What Are the Meanings of Cool Colors in Tarot, Such as Blue, Green, and Purple?

When it comes to tarot card readings, color can play a significant role in interpreting the messages conveyed by the cards. Cool colors, such as blue, green, and purple, have their own unique meanings and symbolism within the tarot system. Understanding these colors and their associations can deepen your understanding of tarot card interpretations and provide insights into various aspects of life.

For instance, blue is often associated with emotions, intuition, and the spiritual realm. Green is connected to growth, abundance, and the natural world. Purple is linked to mysticism, transformation, and connection to the divine.

By learning the meanings of cool colors in tarot, you can gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed in your readings and how they relate to different aspects of your life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cool colors, such as blue, green, and purple, have unique meanings and symbolism within the tarot system.
  • Understanding the associations of these colors can enhance your understanding of tarot card interpretations.
  • Blue is linked to emotions, intuition, and the spiritual realm, while green is connected to growth, abundance, and the natural world. Purple is associated with mysticism, transformation, and connection to the divine.

Understanding the Cool Color Palette in Tarot

In tarot readings, cool colors such as blue, green, and purple play an important role in conveying meaning and symbolism. The cool color palette is known for its calming and soothing effects, which can help to provide a sense of balance and harmony in tarot readings. Let’s explore the different shades of blue and green used in tarot decks, and the associations and symbolism they hold within the tarot system.

Blue and Green Colors in Tarot

The colors blue and green are commonly found in tarot decks, often representing different aspects of life and the universe. Blue is associated with emotions, intuition, and the spiritual realm, while green is linked to growth, abundance, and the natural world. Both colors can be used to gain insight into the querent’s emotional and spiritual state, and to provide guidance on how to move forward in life.

When combined, blue and green can create a sense of balance and harmony, representing the contrasting but complementary forces of water and earth. These colors can be particularly powerful in tarot readings that focus on the balance between emotion and practicality, or on achieving a sense of peace and calm in difficult situations.

Cool Color Associations in Tarot

Within the cool color palette, each shade holds its own unique associations and symbolism. Lighter shades of blue and green are often associated with calmness and tranquility, while darker shades can represent emotional depth and complexity. Similarly, lighter shades of purple can symbolize spirituality and intuition, while darker shades can denote mystery and transformation.

cool color palette in tarot

When interpreting tarot cards, it’s important to consider the shade of cool colors used and the specific associations they hold. By paying attention to these subtle details, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages conveyed by the cards.

The Meaning of Blue in Tarot Card Interpretations

Blue is a cool color that is often associated with calmness, tranquility, and communication. In tarot card interpretations, the color blue can provide insights into emotions, intuition, and spiritual matters.

Light blue is a color of mental clarity and communication. It is often associated with the throat chakra, which governs our ability to speak our truth and express ourselves. In tarot readings, the appearance of light blue may indicate a need for clear communication or the importance of speaking honestly and openly.

Dark blue, on the other hand, is a color of wisdom, depth, and contemplation. It is linked to the third eye chakra, which is connected to intuition and spiritual insight. When dark blue appears in a tarot reading, it may suggest the need for introspection, meditation, or the exploration of spiritual truths.

The appearance of blue in tarot card readings can also indicate a need for calmness and balance. It can represent the need to seek inner peace, let go of emotional turmoil, and trust in the universal flow of life.

blue color in tarot

Overall, the significance of cool tones in tarot readings is vast and varied. By understanding the meanings and symbolism of blue and other cool colors in tarot, we can gain deeper insights into our emotions, relationships, and spiritual paths.

Exploring the Symbolism of Green in Tarot

As we continue our exploration of cool colors in tarot, let’s now take a closer look at the color green and its symbolism in the tarot deck. Often associated with balance and growth, the color green can provide valuable insights into matters of the heart, nature, and prosperity.

When interpreting tarot cards with green tones, it’s important to consider the shade of green. Lighter greens often represent new growth, fresh starts, and abundance. In contrast, darker greens may signify jealousy, envy, or lack of growth.

