calmness, purity, and spirituality.
  • Orange and yellow in some versions of the Temperance card can also suggest creativity, confidence, and energy.
  • Black in the Death card represents the end of a cycle or phase, while white can suggest a new beginning or transition.
  • Red and white in the Magician card can represent action, passion, and purity of intent, while yellow can suggest intelligence and mental clarity.

“Color interpretations can add depth and complexity to tarot readings, providing insights and perspectives that might not be immediately apparent based on card imagery alone.”


We hope this article has helped you understand how to use color to interpret the major arcana in tarot. As we’ve seen, color symbolism can add depth and nuance to tarot readings, helping us gain insight into the meanings of each card. By exploring the psychological effects of color and developing our own associations based on intuition and personal experiences, we can enhance our tarot practice and provide more meaningful readings for ourselves and others.

Remember, when interpreting tarot cards, it’s important to consider the context of the reading and the specific question being asked. While color can provide valuable clues and insights, it’s just one aspect of tarot symbolism. Combining color interpretations with other traditional meanings and personal intuition can help us unlock the full potential of each card.

So next time you conduct a tarot reading, take a moment to observe the colors present in the cards and consider their potential meanings. We hope you find this approach helpful and enriching, and we encourage you to further explore the fascinating world of tarot color symbolism.

Thank you for reading!


Q: How can I use color to understand the major arcana in tarot?

A: Understanding color symbolism and its association with the major arcana cards can enhance your interpretation process. By paying attention to the colors present in the cards and their meanings, you can gain deeper insights into the messages they convey.

Q: What is the symbolism of color in tarot?

A: Color symbolism in tarot refers to the meanings and emotions associated with different colors. Each color evokes specific feelings and can convey different messages in tarot readings. By understanding the symbolism of colors, you can add layers of interpretation to your tarot practice.

Q: How can I understand the major arcana in tarot?

A: The major arcana cards represent significant life lessons and themes. To interpret them effectively, it is essential to familiarize yourself with their meanings and symbolism. By studying the major arcana, you can deepen your understanding of the tarot and unlock profound insights during readings.

Q: How do I explore color associations in the major arcana?

A: Exploring color associations in the major arcana involves analyzing the predominant colors in each card and understanding their potential interpretations. By paying attention to color symbolism and incorporating it into your readings, you can gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed by the major arcana.

Q: What is the psychology of color in tarot?

A: The psychology of color in tarot explores how colors can influence mood, perception, and intuition. By understanding the psychological effects of color, tarot readers can use it to create a specific atmosphere during readings and tap into the emotions and subconscious of the querent.

Q: How can I enhance tarot readings with color symbolism?

A: To enhance your tarot readings with color symbolism, you can incorporate specific colors that align with the meanings of the cards. By using color associations consciously, you can deepen the interpretation of the cards and provide more nuanced insights to your clients.

Q: Can you provide examples of color interpretations in tarot?

A: Certainly! One example of color interpretation in tarot is associating the color blue with calmness and introspection in the Fool card, representing a sense of freedom and new beginnings. Another example is linking the color red with passion and desire in the Empress card, symbolizing fertility and creative energy.

Q: What is the conclusion of using color to understand the major arcana in tarot?

A: In conclusion, incorporating color symbolism into your tarot practice can deepen your understanding of the major arcana and enhance your readings. By paying attention to the colors present in the cards and their associated meanings, you can unlock deeper insights and provide more comprehensive interpretations.