One of the most commonly recognized green cards in the tarot deck is The Emperor. This powerful Major Arcana card signifies authority, leadership, and stability. The card’s green robe and scepter reinforce these characteristics, as green represents growth, stability, and balance.

green color in tarot

Another card that prominently features the color green is The Hierophant. This card represents traditions, religion, and institutions, and is often associated with the ability to teach and learn. The green in this card can indicate growth and learning within such established systems.

Overall, the color green in tarot interpretations provides a wealth of symbolism and nuance. By considering shades of green in card interpretations, we can gain insights into growth, prosperity, and balance.

Next, we’ll take a deep dive into the meaning of purple in tarot card readings.

The Power of Purple in Tarot Card Readings

When it comes to cool colors in tarot, the color purple holds a special place in many readings. Purple is often associated with mysticism, spirituality, and transformation, making it a powerful tool for exploring the deeper aspects of life and the self.

In tarot card interpretations, purple can be indicative of spiritual growth, psychic abilities, and insights that come from a higher source. This cool color can also represent mystery and the unknown, encouraging us to explore the hidden depths of our psyche and the universe.

Like other cool colors, the shade of purple can also play a role in tarot card readings. For example, a deep, rich purple might indicate an intense spiritual experience or a connection to a higher power, while a lighter, lavender shade might suggest a softer, more intuitive approach to life.

purple color in tarot

When interpreting the meaning of purple in tarot, it’s important to consider the context of the card and the overall energy of the reading. Depending on the cards that surround it, purple can take on different meanings and offer unique insights into the situation at hand.

Overall, the power of purple in tarot card readings lies in its ability to access the spiritual and mystical aspects of life. By incorporating this cool color into your tarot practice, you can deepen your connection to the universe and gain greater insight into the mysteries of the world.

Cool Color Combinations and Interpretations

The use of color combinations can have a powerful impact on the interpretation of tarot cards. In particular, the pairing of cool colors with warm colors can create intricate symbolism that enriches the overall reading experience. In this section, we will explore some of the most common cool color combinations and their interpretations in tarot readings.

Blue and Yellow

Blue and yellow are complementary colors that often appear together in tarot decks. Blue represents intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight, while yellow symbolizes clarity, energy, and positive growth. When these two colors appear together, they can signify a moment of revelation or a sudden burst of inspiration. This combination can also represent a balance between intellect and action, encouraging the reader to trust their intuition while taking decisive steps towards their goals.

Green and Red

Green and red are opposing colors that create a sense of tension and contrast in tarot readings. Green represents growth, healing, and abundance, while red symbolizes passion, courage, and power. When these two colors appear together, they can suggest a situation of conflict or competition. This combination can also represent the struggle between the desire for growth and the fear of change. The reader may need to make a difficult choice or take a calculated risk in order to achieve their goals.

Purple and Orange

Purple and orange are complementary colors that create a sense of balance and harmony in tarot readings. Purple represents spirituality, transformation, and creativity, while orange symbolizes energy, joy, and enthusiasm. When these two colors appear together, they can suggest a moment of personal awakening or a burst of creative inspiration. This combination can also represent the integration of spiritual and physical energies, encouraging the reader to pursue their goals with confidence and passion.

As with any color combination, the interpretation of cool colors in tarot readings will depend on the specific context and the surrounding cards. However, by understanding the symbolism of cool colors and their interactions with warm colors, readers can unlock a deeper level of meaning and insight in their tarot practice.

tarot cards

Enhancing Your Tarot Readings with Cool Colors

If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of tarot card interpretations, incorporating cool colors can be a powerful tool. Understanding color symbolism in tarot can provide nuanced insights into relationships, emotions, and personal growth. By incorporating cool colors like blue, green, and purple into your tarot readings, you can unlock deeper connections within the tarot deck.

When interpreting tarot cards, consider the colors used in the deck. Cool colors like blue can represent emotions and intuition. Greens may represent growth, abundance, and healing, while purples can symbolize spirituality and transformation. Paying attention to the color symbolism can enhance your overall interpretation of the tarot cards and provide a more nuanced understanding of the message they’re trying to convey.

When using cool colors in your tarot readings, it’s important to consider not only the individual colors but also how they interact with each other. For example, a blue and green combination could represent healing emotions, while purple and blue could indicate spiritual growth.

tarot cards

Integrating cool colors into your tarot readings doesn’t have to be complicated. To start, consider selecting a tarot deck that includes cool colors or adding cool-colored accessories like a blue or green tarot cloth. As you become more comfortable using color symbolism, you may find yourself seeking out cool-colored clothing or jewelry to wear during your tarot readings.

Using cool colors in your tarot readings can add depth and meaning to your practice. By exploring the symbolism of blue, green, and purple, you can gain a better understanding of the messages conveyed by tarot cards, and start incorporating color interpretations into your practice.


We hope that this exploration of cool colors in tarot has provided you with a deeper understanding of the symbolism and meaning behind these colors. Blue, green, and purple are powerful colors that can enhance your tarot readings by illuminating emotions, intuition, spirituality, growth, and transformation.

As you continue your journey with tarot, we encourage you to experiment with incorporating cool colors into your readings. Consider the color combinations within the tarot deck and how they influence the overall interpretation of a reading. By utilizing color symbolism, you can unlock deeper insights and connections within the tarot deck.

Remember, tarot is a personal and intuitive practice, and there is no right or wrong way to interpret the cards. Embrace your own unique perspective and explore the symbolism of cool colors in a way that resonates with you.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery and exploration in the world of tarot.


Q: What are the meanings of cool colors in tarot, such as blue, green, and purple?

A: Cool colors in tarot, such as blue, green, and purple, hold significant symbolism and meanings in tarot card interpretations. Blue is often associated with emotions, intuition, and spiritual matters. Green represents growth, abundance, healing, and the natural world. Purple is linked to spirituality, mysticism, and transformation.

Q: How do cool colors enhance tarot card interpretations?

A: Cool colors can enhance tarot card interpretations by providing deeper insights and connections within the tarot deck. They add layers of meaning and symbolism to the cards, enabling a more nuanced understanding of relationships, emotions, and personal growth. By incorporating cool colors into your readings, you can enrich the overall impact and depth of your tarot practice.

Q: What is the significance of the color blue in tarot card readings?

A: Blue holds significance in tarot card readings as it represents emotions, intuition, and spiritual matters. Different shades of blue can convey different meanings, such as light blue symbolizing tranquility and calmness, while dark blue may signify depth and wisdom. The color blue can provide insights into emotional states, intuitive guidance, and the exploration of spiritual topics in tarot readings.

Q: How does the color green relate to tarot card interpretations?

A: In tarot card interpretations, the color green is associated with growth, abundance, healing, and the natural world. Various shades of green can convey different aspects, such as light green symbolizing new beginnings and growth, while dark green may represent stability and prosperity. The color green in tarot can illuminate messages related to personal development, environmental connections, and the cycles of nature.

Q: What is the significance of the color purple in tarot card readings?

A: Purple holds a powerful significance in tarot card readings, representing spirituality, mysticism, and transformation. Shades of purple can convey different aspects, such as light purple symbolizing intuition and spirituality, while dark purple may denote mystery and spiritual growth. The color purple in tarot can provide deeper insights into the spiritual aspects of life and guide individuals on their transformative journeys.

Q: How do cool color combinations impact tarot card interpretations?

A: Cool color combinations in tarot card readings play a significant role in influencing the overall interpretation of a reading. When cool colors interact with warm colors in tarot spreads, intricate symbolism arises. Understanding the dynamics of color combinations can help interpret how different energies and emotions interact, creating a more nuanced and holistic understanding of the cards.

Q: How can I incorporate cool colors into my tarot readings?

A: To incorporate cool colors into your tarot readings, you can utilize color symbolism to deepen your understanding of the cards. Pay attention to the cool colors present in the cards and explore their meanings and associations. Use these insights to interpret the emotions, relationships, and spiritual aspects depicted in the cards, adding a new layer of depth and resonance to your readings.